Status: Complete.

Everything To Me (Complete)

The Dream

The next day we were pulling into our driveway.

“Welcome home Novalynn.” I said smiling, as I opened up the car door.

Since I was still pretty sore, Paul took the liberty and carried Novalynns’ car seat inside. I held the front door open for him as he did so. My dad was going to be bringing Dakota back later on today. I followed behind Paul as he took her upstairs to her room. I sighed as watched him take her out of her car seat and quietly laid her in her bed and leaned down to kiss her forehead, He turned on the baby monitor, he then turned around walked over to turn the light switch off before grabbing my hand and leading me out of the bedroom quietly shutting the door behind us.

“I think it’s time you actually good a good night’s rest,” Paul said sitting me down on our bed.

“I agree with you there,” I said falling back on the bed.

He took off my shoes and socks before moving me to my side of the bed, and getting under the covers with me.

I sighed as I cuddled into him. I was out as soon as I closed my eyes.

Red eyes stared at me as I felt myself hyperventilating. I couldn’t see a face nothing but red eyes, I then heard the cry of a baby, I looked at the silhouette of a man and the face of a baby now came into view, it was my baby, it was Novalynn.

“Put her down!” I heard myself yell at the still unknown figure, I knew it was a vampire that was it. A dark evil chuckle surrounded me,

“I told you I’d be back.” The voice said,

I was still so confused and before I knew it the man and my child was gone,

I jolted awake and threw my hand to my chest, gripping it as my heart was pounding so loud I could hear it , I turned to where thought Paul would be but he wasn’t there I then heard a shrilling cry, I threw the covers off me and ran to Novalynns room. I threw the door open and Paul was standing there with her shushing her, trying to soothe her back to sleep.

He looked over at me concerned, “Danielle, whats wrong?”

I just stared at him I couldn’t say anything, I couldn’t move I just stared at him.

“Danielle!?” he yelled at me.

I snapped my head in his direction expecting him to be across the room he was now in front of me. I must have dozed out of it.

“Yes?” I asked.

“Are you okay,” he asked running one hand down my cheek as he was still holding the baby.

“Yeah, yeah im fine.” I reassured him.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

“Yeah im sure, im going back to bed.”I told him and left to go back to my room.

“Dani?” I heard Liz call to me.

I turned my head in the direction it was coming from, she was standing in her door way.

“Yeah?” I said.

“Im sorry.” She said looking down.

“It’s okay, I forgive you.” I told her.

She just nodded and retreated back to her room, where I was positive Seth was.

I walked back to my room in a daze. That dream felt all too real, and those eyes, that voice. I’ve heard it all before, it was familiar. I just couldn’t put my finger on it. I sat down on my bed and put my face in my hands. I was exhausted, stressed, and just not in the damn mood for this. I sighed as I rubbed my face. I felt a hand land on my shoulder which caused me to jump. I looked up and saw Paul standing with a very concerned and worried look. He kneeled down in front of me.

“Dani, are you sure you’re okay, something’s wrong I can feel it.” he said

I just shook my head, “Im just tired.”

I didn’t want to tell him about the dream, I didn’t want him to be worried. He had enough to deal with on daily basis to be freaking out about a silly dream I had.

I smiled to try and convince him I was fine. He didn’t look like he believed it but he nodded.

“Come back to bed.” he said and we both got back in bed. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him, and I sighed.

“Danielle, you’d tell me if, if something was wrong wouldn’t you?” he asked.

I really didn’t want to lie to him but, I couldn’t tell him. I didn’t want him to be worried.

“Yes,” I lied.

I closed my eyes knowing I just lied to him, also with the feeling that I would regret this moment. I just had that feeling.


I woke up to the sun streaming in my eyes. I sat up and ran a hand through my hair. I decided that since everything seemed to be okay that id go ahead and jump in the shower. I Picked out some clothes to wear. I grabbed my towel and head for the shower.
As I was relaxing in just letting the water run all over me, I continued to think about that dream, it kept replaying over and over again last night, I woke up countless times.

“Dammit Danielle, it’s just a dream.” I whispered harshly to myself.

I finished my shower before getting out and frying myself off. I towel dried my hair before wrapping the towel around me and walking out to my room to get dressed. I shut the bedroom door before proceeding to put my clothes on. Once that was finished I slipped on my socks and snug boots. I went back to the bathroom and sprayed some curling spray in my hair before giving myself a braid to the side. I wasn’t caring what so ever about make up so I sprayed some Victoria secret perfume on before leaving the bathroom and my bedroom. I walked down the hall to find Novalynns room empty. I walked farther down the hall and knocked on Liz’s door.

“Come in” she called from the other side.

I opened the door and saw her sitting on her bed looking as if she was doing homework.

“Have you seen Paul?” I asked.

“He’s downstairs.” She said.


I closed her door back and walked downstairs to find Paul with the baby in her car seat sleeping and him giving Dakota something to eat.

“Super dad,” I said smiling.

“Funny, Little miss Nova decided to keep me up all night,” He said nodding over at her.

“Is Nova going to become her nick name?” I laughed.

“It’s catchy,” he said shrugging.

I rolled my eyes, “Well you can go get some sleep if you want, I got this.”

He smiled before grabbing me and giving me a kiss on the lips,

“I knew there was a reason I love you so much,” He joked.

I laughed, “Yeah, yeah.”

He went upstairs to get some sleep laughing. I sighed and jumped up on the counters to sit down. Novalynn was soundlessly sleeping in her car seat, Dakota was eating eggs. I really haven’t used my powers much, at all actually. Not since the fight with the voultri. I really haven’t had the need.

I focused on the apples on the counter and lifted them up and made them move in a circle. Dakota laughed. I smiled, I then froze them in the air with my hands.

She gasped, “Momma look!”

I laughed, “I see.” I then dropped them back onto the counter.

I sighed as I realized how bored I was. As if on cue Novalynn started crying, and let’s just say I wasn’t bored anymore.
♠ ♠ ♠
and another... this story will most likely be finished around chapter 45. Only a few chapters left to go!
