Status: Complete.

Everything To Me (Complete)

Oh Youll see

I looked in between the two. Paul and Jacob were laughing there asses off, Collin was just shaking his head back and forth patting Brady on the back. Seth was sitting with Liz smiling at the situation.

“All these little girls just have their prince charming waiting for them bending to there every command.” I said walking over to Dakota and picking her up.

“Edward’s going to kill you.” Jacob said.

All the vamps came down the stairs with angry expressions on their face well everyone except Carlisle.

“You didn’t!” Alice said.

“It’s not like I can control it!” Brady said still looking at Renesmee.

“Hey mutt eyes over here!” Rosalie said.

“Rose, Alice. You know he can’t control who he imprints on we all need to calm down.” Carlisle said

“Yea what we need to be worrying about is Edward.” Paul said.

“You guys don’t think Bella will be mad?” I asked.

“No she loved the thought of imprinting.” Jacob said.

“I think she’s gonna be pissed.” I said raising my eye brows up in a challenge.

“You wanna bet?” Jacob said.

“Yea I bet you 15 bucks Bella will be worse than Edward.” I said putting my hand out for a shake.

“Deal!” Jacob said shaking my hand.

Paul was smiling and everyone else was laughing.

“I can’t believe this,” Rosalie said.

She walked off into the back along with Emmett. Carlisle went back up to his studies, everyone else just started to either talk or play the video game. I turned around looking for Paul. He was standing near the door looking at me. When I caught his eye I couldn’t help but smile. He smiled back and nodded his head for me to follow him. He walked out the door and I went after him. When I got out the door Paul swooped me up bridal style and took me into the woods. I giggled.

“We haven’t had any alone time” Paul said,

I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“I know,”

I laid my head down on him. We were inside the forest but not too far from the house. Paul sat down on the ground and pulled me into his lap with him.

“We have a wedding that we should be planning.” Paul said as he ran his fingers through my hair.

“I know,” I said nodding my head.

I had been thinking about the wedding and everything. There was a lot of planning to do. I had also still been thinking about my insecurity. I still wondered why Paul hasn’t tried to do anything like that with me yet. I mean he used to sleep with anybody and everybody from what Jake has told me. But im his imprint and he hasn’t even really attempted but once.

“Paul….umm….do you uh…never mind.” I said shaking my head.

“What? What is it babe?” Paul asked looking at me with his eyes scrunched together.

I sighed. I looked away into the trees.

“Do you want me?” I asked quietly but I knew his enhanced hearing could hear me.

“What do you mean do I want you of course I want you.”

“No Paul im mean want me...” I said hoping he would get it this time.

I pretty sure he did because he turned me around and sighed. He tilted my head up to look at him.

“Danielle…I want you to be ready and when I say ready I mean fully ready to…I don’t want you to feel pressured.”

“Paul I am ready but you don’t seem like you have much interest.” I said looking into his eyes.

“You don’t know how much self control it takes to just not take you every single moment. You my imprint im going to want you in that way every day of my life, I have been wanting you but I didn’t want to show it or bring it up. I don’t want to be the dick I used to be. I want to make sure you ready, I love you Danielle with everything I have. Don’t ever think that I don’t want you in that way because I do so much.”

We stared into each other’s eyes for a moment. I kissed him lightly on the lips.

“I love you too Paul.”

I laid my head down on his chest as he laid down. We just sat there and cuddled for a few minutes. But then Paul heard running.

“Bella and Edward are back.” he said.

I rose up quickly and ran for the house.

“Whats the rush!” Paul yelled after me as he started to run with me.

“I wanna win!” I said entering the house.

Jacob was standing there with confidence in his face.

I smiled at him. I waited for Bella and Edward to walk in. she was smiling but sensed the tension in the room and her smile vanished.

Edward reading the thoughts of everyone knew exactly what was going on his nostrils flared and his hands tightened into fists.

“Whats going on?” Bella said.

“Oh you’ll see” Embry whispered.

Quil nudged him. Renesmee laughed in the back room. Bella’s eyes lightened up.

“Can I see her now?”Bella said looking up at her husband.

“Are you sure?” a nervous looking Brady asked from the corner.

I don’t think he meant to say anything but his protective instinct over his imprint kicked in.
Bella looked at him like he was crazy.

“Rose! Bring Renesmee out” Edward said staring at Brady with furious eyes.

Rose came around the corner with Renesmee. Bella stared at her daughter. Brady jumped from the corner and stood in between Bella and rose.

“Edward are you sure she’s just a newborn” Brady asked.

“Who the hell are you to tell me if I can see my own child or not.” Bella asked.

Brady looked at renesmee and she looked at him. He stared at her like she was the only thing keeping him from floating away.

Bella gasped and the growled. Edward wrapped his arms around her and Rose took renesmee out of harm’s way.

“You didn’t!” She hissed.

“It’s something I can’t control!” Brady objected.

“Edward I don’t want to hurt you so please let go of me!” Bella said

Edward hesitated but let her go. As he let her go she crouched into a attack stance. Everyone was just standing around watching.

“She’s just a baby!” Bella yelled.

“I don’t think of her in that way!”

“Shes mine not yours!” Bella hissed with some growling.

“Come on we can share Bella plus Nessie wants me too!” Brady yelled back.

“What did you call her?” Bella said.

“The name renesmee is just so long so I came up with the nickname” Brady explained.

“You named my child after the lockness monster!” Bella shrieked and then lunged for his throat.
♠ ♠ ♠
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And thank you for the comments on the last chapter!!
