We'll Wave Hello to the World

Chapter Six

We smiled and thanked the boys for the table cloth full of their signatures. Holding it made me want to scream for two things:

1) Forever The Sickest Kids just singed something us.
2) We were about to attempt to kidnap these amazing boys.

Isn’t life swell?

After the signing went headed back to the hotel. Addison and I hopped into a cab because we thought people might steal our cloth and think we were weird for even carrying it around. The hotel was as fresh as a morning breeze and it was cool on my burning skin. I went to the rest room to take off my clothes and take another shower. After successfully washing off all the sticky sweat and throwing on some slacker clothes, Addison and I had a conversation I wasn’t going to forget.

“Kidnapping them will be easy Melody!” She looked at me with a playful smile.

“I don’t see how kidnapping a well known band is going to be easy! The only easy it will be is getting us in jail easy!”

I made no sense when I said that, but when I panic I hardly make sense.

“Chill! It’ll be easy! I promise you that!”

“Do you? Because I am not ready to go to jail! I never will be!”

“Trust me, okay?”

For a moment I doubted her sincerity, not because of the plan but because usually trusting someone I just met is a bit odd to me. But trusting Addison was easy because I knew she meant it, she was like my sister after all. I nodded and watched the window as she got up to shower. This wasn’t going to be easy…

We found out FTSK was going on a road tour and Addison and I decided to follow. Yes we were going to do it. But we had no way of getting to every city. As we were walking down the street one day we ran into Jersey and Cassadee, they ran up to us with much enthusiasm.

“Melody! Addison!” Cassadee yelled as loud as she could. Jersey laughed and followed her as she ran to us.

“Hey!” We both said. We hugged and greeted each other.

“So where you girls headed?” Jersey asked.

Addison and I looked at each other, a plan obviously steaming up. So I took charge today.

“Oh were headed back home…But we have no ride…” I said in a false sad tone. They bought it.

“Really, well we can give you a ride, or something,” Cassadee smiled. Damn it, I was good.

“Seriously! Thanks so much!” Addison and I attacked them with hugs. Our plan was in action…
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Soooo sorry about the lack of updation!
School's a killer!
Hoped ya liked it!!