Status: Complete.

Everything To Me (Complete)

I cant wait

We came to the beach and we all got out. I sat Dakota down after getting her out and she ran toward the water.

“Dakota! How many times do I have to tell you! Don’t run into the water!” I said running after her. She was laughing the whole time.

I heard Paul laughing at us from behind me. I caught up to her and grabbed her. I put her on my hip.

“You know I can already tell you are going to be trouble when you get older” I said looking at her.

She started laughing some more; I shook my head at her. I could see the guys already at the cliff. They were doing flips and jumping off of it. I kind of wanted to go and jump but then I didn’t, I saw Collin running over to us.

“I’ll take Dakota swimming” He offered once he reached us.

“Okay,” I handed her to him and then turned to Paul. He was looking at me devishly.

“Paul what are you-” but was cut off by him throwing me over his shoulder.

“Paul!’ I screamed while laughing. He ran up the cliffs. When we got up there he sat me

“Look at the cute engaged couple” Jacob said.

I rolled my eyes. Jacob has been such a pest since he found out about the engagement.

“Shut it Jake” Paul said.

Christina walked over to Jake and pushed him over the edge causing all of us to burst out

“Hey!” He yelled up from the water.

“I love you babe!” Christina yelled over the edge.

Paul picked me up bridal style.

“Paul I can walk” I said.

“Yea I know,” He started walking over to the ledge. I could feel myself start to panic.

“Look you better make sure you bring her back up with you” Kim threatened,

“Yea I agree or your going have to deal with me” Christina said.

I saw Paul roll his eyes, “Yea cause two human girls could beat me.”

He looked at me, “Ready?”

“Yea just jump” I said.

I took in a breathe and then Paul jumped off the cliff. I forgot what it felt like to jump off the
cliffs I forgot how much I loved the adrenaline.

The water hit us and we went under. Paul’s arms never left me instead of holding me bridal style now he had his arms around my waist; he dragged me back up to the surface. I wiped my hair out of my face. I looked at Paul. He was smiling at me.

“I made sure you came back up this time” He said smiling.

“Yea you did.” I ran my finger through his hair then brought his lips to mine. His lips were so
warm against my cold ones he heated mine up right away, . I wrapped my arms around his
neck to bring him closer. He wrapped his arms around my waist. His tongue traced my bottom lip I greedily let him in our tongues fought for dominance he put his hands under my butt and lifted me up so my legs could wrap around his waist.

“Hey! Keep it PG please! Right now you guys are doing an NC-17 rating!’ I heard Kim yell from the top I stopped kissing Paul and looked up at the cliff.

“The rest of us want to jump!” Embry yelled down.

I laughed. I got on Pauls back.

“Swim” I said bouncing.

I felt him shiver.

“Please don’t bounce,” He growled.

“Why can’t I bounce?” I asked as he started to swim, I bounced again.

He growled again, “Because we’re supposed to be keeping it PG but with you bouncing im going to turn it into NC-17”

I giggled then I leaned down to his ear, “I have no problem with making it NC-17”

He growled once more then he flipped me around so I was in front of him.

“I’ll take you up on that when we get home,” He said then pecked me on the lips.

“Don’t forget,” I said

Then he pecked me once more and then carried me out of the water.

He ran us up to the top of the cliff Embry and Quil fell of the cliff as soon as we got up there causing me to laugh.

“Danielle! Do some flips!” Christina said jumping up and down.

I haven’t done anything like that since I got my casts off.

“Okay,” I said getting out of Pauls arms.

“Uh no you’re not,” Paul said grabbing my arm.

“Any why not?” I asked.

“Because you just got out of two casts and you’re not getting in one again,” He said.

“Paul im going to be fine,” I said and took my arm out of his grasp.

“Danie-” Paul started.

“Look im going to do a flip and you’re going to stop being over protective, I used to do things
like this all the time” I said looking at him.

He stopped talking and furrowed his eye brows together.

I looked at the cliff everyone had moved over. I ran and did a back handspring, then a back flip and went into the water. I came back up quickly. I could hear everyone shouting and hollering from the top. I swam back to the shore and went to the top of the cliff; standing there now was just Paul

“Where’s everyone else?” I asked walking over to him.

“They all jumped together” He said looking at the water.

“What’s wrong Paul?” I asked feeling something wrong.

“Nothing” He said shaking his head still looking at the water.

“Then why aren’t you looking at me?” I asked walking toward him.

He turned and looked at me.

“Danielle you said that I was being overprotective, but you can’t blame me two times you’ve been taken from me and could have been so easily killed, and it would have been my fault, one of the times you were with me but yet you still could have died. An imprint is supposed to protect their imprintee not put them in danger and not protect them, Im never there to protect you like I should,” He finished what he was saying then looked down at his feet.

I walked over to him and put my hand on his cheek, he looked at me.

“Paul it isn’t your fault that my stupid ex who was a leech came to kill me it also wasn’t your fault when my bracelet got caught, you don’t put me in danger if anthing you save me from it.

If you hadn’t of brought me back up to the surface I would have died and if you hadn’t of been there both in counters that we had with Jason then I would have died, hell if you weren’t there the first time there wouldn’t of been a second time, and not only have you saved my life you’ve also saved Dakotas. So please stop blaming yourself for everything, its
NOT your fault.” I told him then pecked him on the lips.

He wrapped his arms around my waist.

“You know I can’t wait to see you walking down the aisle to me.” He said smiling.

“And I can’t wait till I get to say I do.” I said smiling back and pecked him on the lips.

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sorry it took so long i havent updated...internet was down but its back up now...

comments please my goal is 12