

“Morning,” Gerard mumbles – barely – as he enters the kitchen. He's a complete mess. His hair is all over the place, his face is pale, his eyes are red with bags under them and by the way his hand is placed on the side of his head, it's obvious that he's got a headache.

“Good morning, lover boy,” Mikey teases. I smirk, even though the heartburn is still there.

Suddenly Gerard's head whips around and he looks at us with wide eyes. He starts to look more pale the longer he stares at us. His eyes slowly switch between looking at me and looking at Mikey, but in the end they settle on Mikey.

“What?” he whispers. It's obvious that he's afraid. I think he knows that Mikey is gonna tease him about being in love with that girl. I'd be afraid too.

I look down and take a spoon-full of cereal and hope it'll make the acid level in my stomach go down.

“I heard you talking to mom. About some girl you like?” Mikey asks, but it's not a question at all.

“Shut up,” Gerard mumbles. I smirk and glance up to see him pour coffee into a mug.

“So, who is she?” I ask tauntingly and keep the smirk on my lips despite the bit of stomach acid that makes it into my mouth. I hold back a gag.
Gerard turns around, blushing like mad and sips his coffee.

“No one,” he says nonchalantly as he gazes into the mug in his hands.
Some more stomach acid makes it into my mouth and I fear that more than just that will come up on the next one.
I get out of my chair.

“Be right back,” I croak out and walk down the hall to the bathroom. I lock the door and walk over to the sink. I turn on the water, but when I bend down to drink some, I feel something bubble in my throat and I quickly turn around to the toilet.

Only more acid comes up, but it's enough for me to gag and spit into the bowl. I feel sick. Like, really sick. I'm already sweating and I feel slightly dizzy.
More stomach acid comes up and when I gag again, I can sense that my stomach is ready to turn itself inside out. I grab onto the toilet and prepare myself for a revisit with my quick, recent breakfast. The dinner has hopefully already been digested.

The thought of the lasagna makes me hurl. All in all, I hurl, gag and cough three times before someone knocks on the door. By this time, I'm about ready to pass out.

“Are you alright, Frank?” Gerard asks through the door, then knocks again. The room is spinning.
Gerard grabs the door handle, but I locked the door.
“Frank?” he asks and knocks again. He always knocks three times, but this time he only knocks once. At least that's all I hear.
I don't hear anything after that.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, yes. he classic "oh my, pass out"-case.
Reason for update: There're 69 of you........ =D