

We're sitting in front of the TV up in the living room. I offered to help with the plates, but Donna refused. She's preparing the desert right now. I think she bought the Twinkies because she knew I came by.

We're watching the news. I'm bored. Gerard seems slightly interested while it's obvious that Mikey's only up here because of the promise of Twinkies.

I get up, smile politely at Mikey and slip out of the room, down the hall to the bathroom. I don't have to pee, but I do it anyways. I wash my hands thoroughly and comb a hand through my hair. I even clean under my nails and then wash my hands again. After that, I know I can't drag it out any longer and go back to the living room.

Donna has arrived with a plate of yellow cakes, but she doesn't look happy. She's staring at the TV.

I walk closer and see that they're all staring at the screen in horror. Probably another murder. Jersey have murders every day; what's so grueling about this one?

I look at the screen and see police tape, red and blue light flashing and a police officer nodding.

“Yes, we found the body a few days ago, and we have found enough evidence to charge this man with murder. Now we just need to find out the degree.”
I take a step towards the couch.

“And have you been able to identify the victim?” Donna turns her head suddenly and looks at me with horror in her eyes.

“Yes, we have.” Her look turns to pity.
“The victim was 39-year-old Linda Iero. Sadly, we haven't been able to find any relatives.”

I turn my attention to the TV. Everything around me sorta fades for a second as my heart beats faster and I can't quite breathe. I frown.
The reporter turns to the camera and says something, and then the newsreaders start talking.

“If you have any information on the murder, please call 55-” everything fades again.

She died. Or was killed. Maybe by herself.

I look up.
They're all looking at me.

Without thinking about what I'm about to do, I just turn around and start walking towards the door.

“Frank,” Mikey says, his tone of voice somewhere between a question and a statement. I don't know what he wants. I don't know what I want. I just follow my instinct; I don't listen to it.

I grab my shoes by the door and pull them on.

“Frank,” Mikey says again and then puts a hand on my shoulder. I straighten up and look at his hand; then walk away from his grasp and out the door.

Like always, I have nowhere to go. I'm all alone. Now, more than ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, I pretty much had a crappy day, so I thought of how to make it better, and nothing cheers me up more than to read your reactions.
So even though I won't be able to read them until later (because it's 2am here and I'm heading to bed), I'll fall asleep with a little smile on my face, knowing you guys will probably enjoy this chappy.
At least, I hope so.
Thank you. =)