We'll Wave Hello to the World

Chapter Four:

So falling asleep was pretty hard to do this night. I’ve never really been more excited as I was today, no joke. I hung out with one of my favorite bands, they exchanges numbers with us, and by us I mean Addison and I. Another thing, I just met Addison and it’s like we were separated at birth or something! She and I have this really odd connection…I guess I can now consider her my best friend. Yeah, I just met my best friend through a concert, while bumping heads. Weird way to meet a friend don’t you think?

I think so…

So due to my lack of sleep, the next morning was horrible. I didn’t want to get up at all. Addison nagged me to, saying something about a band who was signing autographs. I was reluctant to get up and go, for the fear of hurting another musician. I am such a klutz, but I accept myself as I am. As others should… But I jolted awake as Addison mentioned the name of the band, whom I was dearly in love with.

“No way! They’re signing autographs?! Where? Holy, I’ve got to shower, comb my hair, and pick out an outfit!” I began to gush, something I did when I was nervous or overly excited. She laughed and shook her head.

“Excited now?”

“Uh, duh! Forever The Sickest Kids is my all time favorite band! I love them more than I love myself!”

She laughed again as I ran to the shower. I think I showered faster than I ever had in my life and picked the nicest outfit I had at the moment. My hair was a mess, so I just had to brush it out. Thank heavens for naturally straight hair. I put my contacts on and did the little make up I had. I wasn’t satisfied. But when was I ever. I stole a last glace of myself and walked out. Addison was sitting on the bed and smiled when I came out.

“Hey Miss. Pretty,” She giggled.

“I wish!” We linked arms and walked out. The address of the signing wasn’t that far, so we walked. There was no need for a bus when it was such a beautiful day out.

“So who’s your fave from FTSK?” Addison asked.

“It’s between Jonathan, Caleb, and Austin. But all of them are just so amazing! You?”

“Mr. Kyle Burns. He’s just…wow…”She replied, obviously going into a daydream about Kyle. I giggled and found that we were at the signing. Girls were lined up already as we got into place. Addison and I shrugged and just stood there.

As we waited Cassadee text me. I know! She text me! Ha, I know, I’m dorky…

Hey Melody!

Hey Cassadee!

What’s up?

Addy and I are here waiting for an ftsk signing, so long!

Ah I know haha having fun?

Eh, haha

The band and I had a great time last night! We so have to do it again, you guys are cooler than anybody else we’ve met!

Aw thanks so much! We had an uber time too.

Yeah, we’ll call you guys when we have time, so time like this week sound good?

Yeah! Fur sure!

We text for a while and finally the line started moving. At some point Addison said something about wanting more time with FTSK.

“Ha, how are you gonna get the time? By kidnapping them?” I joked. But she looked at me as if she saw God.

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Uh oh! Suspense!!