Status: Complete.

Everything To Me (Complete)

I cant complain.

Oh no. Not my little sister I don’t think so. They looked scared out of their pants especially Seth.

“What in the hell do you guys think you’re doing?” I screamed at them.

Liz opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. Seth just sat there.


I could hear then scuffling to get their clothes on quickly. I stormed downstairs; Paul was sitting on the couch shaking his head at me.

“What?” I asked irritated.

“Nothing babe, nothing at all.” He said and picked up Dakota and walked into the kitchen where I suspected Bella and everyone else went to since I could hear them laughing.

A few minutes later Liz and Seth came quietly down the stairs I was sitting on the couch waiting for them.

“Sit.” I said pointing to the couch opposite of me.

“Now. How old are you Elizabeth?” I asked her. I already knew but I was just trying to get a point across.

“15” she said quietly not looking me in the eyes.

“And you Seth?” I asked him


“Exactly. I know that the imprint power is strong but really? You guys haven’t know each other for a year plus I think you’re a little young to be getting into something that makes a relationship so much more complicated. Sex is very very complicated. Yea I was only 17 when I first had sex but look what it got me, Dakota. Don’t get me wrong I love her with all my heart but if I could go back I would, and id wait to have her. The first time and boom im pregnant, struggling to get through school and graduate, you see I didn’t get to go to college right. I got scholarship too seeing I graduated with a 4.0, but I couldn’t go. I just don’t want you guys to make one wrong decision and end up with your whole life changed. Maybe you guys should wait some time before you decided to do that again.” I said looking at the both of them.

By the time I was finished talking they were looking at me intently. It was pencil dropping quiet. I knew everyone in the kitchen had been listening. My emotions started to get out of whack thinking about everything I went through with my pregnancy and getting scholarship from everywhere and having to turn them down.

“Uh yea, I’ll be back.” I said I got up quickly grabbed my car keys and ran out of the house. I heard someone running after me. I knew it would be Paul. I just wanted to be alone. So I picked up my pace jumped in the car a pulled off.

“Dani!” I heard Paul yell after me but I kept on going.

I felt tears start to brim at my eyes. All the gossiping I went through. I hated him with all my heart for getting me pregnant. All the exhaustion from staying up all night with Dakota while trying to study, all the things I could be doing with my life. I ended up driving to first beach. I sat down on the beach and ran my fingers through the sand.

I can’t be disappointed though. I have a wonderful life. I have Dakota, I have Paul; I have people who love me. There’s nothing wrong with my life. Yes it could have been different but it’s not.

I looked out into the water. It looked so pretty. I decided to play around with my powers I looked at the sand and started to lift up some of it to make it move around like a mini tornado. I smiled at it. Then I froze it in mid air.

I unfroze it and it fell. I sighed. I think I’ve been gone for two hours. I drove around for a while then came here. I got up and brushed off my jeans and started walking back up to the car. I got in and started driving back to the Cullen's.

When I got there it was pretty quiet. I shut my car door and walked up to the steps and walked in. Paul was on the couch watching TV with Dakota.

He looked up at me. I felt relief, but also sadness coming from him. I sat down next to him on the couch.

“Where is everyone?” I asked him.

“Guys are out patrolling, Edward and Bella are getting ready for the Denali clan to arrive.

I nodded my head. I felt Paul lean over and kiss my cheek. I smiled at this. I looked at Dakota who was sitting in his lap. I picked up her braid and let it fall back down her hair was pretty long.

“I want a boy.” I told him.

He chuckled, “That’s funny I want you to have another girl.”

I laughed. I looked over at him, “how many kids do you want Paul?”

He smiled, “a whole basketball team, ha, im kidding I want 6”

My eyes popped out of my head, did I hear him right?

“6?!” I repeated.

“Yea. 3 girls and 3 boys,”

“Um yea we’ll see about that one.” I said shaking my head.

“In time my sweet.” He said. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

Bella and Edward walked in with renesmee on Bella’s hip. Collin walked in the door just then with Seth.

“They’ll be in here in an hour.” Edward said, “We want all of you guys to go in the back along with Bella and renesmee. When I call for Bella she’s going to walk in with Renesmee.”

We all nodded.

Let the fun begin.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay i already know im a horrible person for my lack of updates, and im SO SO SORRY ! but basketballs over so i have sooo much more time now.

I have wonderful things coming im back into this story and im so excited ! just stick with me my wonderful readers. can i get some comments ? i know i dont deserve them but they would make me love you guys forever and ever! plus im going to do shout outs for the ones who do comment !


- Faith