Status: Complete.

Everything To Me (Complete)

Novalynn Faith Parker.

As we pulled into the emergency room entrance Paul Screeched the car to a halt and jumped out of his side of the car. He slammed the door shut running to my side of the car swinging the door open and picking me up bridal style to carry me into the hospital. Let’s just say he was totally freaking out while I, I was in pain.

“My Fiancés in labor!” he yelled to the front desk

And immediately people started to move, a man brought a wheel chair over and Paul sat me down in it. I gripped onto his hand, making sure he wasn’t going to leave me.

The nurses started to take me back into a room where they got me situated. I was hooked up to IV’s and in a hospital gown in no time. Paul was standing beside my bed gripping onto my hand after being checked by Carlisle, who was thankfully working at the time, I was 5 ½ centimeters dilated.

“Paul, this is it,” I said as I felt tears come to my eyes, from pain and happiness.

He smiled down at me looking very nervous, “Yea baby this is it.”


“Congratulations Danielle, You have a beautiful baby girl,” Carlisle told me 6 hours later. “Born January 12th”

I was exhausted and sweating, I smiled as he handed her to me, I looked down at her, and she looked just like Paul except her eyes were blue.

Novalynn Faith Parker, I don’t know where these eyes came from,” I said smiling down at her.

“She’s Beautiful,” Paul said.

I nodded and looked up at him; he had one lone tear run down his cheek. I reached up and wiped it away before pulling him down and giving him a sweet kiss on the lips. I then tried to hand her to him, but he shook his head,

“I’ve never held a baby that small.” He said.

“Well you gotta learn don’t you,” I said and still held her toward him.

He sighed and then took her from me.

“Make sure you’re holding her head up.” I told him,

And he was doing so; he was actually doing very well.

“See you’re a natural.” I said laying my head back smiling at him.

He just stared at her; she really did look like Paul. But as they get older they do change.

I felt my eyes start to close, and before I knew it I was asleep.


I woke up to quiet murmurs. I opened my eyes, to see pretty much, well everyone.
I smiled at them and looked to see my dad holding Novalynn showing her to Dakota who was looking at her in awe.

“You’re awake!” Eva said pretty loudly.

“Eva, babe,” Embry said smiling shaking his head.

I laughed.

Paul came over to me and kissed my forehead. I smiled,

“How long have I been asleep?” I asked

“Well, we’ve been here for about two hours.” Jake said who had Christina in his lap sleep.

She was also pretty huge. Sam was sitting down with Emily also asleep in his lap.

“Why don’t you guys take them home?” I asked nodding at the two.

“Yeah we already tried that and they about chewed our heads off.” Sam said rolling his eyes looking down at his sleeping wife.

“Christina actually tried to hit me.” Jake said in disbelief.

At this I laughed louder than I probably should have seeing as they both woke up.

“Dani, you’re awake.” Christina said getting up and waddling over to me, Emily right behind her.

“More and more like a penguin everyday babe,” Jake laughed at Christina.

She turned and glared at him, “Closer and closer to being single everyday Jake.”

The room boomed with laughter while Jake looked as if he was just told he had a week to live.

“How are you feeling?” Emily asked.

“Just a little sore, other than that, fine.” I told her truthfully.

“Well I'm glad you’re feeling great I'm ready to get him! Out of me” Christina said.

“I feel the same way!” Emily said.

“I know the feeling,” I said waving my hand.

“Mommmmaaaaa” Dakota dragged out I smiled over to the little girl who was running over to me. curls bouncing.

She attempted to climb up on the bed with me but was not succeeding. I looked at Paul who was laughing at her.

“Don’t you laugh at my baby,” I said reaching down to help her up.

“I got her,” Paul said and put her up on the bed., “Be careful Dakota,”

She nodded at him and then looked at me,

“Mommy did you see Nova!” she said smiling.

I scrunched my eyebrows together.

“She can’t say her full name,” Paul told me.

I nodded in understanding, “Come one Dakota you can say Novalynn.”

She shook her head, I sighed at looked at her.

“She really can’t Dani-” Paul started I held my hand up.

“Dakota, say No-va-lynn” I said slowly.

She looked at me then repeated, “No-va-lynn”

“Novalynn.” I said

“Novalynn” she said.

I smiled at her and kissed her cheek before looking up at Paul and raised an eyebrow.

“Hey! Why didn’t you do that for me!” he said at Dakota picking her up and tossing her in the air playfully,

She just laughed, “Mommy can I still call her nova?”

“Yes, you can still call her Nova.”

Everyone was laughing. My dad walked over to me, and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I looked around, “Where’s mom?”

He sighed, “Miranda needed her help, she told me to tell you congratulations and that she loves you.”

I just shook my head, “yeah whatever.”

My mom once again was a disappointment to me, how do you miss your daughter giving birth? How can you not be here?

Soon everyone left; Dakota went home with my dad. My room was decorated with balloons, flowers, I had plenty of cards.

I was quietly holding a sleeping Novalynn while Paul was asleep on the couch. He said that she weighed 6 lbs 10 oz. Perfect for being three weeks early. I laid her down in her bed next to me and sat back in my bed and I too went to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠

We didn't reach the comment goal :( but i really wanted to update for yo lovelies, so here you go. Now i can get to whats been planned 10 chapters ago! the DRAMA it should be here after the next few chapters.


Goal: 112