Status: Complete.

Everything To Me (Complete)

Together again

Everyone just sat around in the room looking at Paul and Collin; I just stared at a spot on the wall.

“Well I know that Sam isn’t going to try anything anytime soon. He’s lost four people,” Jacob said.

“He wasn’t trying anything before we left anyways,” Paul said.

His voice just sent chills through my body.

“Well that’s good to know,” Seth said.

Seth and Liz were getting really close; they were snuggling on the other side of the couch opposite from me.

I felt someone sit down next to me, I knew who it was before I even looked. I turned my head, he was looking at me. I looked away, I heard him sigh,

“Well me, Seth and Leah need to go and patrol, let’s go guys.” Jake said and got up and the three of them walked out of the house.

Alice went upstairs; Carlisle and Edward went to go do some more reading on Bella’s condition and what they could do to Esme went to do something, and Emmet and jasper went outside.

So Paul, Liz, Seth, Bella, Rosalie, Collin, Dakota and me where all sitting in the living room.
Seth and Liz were talking quietly, and Rosalie was attending to Bella’s needs, and Collin was playing with Dakota,

Paul laid his arm behind my head and wrapped it around my shoulder, I looked at it then picke dit up and sat it in his lap.

“Come on Danielle,” Paul pleaded.

I started to fiddle with my hands.

“Let’s go for a walk,” Paul said,

I shook my head.

“Please,” He said. I looked up at him and looked into his eyes, they held hope and love.


We both got up and walked outside,

We walked into the forest it was quiet all I could hear was the sound of twigs crunching under I feet and forest creatures running around.

“Dani im sorry,” Paul said.

“For?” I said

“For trying to stop you?” He said.

I sighed, “Paul why didn’t you come after me?”

I turned to him causing us to stop, he turned to me.

“Because im a hot head,”

“And you’re freakin stubborn.”

“That too,”

“Do you still think Bella should be killed?”

“This is a trick question,”

“Just answer the damn question,” I said getting slightly annoyed,

“I think that if that baby turns out to be a killer it should be killed,” He said.

I smiled, that’s the answer I was looking for.

“Good answer,”

“I’ve missed that smile,” He said coming close to me smiling.

He laid both of his hands on my hips,

“I’ve missed your touch,” I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

He leaned down to kiss me but I turned my head so he would kiss my cheek.

“You gotta work for my kisses again,” I said smiling at his confused face,

He groaned.

I laughed at him, I walked to his back and jumped on it, he grabbed my thighs holding m up.

“Now back to the house Wolfie,” I said seductively into his ear causing him to shiver.

“Whatever you say sexy,” As he started walking.

“Paul you’ve never called me sexy,” I said surprised.

“Well that’s what im going to start calling you in place of princess for a while since I haven’t
said it before its time to make up for lost time,”

I giggled. He walked back into the house and everyone was there.

“Yay! The engaged couple isn’t fighting anymore!” Jacob said

“You’re back together!” Liz said.

There was a lot of this from everyone. I rolled my eyes and hoped off pauls back, I heard
Bella scream. Everyone looked from us to her and rushed to her side.


“Baby time!” Christina yelled.

Edward Carlisle and Rosalie all rushed Bella upstairs.

I looked at Paul.

“This is going to be interesting,” I mumbled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another update....

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