Status: Complete.

Everything To Me (Complete)

Aww hell Naw!

I opened my eyes as the bright sunlight rushed in through my blind. I smiled remembering what today my baby shower, I felt Paul's grip tighten on my waist and looked at the sleeping man next to me. I smiled and kissed the bridge of his nose before quietly and sneakily slipped out of his grasp. I stretched my muscles and walked toward my closet in search of something cute to wear today. Since I’m so far into this pregnancy I really haven’t been caring what I wear. Sweat pants and hoodies have been my daily attire and Uggs, I looked threw my closet and pulled out some black leggings and a grey cardigan. I set them on my bed before going to my drawers and pulling out a bra, panties, and a pink tank top to go under my cardigan. I laid those on my bed to. Before retreating to the shower, I turned the water to a good temperature before I slipped everything off and stepped into the warm/hot water.

About 15 minutes later I was stepping out of the shower. I dried myself off before walking into the room. Paul was still knocked out. I rolled my eyes. It is eleven in the morning. I slipped on my bra and panties. I sprayed some victoria’s secret perfume on before throwing the rest of my clothes on. I went to the mirror to check myself out. I looked pretty sexy for a pregnant mama. I smiled before walking out of the room to check on Dakota. She was sound asleep in her bed. I smiled at her. She was so precious. I walked back out quietly and made my way to Liz's room.
Yea I bet you’re wondering where Liz has been. Well this girl is one word put together attitude! Since school was in for her all she would do is get up and go to school, go hang with Seth until she knew she had to come back home and then go to her room. We’d exchange a few words. But she just seemed to be pissed off at me all the time and at the moment I wasn’t giving a shit. I was already too stressed to be trying to deal with teenage hormones. I knocked on her door before just opening it. This is MY house.

She was sitting on her bed with her headphones in reading a book. She looked up at me sensing someone’s presence before looking back down at her book. I sighed and walked over and sat on the edge or her bed. She didn’t look at me. I rolled my eyes in complete anger and annoyance before ripping her ear buds out.

“Hey!” she screeched at me.

“I have had enough! I mean enough! Of your shit! I have done nothing but be nice and tolerant of you but I have about had it! I could have let Clarissa take you back with her but I did because I wanted you to be here and you did too, but you show no appreciation for anything I have done with this attitude you have been giving me these past months. What the hell did I do? Ban you from having sex? Do you want a baby? Do you? Plus sex is just another emotional level that I just don’t want you getting into. But I mean teens will be teens I know you and sex have been going against my wishes any way so I hope you’ve been careful. But now it’s time for some punishment, I will be going to my baby shower today. You little girl will be cleaning folding and babysitting Dakota. Paul and Collin have patrol; Paul also has a job to get to. SO I don’t want to hear any of your shit. You better get your ass up and get to it because it better is done by the time I get home.” I said to her before walking out of the room.

I heard her harshly whisper a ‘Shit! What have I done?’

I smiled knowing I had done my daily duty for today. I walked away from her room. And to the kitchen let today begin!

It was now 1:00 and I just arrived at Emily’s house right on time, I got out of my car before walking in. It was decorated beautifully. Purple and blue flooded the living room and den, as did the mount f women. I smiled as I walked in. Every one turned to me and smiled with a bunch of ‘Dani’s!’ floating throughout the room. By everyone I mean, Emily, Christina, Kim, and Miranda (unfortunately), my mom, Alice, Rose, Bella, and Esme. I smiled at everyone.

“Hey you guys! I said, walking fully into the room.

“Now the party can begin!” Eva yelled.

I rolled my eyes at her laughing. She’s so silly! I walked over to the seat they had for me and sat down. Man was my back hurting.

I looked at Emily who was not farther along than I was but only by a few days. Christina was glowing as well her hair has gotten really long.

“Okay first let’s eat!” Emily said.

We laughed and got up to get our food. I pretty much looked fatter then I already was, but I was starving!

