Status: Complete.

Everything To Me (Complete)


Here I am doing dishes for the millionth time today I swear the kitchen can never stay clean. I sighed as I put the last dish in the dishwasher I closed it and started the cycle; I took the towel and dried off my hands before retreating to the living room where Dakota laid with a dog on each side of her. I plopped down on the couch rubbing my stomach. I have three more weeks until I'm due and I can’t wait! In this stage of pregnancy I'm just done. I want her O U T!

The front door opened and Paul walked in just getting got off from work. He’s been gone all day and I missed him, a lot. I smiled up at him.

“Baby” I yelled not attempting to get up, way too much effort.

He laughed at me and threw his keys on the coffee table before sitting down next to giving me a big sloppy kiss on the lips. I squealed.

“Yuck Paul!” I said wiping off my lips.

He laughed, “Don’t be wiping off my kisses!”

I smiled, and leaned him to give him a proper kiss on the lips, which turned into more than a kiss in less than a second. After a minute I pulled away.

“Now that’s a kiss I would never wipe away.” He said smiling at me before kissing my forehead. I giggled.

Yes Paul still makes me giggle and blush as much as he could when we first started this relationship. That’s what I love about us the most nothing ever gets old; it never becomes a burden or annoying. It’s always in the honeymoon stage and I never want it to end.

“So how was your day at work?” I asked.

“It was fine, glad to be home though. I missed you all day” he said kissing my cheek

“I missed you too.” I said as I pressed on my stomach.

It was hurting, not like a stomach ache but kind of, kind of like a…contraction. I felt the sudden need to pee.

“Hold on I’ll be right back.” I told him as I got up to go to the restroom.

“You’re looking more and more like a penguin everyday babe,” Paul joked laughing at my wobbling.

“Shut the hell up,” I laughed with him as I opened the bathroom door and walked in.

I was just about to pull my pants down before boom, it happened. A warm liquid just exploded all over me and the ground. I stared at the puddle under me before walking out of the bathroom and staring at Paul.

“Is everything okay?” he asked looking concerned at my face.

“My water…just broke.” I said holding my stomach.

He looked as if he stopped breathing I never knew Paul's face could get ghostly white until that exact moment. I'm not going to lie I was scared. I might have gone through this before but it’s still scary as hell. Paul still hadn’t moved. Until I had a contraction and winced in pain, Holy shit it hurts! Paul was at my side in a flash.

“Oh shit, oh shit,” he kept repeating.

“Just calm down and get my hospital bag.” I told him.

He nodded and rushed upstairs to retrieve it.

“Get Dakotas bag too!” I yelled up to him.

“Got it!” he yelled back down to me.

I wobbled over to the coffee table where my phone was I picked it up and called Collin first. It started ringing.

“Pick up, pick up.” I chanted hoping to god he wasn’t on patrol.

On the fifth ring he answered.

"‘Hello?” his voice said from the other side.

"Collin, I need you to come get Dakota please, hurry.” I said.

“On my way,”

And the line went dead.

“Mommy, are you okay?” Dakota asked standing in front of me putting her hands in my legs.

“Mommy’s fine baby but it looks like your sisters coming early.”

I sat down on the couch and dialed my mother’s number. Ever since what happened with Miranda she hasn’t been talking to me, go figure right? Choose the daughter that slept with my daughters’ father.

“Yes Danielle?” she said sounding annoyed.

“Hello, I was just going to tell you my water broke and I'm going into labor not like you’d give a shit but tell dad please I know he cares.” And I hung up the phone

I rolled my eyes. Paul came rushing back down the stairs just as Collin walked in.

“What’s wrong?” he asked sounding concerned and nervous.

“The babies coming, I need you to take Dakota and tell everyone what’s going on.” As soon as I finished saying that another contraction hit me and it was worse then the first one. I winced loudly as I gripped my stomach.

“Okay it’s time to go.” I said reaching for Paul's hand to pull me up.

Paul gripped my hand and pulled me up from my seat.

“Okay Dani, I will.” Collin told me taking Dakota and her bag.

Paul led me to the door and locked the door behind us. Collin got in his car and pulled out driving away. Paul sat me in the passenger’s seat and slammed the door shut before running to the driver’s side and pulling out of the drive way.

“Go to Carlisle’s, that where he told me to come when I went into labor.” I told Paul as I started trying to breathe through another contraction.

“Babe, are you sure I shouldn’t just take you to the-” He started.

“Fine! just get me to a damn hospital” I yelled at him

“Okay.” He said quickly.

And to the hospital we went.
♠ ♠ ♠
THE BABIES COMING! OH MY GOODNESS! aha. Ive been waiting for this. don' t worry this isn't the end. there's a big thing that's coming after the babies born. this sequel will end with the wedding. i plan on doing another sequel though..i think. should I?

sorry for the wait but you guys reached my comment goal and I had to update! i was kind of waiting for it. but yea here's the chapter. tell me what you think!


comment goal: 110

P.S : I just changed the ending instead of going to Carlisle shes going to the hospital so everyone including her parents can be waiting.
