Status: re-writing, active

Can't Have You

Chapter 4

"I quit." I said and turned my heels, leaving the stage.

"Layla!" I could hear Gabriel's voice as he tried to chase me.

He gripped my wrist and made me to turn around, "What?! I'm tired of all this shit and I quit now! I still have something important to do than this!" I spatted at him and he let out a sigh.

He squeezed my hand, "I know, Layla. I know. Can we talk about this later?" He asked and I shook my head. I really wanted to get out now, "Fine. How about now?" I gave a slight nod and watched him as he ran to the stage and said something to Mrs. S. Yeah, he called her Mrs. S. It's kinda weird sometimes.

"Hey, you okay?" Amy asked as she stood in front of me, "You just made a right decision. I quit too." I turned my face at her with eyes widened.

"Are you serious?" I asked and she nodded.

"I did it because I still have another task to do. Physics project, making song with you, and the other courses. I quit because I'm tired with all the practice. It's wasting my time." She rambled and I gave her a smile. Yes, she's right. I had the same reasons with her.

"I'm feeling so good that I finally quit from this. I've never want to join it before." I said as Gabriel ran to me and smiled.

"Let's go." He said and took my hand. I smiled at Amy as I walked out from the hall then leaving the school. There's an ice cream parlor near our school and I know he'll take me to that place.

We walked in silence and he just intertwined our fingers as we walked. He must be disappointed because of my decision to leave the dance thingy. I loved to dance but I just didn't wanna be in that group. I didn't a type a girl who like to be in a crowded place and had to be in a group of someone I didn't know. I just like to be alone, read my book or play my guitar and make some music.

He opened the door as we walked in to the ice cream parlor. The place wasn't so crowded like usual so we could choose our booth. I walked to the corner of the room and sat on a booth as Gabriel ordered our ice cream. On a second later, he brought a chocolate ice cream for me and a vanilla ice cream for himself.

"For you." He said as he gave me my ice cream. I mumbled a 'thank you' and gave him a small smile. I ate my ice cream silently before he cleared his throat and made me look at him.

"I'm sorry." I said to him quietly and avoided his eye contact. He titled his head to the side, trying to read my expression. He took my hand, squeezing it as I looked away to the window.

"I know you love to dance, but why you quit from the group? Is there something you don't like about it?" He asked, making me turn to face him.

I shook my head, "Yes, you're right. But I just want to quit. There's nothing I don't like about it, everything is fine. But I guess, I just need a time to do my another task." I said slowly and made him to frown. I could read his face that he's confused.

"I mean, I don't have enough time to do my homework and my other course. I think, joining this group is just wasting my time. I don't have enough time to rest, Gab. On the other side, I messed up. A lot." I added.

"No, you didn't mess up. You're making it more great. I think, Mrs. S will say the same to you." He said to me, trying to change my mind. I knew that's a total lie. Mrs. S wouldn't say the same thing. She always mad at me when I did something wrong. She didn't like me but she liked Gabriel. He's her favorite student.

"You're wrong. She won't say the same thing to me. She doesn't like me, Gab. She hates me." I looked down and took my hand from him.

"Please stay. I can tell Mrs. S to make up her mind so you can join the group again. I bet, it'll be more fun than before." He said and I shook my head. Why was he trying to make me change my mind? It's crazy.

"No. I can't. It's my final decision and I'm not changing it."

"Why? Why, Layla? Please. Do it for me." He said, making to look up at him.

"I can't, Gabriel. I can't! I'll never change my mind. You can try your best to change my mind but you still can't change it." I stated, "I can't be the person you want me to be and I'm not sorry for that." He gave me one last look after I said that. He stood up and left. He left me alone and I smiled to myself.

First, I was feeling better. I couldn't believe myself that I just said to him. Yes, I know he'll mad at me. But I wasn't so care about that. The most important thing was I already said what I feel to him.

Second, I didn't know what to say to him when I meet him again. I'll be so speechless. And the time when I'll meet him again is at school on Monday. He'll be at the same class with me on History and English. Those two classes would be a hell to me.

-Can't Have You-

"Yes, Auntie?" I asked to her as she called my name. She sat in the family room with her husband, watching the TV and when I sat on a couch near her, she turned off the TV. Well, that meant she got something important to talk with me.

"So, your parents are on their way to Indonesia." She said, making my eyes to lit up. I got a big smile on my face and I really wanted to jump and down but I know I couldn't do it here. It'll make them think that I was crazy.

"Are you serious? When will they arrive? Why they didn't tell me? No, why you didn't tell me earlier? I've got to make up my room, you know?" I rambled and finally caught a breath. I was trying to calm down but I couldn't. I was so excited!!

"Calm down yourself, Layla. They'll be arrive tomorrow morning. Sorry, for not telling you earlier, because they just told me about 3 hours ago." Uncle Ben said and I nodded.

I shrugged, "I'll clean my room now. See you on dinner." I said and stood up, walking to the stairs.

"Oh, they said you have to pack your stuff. They asked you to go somewhere." Uncle added as I kept on walking to my room. I didn't say a thing when I walked in to my room and closed the door. They wanted me to pack my stuff? Where will I go?

I looked around my room and sighed loudly. It's so messy. Papers everywhere, laptop still on the bed, and blanket on the ground. I pulled off my shoes and started to gather all of the paper and put it on my big thick binder. It's so big and think because I put all of my notes in there. When I finished with the paper, I grabbed the blanket from the ground, folding it and then put it on the bed.