We all got our food and then sat down to eat and talk. Of course the conversation drifted to babies, were at a baby shower and have 5 pregnant women in one room its inevitable.

“What are you going to name your baby?” I asked Emily, she’s having a girl too. Like me.

“Well Sam said that I get to name her, and I’ve been thinking about the name Amiyah Nicole.” She said smiling.

“That’s a beautiful name,” Christina said smiling, “More unique then the name I have.”

I laughed, “Okay so what name did you pick out?”

“Ashton Joshua.” She said.

“That’s not that original.” Eva pointed out.

“Yea it’s not.” Kim agree nodding her head,

“What about you Dani?” Rosalie asked.

“Novalynn Faith.”

“Now THAT’S pretty,” Alice piped in, “I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything like that. And I’ve heard a lot.” She said

We all laughed at the inside joke. Well everyone but Miranda. Who just rolled her eyes clearly not wanting to be here.

The rest of the time went by fairly nice. Everyone gave me gifts for the baby from dresses to diapers and everything a newborn would need.

“All of this is making me even more anxious for her to just come already.” I said happily.

“I know how you feel! So, Dani how’s the wedding coming along?” Emily asked.

I smiled and shook my head, “I really haven’t been planning but I did leave it all in the hands of Alice.” I said nodding over at Alice.

“Yes you did! And it’s coming along perfectly. Your date is set to July 20th!” she said happily.

Miranda scoffed I guess at the thought of me getting married. I got annoyed.

“Is there a problem?” I asked looking at her. Everyone went pretty quiet noticing the tension between me and my so called sister.

“Yes actually Danielle there is, you get to walk around like miss-goodie-two-shoes all the time, but you’re not you’re far from it, cause bitch your no better than me,” Miranda said glaring at me.

My temper just lit up like it’s never been before.

“Who the fuck are you calling a bitch you no good two cent whore! I’m more than your ugly skanky ass could ever be,” I said standing up ready whoop her ass. I’ve waited for this long enough. She stood up two.

She laughed, “ I can assure you I’m not ugly, have you never not noticed the resemblance between Dakota and Bentley?” she asked with an evil smirk on her face, “You see you were taking wayyy to long to give Jason what he wanted and well, he came to me. Let’s just say Nathan was a sub in. he’s definitely not the father of Bentley.”

I saw red I forgot all about me being pregnant. I pulled my fist back and punched her in her face so hard she fell to the ground. I punched her over and over again in the face. We’ll see how pretty she is after this.

Everyone started screaming.

“Dani! She’s pregnant! You’re pregnant!” I heard Emily scream.

I wasn’t caring. I kicked her in the face I heard a crunch. That was the last thing I could do before I was pulled off of her. I spit on her too.

“You listen to me Miranda! You are no sister of mine! I hate your fucking guts. If you ever! I mean ever try to cross me again I can assure you, you will be a lot worse. Fuck with me bitch! Fuck with me if you want to!” I screamed still trying to go whoop her ass some more.

“Dani stop it! It’s not worth it!”

They dragged me into the kitchen. Rosalie was tending to Miranda who had two black eyes a broken nose and busted lip and a gash on her cheek. I got her good. I smiled when I got a good look at her face.

Rosalie, Kim and Esme rushed her to Carlisle so he could fix up her face.

“Dani. I know this isn’t the best time, but you whooped that bitches ass! And you’re so pregnant!” Christina sad before laughing so hard she started to cry.

“Oh I’d pay to see that again! She had it coming!” Eva said laughing along with her.

Emily was running her hands through my hair trying to calm me down quietly giggling to herself.

They’re right she had it coming.
♠ ♠ ♠
Im so sorry this took so long. Ive had a bad case of writers block but heres a chapter with some drama ! :)

What do you think of that ending!
How is paul going to take it?
Dakota and bentley arent cousins but brother and sister? comments for that?

Ill try and update again soon.

Comments my lovelies!
