Status: Complete.

Everything To Me (Complete)


It’s been a month since I gave birth to Novalynn, and well things were going perfect. I didn’t have that dream again, and most of my time was spent preparing the wedding that was coming faster then I actually realized.

Emily gave birth to her beautiful daughter Amiyah Nichole Uley on January 24th, she was a small baby weighing 5lbs 8oz. Christina Gave birth to Ashton Joshua Black on February 14th, He was a very big baby weighing at 7lbs 2oz. Yea she had to be stitched up and was sore for days.

So all the babies have been born and well, are quite a handful. Jacob and Christina are planning on moving to their own place after they graduate this year. It’s just a little bit too crowded at Jakes house. Novalynn is a full blown daddy’s girl, she could be screaming and as soon as Paul picks her up she shuts right up, it’s not fair actually. She still loves coming to me but she rather be with her daddy. Amiyah’s a daddy’s girl also while Ashton is a momma’s boy; he’s attached to her hip. Never wants to be put down, and he’s too heavy and big for all that.

It’s now around ten at night and I'm changing Novalynn’s diaper. Dakota was up on a chair watching me. I finished changing her and laid her down in her crib, draping her favorite silk blanket over her. She was tired and was already drifting off to sleep, I smiled down at her and kissed her forehead, before picking Dakota up and letting her kiss her forehead as well. Turning the baby monitor on like every night I turned the light off and closed the door behind me.

“Now it’s time for you to go to bed.” I told Dakota kissing her cheek.

“Do I have to?” she whined.

“Yes, you do.” I opened her door, and walked over to her bed also laying her own. I covered her
with her tinker bell comforter before also kissing her forehead.

“night baby,” I said walking away.

“Night mommy, love you.” She said.

“Love you too.” I said turning her night light on before turning her light off and closing the door.

I sighed as I retreated to my room turned off the light, and also got under my comforter. Paul was out on patrol, and wouldn’t be back until around three in the morning, I closed my eyes and was quickly asleep.

Red eyes stared at me as I felt myself hyperventilating. I couldn’t see a face nothing but red eyes, I then heard the cry of a baby, I looked at the silhouette of a man and the face of a baby now came into view, it was my baby, it was Novalynn.

“Put her down!” I heard myself yell at the still unknown figure, I knew it was a vampire that was it. A dark evil chuckle surrounded me,

“I told you I’d be back.” The voice said,

I was still so confused and before I knew it the man and my child was gone,

I jolted awake once more, I haven’t had this dream since Novalynn’s first night here, something was wrong something was very wrong. I heard a cry. I jumped up and ran to Novalynn’s room. I flung the door open to find what I feared most, I was so hoping Paul was home and it was just like last time, but it wasn’t. Standing there was the guy from the forest, those red eyes staring at me as his lips formed into a smirk. It was different from my dream though not only was he holding Novalynn but, he had Dakota too.

“Well, I told you I’d be back didn’t i?” he laughed evilly, “I was just coming for her,” He said nudging at Dakota, “But then when I smelt this one too, it was oh so difficult to resist, I got two for the price of one.”

“Give them to me,” I pleaded, I couldn’t move for some reason.

“Do you feel that? You can’t move can you.” He said, “Thanks to something I picked up a few months ago,”

“Please,” I pleaded voice shaking

“No, I don’t think so; you’re not oh so powerful now eh?” He smirked at me.

“Mommy,” Dakota cried.

“It’s okay baby.” I told her a lump in my throat making it difficult for me to breathe

Novalynn started crying, no screaming.

“Well I’ll be talking to you soon, And by the way, the names Damon. ”

And with that he was gone, with my children. I felt my body relax and I was able to move. I screamed.

“Paul! Liz! Somebody!” I was sobbing uncontrollably. I heard howls, many of them.

I heard Liz’s door fly open and she came running, “What’s going on?”

“My babies!” I screamed. I was on the floor on my knees

A vampire just took my babies right from me; I couldn’t do anything about it. I’ve never felt more helpless in my life.

“Oh my god,” Liz breathed as she rushed over to Novalynn’s crib to find it empty.

She then ran out of the room to go to Dakotas.

“They’re gone!” I yelled I jumped up from my spot and ran down the stairs to run out the door,

I swung the door open just to crash into Paul. I stared up at him sobbing.

“What are you doing here? Go get that bastard he has our babies!” I yelled at him.

“Danielle!, calm down the pack is going after him, I had to make sure you were alright,” he said trying to yell over me.

“The hell with me! Go get my babies!” I yelled hitting him. He grabbed my wrist to try and stop me.

I continued to sob, my chest got tight, I started to see black dots and the last thing I heard was Liz and Paul screaming my name before the blackness took me under.
♠ ♠ ♠
Man, that's pretty sad. having both of your children taken from you? and you couldn't do anything about it.

did anyone see this coming? Things are about to get pretty bad. Im going to update again soon. Im ready to get this going, Ive been waiting to do this.
Comments please.

before this sequel is over I'd like to have at least 135 comments on it, can you guys do that for me please? Id really appreciate might get the sequel out faster :)