We'll Wave Hello to the World

Chapter Two:

I smiled at Addison as I rubbed my head. It was still throbbing from our recent head bump. She smiled back at me. She seemed friendly enough, so talking to her might not kill me. We started to walk away from NSN’s stage, in search of another stage. While talking to her I found out she was my musical soul mate. I hadn’t met a person like her in years.

She was different than most. She and I hit it off right away. She claimed me as her “Twin,” and so now I have a best friend I can rely on. Despite the fact she and I are from different parts of the country. We discussed all the bands we had obsessions with, our favorite songs, all that jazz. We came across the Hey Monday stage as we were talking.

“Oh my gosh! I love them!” I squealed. Addison looked at me.

“Me too! Let’s go!” She grabbed my wrist and dragged me through the crowd. We ended up near the front after she had shoved through. She accidentally let go of my wrist and we were separated.

“Melody!” I heard her scream. I shoved my way through and found her. She and I stayed together as we sang along with Cassadee. Of course when at Warped Tour somebody has to start a mosh pit, and we got caught into it.

I held onto Addison the whole time. We were pushed around, shoved, and hit in places we shouldn’t have been hit. I had a water bottle in my hand and we I thought the moshing was over I tried to take a sip. But some guy pushed me and the water flew onto the stage. Cassadee slipped and fell on her butt. Because of me! I felt so embarressed, I hope she forgave me.

Addison jumped onto the stage, yelling appologizes for the both of us.

“Cassadee! Oh my gosh! Melody didn’t mean too! Somebody pushed her!”

“Ha,” She laughed, a reaction I didn’t expect. “Girls no worries!” She smiled. But as she did the guards grabbed us and threw us out. We weren’t allowed back there again, so that was a bust.

“Great…Just great,” I mumbled.

“Hey, why the long face?” Addison asked me.
“We got kicked out of the concert. I was looking forward to seeing them…”

“There’s always next year! Don’t worry we have so many more bands to see.”


We started walking around and ended up at the TWLOHA booth. Someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned to see Cassadee smiling. I almost screamed in shock, but I held it in.

“Hey, you two are the ones who got kicked out right?”

“Yeah,” I answered.

“Well I am soooo sorry about that! I feel awful! It was an accident, stupid guards…”

“It was.”

“I wanna make it up to you girls. Come and hang with the band and I today,” She smiled.

Oh my gosh. I swear I almost died.
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