Before I turned off the laptop, I checked my e-mail. There's an e-mail from my parents and I swallowed hard when I read it.

Dear, Layla.

I'm so glad to tell you this. I'm on my way back to home. To pick you up. I won't make it longer, so I just want to say it now. We, your Dad and I, decided to take you here. To Los Angeles. But, before we take you to LA, we want you to go to New York. You can spend the New Year's Eve with Milo. You must be missed him so much, right? That's why we let you to meet him. So, yeah, see you tomorrow, honey.

Love you, Mom.

Spend the New Year's Eve in New York? Move out to LA? Hell yeah.

-Can't Have You-

I couldn't blink my eyes as I stared on the doorway. It couldn't happen right now. Yeah, it couldn't. I looked down at the floor as I put my glass on the counter. All I had to do was just walking to my room without being noticed by anyone.

"Where are you going, girl?" I looked up and gulped when I saw a familiar guy standing in front of me. I gave a fake smile and caught a breath.

"Shit." I breathed slowly so he couldn't hear it. It's too late. He already saw me so I couldn't back to my room without being noticed. So yeah, I had to say here until they go.

"Mind if I give a hug?" He smirked and I let out a nervous hug. He circled the counter to get me and pulled me into his arms. Yes, I missed this hug so much, "How are you, Layla? I miss you so much. We never meet again since the last day I saw you years ago." He said after pulling back from his hug. He said that the last time he saw me was years ago. That meant, Joe didn't tell him about me coming to the concert.

"Fine. How about you, Kev? I miss you too." I said and noticed that his other family members starting to come into the house. I gave each Mr. Jonas, Mrs. Jonas, Danielle, and Joe a quick hug and finally it's time for Nick. The other left to the family room so it's just me and him in the kitchen.

"Hi." He said, breaking the silence around us, "Again." he added. I gave a slight nod and grabbed a bottle of orange juice from the refrigerator. I knew I couldn't stare my drink without drinking it every time, so I turned to face him and leaned on the refrigerator. He sat on the stool and gave me a slight smile.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, coldly. Well, I didn't mean to be cold like that but I didn't know. It just came out from my mouth easily.

"Your parents want us to come. You know, have a dinner together, reunion night, or something like that." He said slowly and I nodded. Really, I didn't wanna stuck in the same room with him. It's awkward and I hate that.

"Can we talk?" He asked. Yeah, I already expected that. I knew that he would said that to me.

"Sure." I said and kept leaning on the refrigerator. I breathed heavily and sipped my orange juice and then put it on the nearest counter.

"I really am sorry. I know I should have call you or try everything to keep in touch with you. I really should and wanted to do it but some reasons made me to stop and didn't do it. I was so confused and didn't know what to do." I looked up to face him and looked him in the eyes. He looked back at me and did the same.

"And what's that reason?" I asked him after he let out a sigh.

He waited for a while before answering, "That reason was..." He trailed off and I cocked one eyebrow at him.

"The reason that would make me sad and hurt because I was so far away from you. I would remember you and our beautiful friendship and you know what, it made sad every time I think about it. It always makes me want to go back and hug you and not leave you alone." He said and I just silenced. I really had no idea what to say so I just stayed there and kept looking at him.

"I stared at our photo every time I'm about to performing. I wish you were there, standing on the side of stage, looking at me, and giving me a high-five or hug when I finish." I could feel my eyes watered when he said that. It touched me and made me want to hug him tight and never let go. But I was just standing there, not even moving.

"I've never forget about you, Layla. You and our friendship are mean a lot to me. I've never forgot one single thing about you." He said and by the time he said that, my tears rolled down to my cheek.

"Layla." He breathed before standing up from his stool and circled the counter to get to me and pulled me into his arms. I cried on his chest as he soothed me.

"I'm sorry." I muttered as I cried uncontrollably. He kept soothing me as I buried my face on his chest. His shirt was wet because of my tears but I think he didn't care about that. He didn't stop soothing me until I stopped crying.

"It's not your fault. It's all my entire fault. I shouldn't leave you like that. I know I should have contact you. I'm sorry, Layla. I'm sorry." He said again when I started to stop crying.

"Yeah, I know. But I just wanna say sorry for yesterday. I shouldn't make it hard for you." I said and pulled back from his hug, staring at those warm eyes. I missed those eyes so much. It's been a while.

He gave a smile, "It's okay, Layla. I know that I would take time for you. It's okay." He said, making me want to smile. I nodded and gave him a warm smile, "So, we're cool now?" He asked as he titled his head to side.

"Yeah." I kept smiling and gave him a hug again. I finally felt so much better. I never wanted to mad at him this long, but I had no idea. It was so hard to forget his last goodbye to me. But now, he already told me everything and I knew I shouldn't mad at him any longer than this. I knew that I missed him so much.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." He whispered in my ear. I gave a slight nod and pulled back. I looked at him, start from his hair, face, eyes, lips, and everything. He looked so much better now.

"I'm feeling so much better now. I finally get you back." He said, making me to smile again.

"Yeah, me too." I said and heard laughter from the family room.

"Come on. Let's join the others." He said and took my hand, intertwining our fingers together. We walked together to the family room and I realized that my smile never escape from my face. I glanced at him from the corner of my eyes and saw that he had the same smile on his face. It felt so good to have him around me again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yesss! She finally forgave Nick! :)

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