Status: Complete.

Everything To Me (Complete)

Cats out of the bag

We all sat there and talked about our situations.

“It was the only time we didn’t use a condom.” Christina said shaking her head running her hand through her head.

“We did it on purpose.” Emily said smiling.

“Of course you two, you’re the happy married couple ready for a baby,” I smiled at her.

“So im guessing you and Paul didn’t do this on purpose,” Emily said.

“Nope but, he’ll be happy.” I said

“Will you? Are you?” Christina asked.

I sighed. “I just wanted till I was married to have another baby.”

It was silent for a moment.

“I have an idea! You both can have what you want, why not just do the wedding earlier, I mean you have been engaged for over 5 months now. Just do it in two months or something. You won’t be showing too much.” Christina explained.

I thought about it for a moment. It did make sense.

“That’s, that’s a good idea.” I said happy.

“Good job Christina, you’ve done it again” she said to herself.

We laughed at her.

“So, what do you want boy or girl.” I asked as we all sat on the floor on our backs staring at the ceiling.

It was girl time; all of our guys were patrolling and wouldn’t be done for another hour or so.

“I want a boy.” Christina said.

“I want a girl,” Emily said,

“I want a boy.” I said.

We all sighed.

“Have you guys been to the doctor?” I asked.

“No.” they said at the same time.

‘Well you need to.”

“You have?” Christina asked.

“Yep, went there before I came here,”

“Where did you go?” Emily asked.

“Carlisle, He’s the one who told me I was pregnant found it in my blood test when I was unconscious,” I explained.

“We should tell the guys all the same time.” Christina said.

All ways coming up with crazy ideas,

“It would be funny to see the different reactions at the same time.” Emily piped in.

“Yea, I guess, we should make a big dinner for everyone before though,” I said.

“To the store!” Christina yelled pointing her finger nowhere specific.

We all got up and used my car instead of Christina’s or Emily’s. Seeing mine had more space.

We drove to the store excited and bubbly excepting that we were all having babies. We got some food and drinks to cook. We even got some cake mixes to cook.
It was about three in the afternoon. The guys would be done around three forty five. So we need to get going to have it close to be done when they got here. We unloaded the car and took everything in before getting down to business.

Emily cooked the chicken, green beans, and mash potatoes. I cooked the macaroni, stuffing, and gravy. Christina well she’s Christina and not the best cook in the whole wild world so we had her make the roll. But she can bake so she was in charge of the cakes.

We were almost finished when we heard people coming in the front door. We all froze, nervousness washing through our bodies. I mentally groaned. They walked in the kitchen door, Sam was first he went and kissed Emily on the cheek and hugged her around the waist, I felt a pair of familiar arms wrap around my waist from behind and kiss my temple. I smiled and turned around to wrap my arms around his neck and give him a peck on the lips.

“You’re looking quite tempting in those tight ass pants.” He said into my ear.

I rolled my eyes and giggled.

“Hell yea! Food!” I heard Jacob say. He’s such a fatty.

“You’re so fat Jake.” Christina said lightly hitting his arm as he reached her.

“You love me though,” he said kissing her cheek.

“Yes. Yes I do and I ask myself every day, why me!” she said then started laughing at the playful look of hurt on his face.

“Get out so we can finish you guys are such a distraction.”

“Yea let them hurry im hungry,” Quil said walking into the kitchen.

“Out!” Emily shooed them all out of the kitchen so we could finish.

Once they were out we shot each other worried glances. We finished in less than twenty minutes. We sat the table and called the guys in to eat.

So here is who was present. Jacob, Sam, embry, Quil, Paul. Along with me Emily and Christina, the girls got their food before the guys dug in a devoured everything that was in their way. They eat like such animals its ridiculous! At least I won’t feel so fat when I start eating even more. When we were finished and I meant us the girls, we went upstairs.

“I don’t know if I want to tell him yet,” Christina said trying to back out.

“No were going to do this together, it’ll be so much easier.” I told her.

She sighed. I hope you’re right.

“I can’t wait to tell him.” Emily said smiling all bubbly

“Im torn between wanting to and not wanting to.” I said.

We sat up there for a few minutes.

“Okay so we’re just going to be like we have something we need to tell you guys, and then say im pregnant at the same time, quick and easy like a band aid. “ I told them.

They nodded and we all walked downstairs. The guys were now in the living room playing the dumb video game. I stood in front of the TV and turned it off.

“Hey!” they all screamed at me at the same time. I rolled my eyes.

“We have something that we need to tell you guys.” I said.

They all looked confused and concerned, especially Sam, Paul, and Jake.

“What is it?” Sam spoke up.

I looked at the girls they nodded.

“Im pregnant.” We said at the same time.
♠ ♠ ♠
hmmmmmm. CLIFF HANGER ! so what do you think,? how do you think theyre going to react? these are quetsions you can answer with comments! please!

Thank you:

Just Exhale
For comments
