We'll Wave Hello to the World

Chapter One:

Have you ever felt like flying? To be above everything, to look at the secen ahead of you in a different point of view? Where being on some strangers shoulders just doesn't quiet cut it? I have and actually that's how I feel at this moment in my life.

"Hey Clark?" I attempted to look down at the boy who oh-so-kindly let me sit on his shoulders, "You should help me surf the crowd!"
"Hey Red. My name's not Clark, it's Kent!" I felt him shift his weight from one foot to the other.
"Can-it Superman and help me!" If I was even the slightest bit lucky I could calm my feelings of 'flying' and just maybe get to the front of the stage.

If you happened to be an innocent bi-stander watching as a boy, not so kindly, tried to help me surf the crowd you would have been on the ground clutching your stomach from laughing so hard.
Kent attempted to push me farther in to the air by my legs but soon found it useless.
"You better watch your hands mister!" I snapped at him when he decided hoisting me up by my butt was the only way.
"The sooner you're off my shoulder the sooner I can actually enjoy this!" He grunted as he gave me one last push before the crowd slowly carried me away. The last image I saw of Kent was with a relieved smile etched on his face.

From up here the view was better, but uncomfortable. If I surfed the crowd until the front, I had a lot more hair pulling, butt touching hands waiting. With my stomach towards the sky and my arms stretched out like wings I felt a slight feeling of 'flying'. My vision of Christofer Drew on stage appeared as if he were playing his guitar while staying balanced on his head.
The view of him and my excitement began to grow.
At this exact moment in all my twenty years is when I actually started to live. Where I was on the path to do things I wanted to do, take the adventures I stored in my brain. I had been so close and with one more final pull of my hair I felt the violating hands of the crowd no more. I had lost my sense of flying and now knew what it, sort of, felt like when you jumped out of a plane. But on my way down, I hit something before the ground broke my fall.
My head was throbbing from the impact of the foreign object that I struck on my way down. My temples began to pound as my hands, massaging them, tired to seize the pain. My eyes drifted to a girl mirroring my actions in front of me. Her head was what had hit my head.

"Holy crap dude! You've got a hard head!" I grimaced as I stood up slowly.
"Thanks," the stranger said as she took my hand that offered to help her up.
"Addison," I shook her hand thinking she would understand that I was introducing myself.
"Um, I'm not Addison, I'm Melody." She gave me a look that screamed I'm-Going-To-Keep-Smiling-In-Case-She-Blows-Up!
Her face what priceless causing me to let out a string of chuckles, "No I mean I'm Addison."
"I knew that," She playfully slapped my arm, "I was just testing you!"
♠ ♠ ♠
It's short and it's one in the morning....
blah blah blah

So Addison and Melody are best friends from here on out
And there's a lot a trouble they will be getting into
Can you handle it?
Psh Posh of course you can : )