Status: Complete.

Everything To Me (Complete)

Baby number two.

After the wedding Me, Paul and Dakota all went home. The wedding had tired her out big time. I carried her in the house. Paul help the door open for me as I walked in.

I took Dakota upstairs to her room Paul went to our room. I took off Dakotas dress and shoes and put her in a big t shirt. Then laid her down in her bed, I walked out and went to my room Paul was taking of his shirt. I took off my heels and threw them to the side.

“You know heels are pretty but they hurt like crazy!” I said lying down in the bed.

He chuckled, “don’t get comfortable you still got to get undressed.”

I groaned, I just wanted to go to sleep. I’ve been out of my casts for two weeks now and there’s one thing that has been in my head that I can’t get out. It’s what Jacob said when they found out me and Paul were engaged.


“Im fine with that” I said. I ran my hand through my hair trying to get my bangs out of my face. I heard someone gasp.

I looked in the direction that it came from. Kim ran over to me and grabbed my left hand and looked at my ring.

“Oh shit” I heard Paul say from behind me.

“Great” I mumbled.

“You’re engaged!” She screamed.

“You and Paul are getting married!” Jacob yelled.

“That’s so cute!” Christina said as she came over to look at the ring.

“I can’t believe that Paul parker has actually proposed to someone and hasn’t even gotten
any yet,” Jacob said

I looked over at Jacob while all the guys boomed with laughter. I heard Paul growl from
behind me

End of Flashback

It really bothered me, I mean im ready to have sex with Paul, and I was ready when I had my cast on, I just couldn’t at the time because of it, but Paul didn’t seem to show much interest in the subject.

“Danielle” Paul said.

I looked up, “Huh?”

“What are you thinking about?” He asked. He was now in some shorts and no shirt.

“Nothing, Nothing.” I said.

I got up and grabbed some shorts and a shirt and went to the bathroom. I changed into
them then came back out. Paul was lying in the bed. I got under the covers. Paul wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I could hear his breathing it was calm. I could also hear his heartbeat.

I knew he was probably asleep by now but I couldn’t seem to fall asleep myself. I just laid there looking at my ring.

I closed my eyes after about twenty minutes and tried to fall asleep, I concentrated on Pauls heart beat and breathing it soon put me straight to sleep.

I woke up the next morning and Paul was still with me. I looked up and he was looking at me. I smiled.

“Have you been watching me sleep?” I asked.

“Yes I have its very interesting you make the funniest face when you sleep,” He said smiling
back at me.

I laughed. My thoughts from last night came back and I didn’t want them too.

“Jacob called and wanted to know if we wanted to go cliff diving?”

I was still kind of weary about cliff diving. But I needed to get over it.

“Okay” I said.

“Are you sure?” He asked.


“Okay well they said that they’ll be down there at two it one thirty right now.”

I looked at the clock.

“Okay im going to go take a shower.”

I got up and grabbed some clothes then I went to the bathroom.

When I was done in the shower I dried myself off and put on my bikini then my
clothesto go on top. I Walked out of
the bathroom and into my room. Paul was no longer on my bed. I walked out of the room to Dakotas’s room.

“Daddy funny” I heard her giggle. I walked into Dakotas’s room and Paul was making weird faces at her. I laughed.

They both looked at me.

“Mommy mommy daddy’s funny” She said

“Is he now” I said picking her up as she ran over to me.

She nodded her head,

“Do you want to go swimming?” I asked.

“Swim swim swim” She chanted.

I shook my head at her.

“Ooo I wanna pick her out what she’s wearing” Paul said.

“Okay go ahead.” I sat in the chair in Dakotas’s room while Paul went through Dakotas
drawers looking or an outfit for her wear.

I’ve been working on getting Dakota potty trained and it wasn’t very hard at all. She seemed to pick up on it quickly. So I didn’t have to put her in a diaper while she swam.

“Okay I got it,” Paul said.

I got up with Dakota on my hip and walked over to her dressing table and looked at what
Paul had picked out.

“Not bad” I said nodding my head it was pretty cute.

“Thanks” He said waving his hand.

I laughed at him, I handed Dakota to him.

“Here you can dress her since you found what she’s wearing.


“Good luck daddy” I said and ran out the room.

Dakota was kind of hard to dress she liked to move way too much, and Paul usually had
more trouble than I did, especially with the shoes.

I went downstairs and grabbed myself a pop tart and a glass of milk and started eating it.
Paul came down the stairs with Dakota five minutes later.

“There I did it,” He said holding Dakota up in the air causing her to giggle.

“Good” I said. I still had some pop tart left so I gave it to Dakota she started eating it.

“Hey im hungry too,” Paul said pouting.

“I didn’t know I have another baby” I said.

“Well now you know” He said.

“Well here big baby” I said and threw him two packs of pop tarts knowing he would eat them
both quickly. I took Dakota from him and slipped on my shoes.

Then all three of us left the house and drove off to the beach.
♠ ♠ ♠
second chapter to the sequel!!

three comments please?