Status: Complete.

Everything To Me (Complete)


I was sitting in the living room of the Cullen household playing with Dakota when Bella, Brady came in with him carrying renesmee, Bella and Brady at frantic looks on their faces. Edward rushed to the living room.

“We were hunting and I could sense someone was watching us, so I looked up at the cliff and I saw Irina but as soon as she saw me she ran, Im pretty sure she saw Brady and renesmee.”Bella said franticly.

I was confused I had no idea who this girl that she was talking about was. By now everyone was in here except Jacob, Paul, Seth, Collin, and Leah. They all went home to get showered and get new clothing.

“Well, maybe she didn’t see her, we just have to stay calm,” Edward said with lines creasing his forehead.

I could see on his face that he was trying to keep his self together, but I could tell he was worrying on the inside. I was still the very confused one.

“Who’s Irina?” I asked.

They gave me the details on Irina and her family. I was surprised that there actually used to be immortal children. After they told me everything I needed to know everyone went back to what they were doing trying to stay calm and just waited to see how it played out.

I looked around for Liz. She was playing with renesmee; I picked up Dakota and walked over to sit next to her.

“You know I can’t wait to be a mother,” She said playing and smiling at renesmee.

“Oh yes you can, don’t get me wrong I love Dakota but don’t rush into things until you’re absolutely sure you’re ready,” I said running my hands threw Dakotas curls.

“Do you want more kids?” Liz asked looking up at me.

I smiled, “Yes I do ever since I was 11 years old I’ve always said that I would have my four children, two girls and two boys,”

“Really! I want five” she said happily.

“I’ve never met anyone who wanted what I want, nevertheless more then what I want!” I said.

We both started laughing.

“What do you want to be when you get older?” I asked her.

“I’ve always wanted to be a teacher.” She said smiling and looking down at renesmee.

“That’s good.” I said nodding my head.

“What do you want to be?” She asked.

“Well I used to want to be a Doctor, but then I had Dakota and school was hard to keep up with. I ended up taking all of my classes at home. I graduated top of my class but I have Dakota to take care of and it was already hard enough with high school, I rather just a get a job here and live my life with Paul and Dakota, plus I love him too much to leave.” I said smiling as I thought about Paul.

“That’s sad and cute at the same time!” Liz said smiling.

I laughed at her. I sensed someone looking at us. I turned my head and saw Paul standing in the door way with his eye brows scrunched together. Collin came in behind him and took Dakota from me. I got up and walked over to Paul.

“Baby whats wrong?” I asked touching his arm. He looked down at me.

“I didn’t know you wanted to be a doctor.” He said.

“Well it wasn’t really a big deal to me anymore,” I said.

He stared into my eyes,

“I want you to be happy. I want you to be what you want to be and do the things that you want to do now what other people expect and what you think other people would want you to do.” He said.

“I am happy, happier then I’ve been in years.” I said smiling up at him.

I knew there was much truth behind his words. I knew he wanted me to fulfill my dreams of being a doctor, but I wouldn’t be able to bear the pain of being away from him, or Dakota. I want to get married to Paul and have his kids.

He sighed and wrapped his arms around my waist. I got on my tippy toes and pecked his cheek and the in the corner of his mouth I then stopped and looked at him for a minute before placing my lips in his. It was a nice sweet kiss, it was short but I could feel the love we had for each other in that one little kiss.

“You know I think we should go somewhere more private.”Paul whispered in my ear.

I felt shivers go through my body as his breath ran through my ear. Looked into his eyes and smiled. He picked me up and carried me to Edward’s room; I’ve been occupying this room since Edward had his own house. He shut the door behind him and laid me on the bed. I bounced a little he started to get on top of me and then started to trail kisses from my jaw line to my lips.

We were interrupted by a loud crash downstairs. We looked at each other and then got up and rushed downstairs. Everyone was around Alice, who had a glazed look in her eyes, she was having a vision. Everyone gathered around Edward being the lucky one knew exactly what she was seeing.

“They’re coming.” Alice whispered.

“Who’s coming?” Jasper asked.

“The Voultri,” she said.

No one moved. All you heard was silence.
♠ ♠ ♠

Here you go...I know theresa not alot going on in this story right now, but this is a filler, the action and drama is coming. There are still plans for this story.
