Status: Complete.

Everything To Me (Complete)

Only girl in the world.

After finding out about the voultri wanting to come and kill us all for not even committing the crime that they think we’ve committed. We thought of a plan to save us all. We were going to get witness’s to witness the real Renesmee, to see that she’s not some immortal child and that she’s unique. Half vampire and half human.

Right now I was holding a sleeping Dakota in my arms and I had renesmee lying asleep on the couch next to me Liz was upstairs sleeping. I was on babysitting watch while everyone else was doing their jobs running around this world gathering witness’s. The Denali clan would be here tomorrow. I ran my fingers through my hair as I observed my beautiful daughter in my hands. She was growing up on me. Her hair was longer now and she’s grown a few inches taller. I thought back to my pregnancy days. I’ll tell you the things that come with being pregnant aren’t fun like the nausea, back aches, mood swings, and doctor’s appointments’. Its not fun, but carrying your child and knowing that you’re going to be a mother and you’re going to be in charge of someone, can make you so happy but sad at the same time. I kind of missed it a little.

I heard the door open. I looked at the doorway and Paul walked in looking extremely tired. He sat next to me and put his arm around me, a few seconds later Seth and Jacob walked in. I smiled up at them.

“Well there’s no sign of anything along the border.” Jacob said as he sat down looking at little glum.

Christina had to go home to her parents for a little while.

“Where’s Liz?” Seth asked looking around the room.

“Upstairs sleeping,” I said as I got up and laid Dakota on the other couch. She was beginning to hurt my arms. Like I knew he would he ran up the stairs to his girlfriend.

“Im going to go call Christina” Jacob announced and walked out of the house fiddling with his phone.

I walked back over to the couch and sat down next to Paul he wrapped his arm around me and I leaned into him. For once my hair was down and it was flowing everywhere.

“We need to have some more quality time together. We’ve been worrying about this upcoming war, and I know it’s frustrating for you. I want to take you out tonight. Like a date.” Paul said as he rubbed on my arm up and down

I smiled as I looked up at him. “Really?”

He looked down at me a kissed my forehead. “Really.”

I squealed like a happy teenage girl and jumped on his lap and kissed him on his lips over and over again.

He laughed, “Is this the reaction I’ll get from you when I ask to take you out I should do it more often.”

I giggled.

“Well its 4:00 now and im going to be back to pick you up at 7:30. Knowing you it’ll take you that long to get ready. Oh yea and put on something dressy.” Paul said as he picked me up off of his lap stood up and laid me on the couch.

“Does it really take me that long to get ready?” I asked.

“Ha. Baby it can take you longer if I wasn’t there to push your fine ass out the door.” Paul said smirking at me.

I started laughing with a shocked look on my face. I picked up a pillow and threw it at his head. He laughed and ran out the door.

“I love you Dani!” he yelled inside to me.

“I love you too!” I yelled back out to him shaking my head.

[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]

It was now six and I just got out the shower. My hair was wet and I decided to do something different with it. I wanted to go to this date with Paul with my hair straightened. I don’t think he’s ever seen me with it straight before. I looked at the outfit that I had laid out on my bed. It was a purple tube dress with purple heels. I sat down in the chair that was in front of the mirror. I plugged in my blow dryer and flat iron. I took a brush through my hair as I blow dried it. When it was fully dried, I parted my hair in different pieces. Most people don’t have a part in the middle but when my hairs straight it just looks better that way. When I was finished, I combed through it.

I put on some eye makeup setting off my brown eyes and put on some heart earrings. I slipped my dress on and looked at myself in the full body mirror. I nodded my head smiling pleased with how I looked so far. I put on some lip gloss and then slipped on my heels. I looked at myself one more time and then looked at the time. It was now 7.25. He should be here any minute. I walked down the stairs. Everyone was down there except Paul. When I got to the bottom I heard dog whistles.

“Dang Dani!” Emmet said

I smiled.

“How do I look?” I asked with my hands on my hips turning in a circle.

I looked at the guys who were just shaking their heads with their mouths slightly open.

“you look beautiful Dani.” Liz said smiling at me.

“Mommy you wook so pwetty !” Dakota said running over to me with her arms stretched to wanting me to pick her up.

I bent down smiling at my baby and picked her up. I kissed her on the cheek and she giggled.

“Thanks baby girl.” I heard a knock at the door. I walked over to Liz and sat Dakota in her lap .

“Bye” I waved to everyone grabbed my jacket and walked to the door. I opened it to find my gorgeous fiancé Paul. I looked him up and down and I started to blush as inappropriate thought started to enter my mind but who wouldn’t have inappropriate thought about this Greek god !

“Princess, you- you look absolutely beautiful. “ Paul said looking at me.

I smiled, “Thanks, but I think you’re looking way better than me.”

He shook his head smiling. “You look better any day then anyone I’ve ever seen babe.”

He grabbed my waist and pulled me into a short sweet kiss. I smiled when we pulled away.

“Come on we have a reservation.” Paul said grabbing my hand.

I cocked my head to the side.

“where ?” I asked as we got in his car.

“You’ll see.” he said as he revved up the engine.

And with that we were off to our first date as an engaged couple.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know. Its been months. Im sorry. I think chapters wll be updated quicker now that basketball seasons coming to an end and my classes are easier and i dont have as much homework anymre. So it gives me more time to write this story.

Like i told you guys, this story is just getting started and the next chapter is going to set off my plan of total drama and action : )

ill be typing some of it tomight hopefully an dthe rest tomorrow. And hopefully post it tomorrow.

im not going to ask for comments because i dotn desreve them. but hey if you wanna leave some thoughts, or ask questions, or just comment then feel free to.
any questions that are asked will be answered but if you leave a question do me a favor please an dleave a number that i can reply back to in my authrs note instead of trying to paste all of you guys usernames it'll be alot easier for me.
Thank you !

~ Faith