Status: Complete.

Everything To Me (Complete)


I was sitting in the living room feet up on a pillow on the coffee table, head laying down rubbing my 7 and a half month swollen stomach, I was bigger with this baby then I was with Dakota, My boobs were sore also,

"Okay here you go," my mom said walking in with a ham sandwich, chips and a bottle of water.

"Thank you," I said greatly taking the welcomed food.

Paul was at a job he had started, he worked with the police force in forks trying to bring some money in, I wanted to work too sitting at home all day is far from fun, I get lonely really fast Dakota is in daycare from 9 to 5 so I don't have to worry about her, only company I have is the dogs and my mom who helps me out occasionally us girls hang out but 3 of are pregnant with over protective significant others that don't let us do anything.

I heard my mom sigh, "Your sisters coming home."

I stopped in mid chew and looked at her, "What?"

"Your sisters coming home." she repeated

"For visit?" I asked hoping for a yes

"No for good"

Oh my gosh. Why world! Why do you hate me so! I despised my older sister with everything I have.

"For why!" I said angry

"She just wants to come home for a while plus she says she has something Important to tell us," she explained

"Where the hell is she going to stay?"

My mother glared, “language, and she bought a house."

"Bought a house, this is just great" I rolled my eyes

"You and your sister need to start getting along this is absolutely ridiculous," my mother lectured

"She did it"

You see my sister is oh how would you put it, a good low down hoe, meaning she doesn't take no for an answer nor does she say no. I wasn’t the first to get pregnant, she is 3 years older than me and from what I last heard has 4 kids! I repeat 4 kids!

She gave herself a bad name on school along with me supposedly being how she was too, but oh no I was far from it I had one good boyfriend from my freshman year to senior and that was Dakotas daddy, and we only had sex once and I was really unfortunate. My sister has 4 different fathers! Did you catch that? She had her first kid when she was 15. So um yea excuse me for being embarrassed, she was just so rude and diva like. She always treated me as a threat rather than a younger sister. Plus my mom always paid her more attention than me half the time because she needed "help" well then stop popping out all these babies and you won't need so much "help" and I can have some attention I mean dam! Miranda this and Miranda that! Shut the hell up!

"When will she be here?" I asked

My mother looked down, "Tomorrow"

"Mother! And you choose to tell me now, less than 24 hours until she's here" I said irritated

"I didn't want to stress you out" she defended

I just rolled my eyes and finished eating.

My hair had grown back out I decided not to cut it again plus Paul liked it short but loved it long claiming he liked running his hands through it, I glanced over at the clock when I was done eating it was 4:30, time to pick up Dakota. I got up and took my Dishes to the sink,

"Well honey, I'm going to make sure everything’s ready for Miranda," my mom announced.

And it begins, "yea whatever"

Then I hear the door shut. I sighed putting my dishes in the washer before grabbing my hood slipping it on over my belly getting my slippers on, grabbing my keys and locked the door and walked out.

I unlocked the car and got in pulling out the driveway. Oh by the way I'm having another girl, yea Paul was so excited, I love her either way but I wanted a boy, but oh well from what Paul keeps telling me there will be plenty of more chances, this boy thinks I'm about to give him a football team he's got another thing coming 5 kids is my limit, I sighed running my hands through my hair.

I pulled into the day care drive way and got out. I walked inside,

“Hello Danielle how are you today?” Mrs. Carol the front desk clerk asked,

“I’m doing great how about you?” I replied

“Mighty fine, I’ll be right back with Dakota,” she said and retreated to the back.

A few minutes later she was walking back with Dakota in her arms, she handed her to me.

“Dakota!” I said hugging her,

“Mommy!’ she said hugging me back.

“Thanks Mrs. Carol see you tomorrow.” I said walking out of the daycare.

“Did you have a good day?” I asked Dakota walking to the car.

“Yea, I got to play and color pictures,” she said

“That sounds like fun.” I said buckling her into her car seat.

“It was!” she said excitedly.

I laughed shutting her door and going to the driver’s side before getting in. I started pulling out the parking lot making my way back home. Dakota never really met He aunt Miranda, she was a baby the last time I saw her.

“Dakota your auntie’s coming to town with all of your cousins,” I told her.

“Auntie?” she asked confused.

“Yea, I have an older sister you haven’t seen her since you were a baby,”

“Like my sister.” She said.

She was so excited when I told her she was going to be a big sister, she’s always rubbing my belly and talking to it. I thought she would flip and not want her but she did a 360 n me and acted completely different about the situation.

“Yes, honey like your sister.” I said smiling.

She didn’t say anything else just hummed a nursery rhyme I’m guessing she learned at day care. I pulled into the drive way to find Paul’s truck there too. I smiled my babies’ home! I quickly got Dakota out of the car and rushed inside, Dakota wiggled out of my arms and ran to find pretty and diamond. I went to find Paul. I found him in the room changing into a new shirt. I walked up behind him and grabbed it before he could put it on. He turned around and smiled at me. I smirked back.

“How many times do I have to tell you to keep your shirt off,” I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me and my belly into him he leaned down to kiss me, it was a gentle kiss and his lips lingered on mine for a little while before pulling away and kissing my forehead. I smiled with my eyes closed.

“I missed you,” He whispered.

“I missed you too,”

He ran his fingers through my hair, “So what did you do today?”

He pulled me to the bed and sat down placing me on his lap.

“Well my mom was over cleaning and helping out, then she dropped the news on me that my sisters coming home, to live!” I said

“Your sister? Miranda?” he said.

“Yea, she said she has something important to tell us. Her and her four kids,” I said rolling my eyes.

“I remember her, she was something else alright.” Paul said laughing.

“Yea, she was. I can’t stand that girl.’ I said rolling my eyes.

“Oh baby it can’t be that bad, “He said kissing my cheek.

“Oh she is and it is, you just wait!”
♠ ♠ ♠
yea, i know ve mentioned her sister before maybe once..butyea im having her enter the story too she brings some drama since their relationship is so distant. Plus i just felt like adding new people.

This is a pretty long chapterits 1305 words! aha, and we reached the goal this time! yayayay! thank you you guys!

Alot of people are reading this staory but 12 of you comment, silent readers your thoughts matter to id love to hear from you, it makes me extremly happy. please comment just one little ' hey i love your story' or ' i like it' just a few words.

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Just Exhale
nutter butter

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Goal: 92
