Status: Complete.

Everything To Me (Complete)


I read the letter a second time before running out of my room, and downstairs to the living room everyone looked at me confused. I held the letter up.

“He wants me.” I calmly stated.

“Hell no!” Paul yelled.

“There has to be another way,” Edward said shaking his head.

“Danielle, that’s not going to happen,” Carlisle said.

“I will not let you,” Sam said

Everyone was talking at once.

“Shut up!” I yelled. Everyone became quiet, “Iam not going to let them die, its either me or he kills them, that’s not going to happen. I'm sorry but I'm not taking any chances, I'm going to meet him.” I told them.

“Danielle. No. You’re. Not.” Paul said through clenched teeth.

I looked at him. “Are you going to tell me if the tables were switched you wouldn’t do exactly what I'm going to do, if it was either you or them? Or me? I would do it for you, and I'm going to do it for them.” I told him.

He just kept shaking his head.

“Danielle, You’re going to meet him in the clearing, were going to need Lucas’s help," Edward started.

“For what?” I asked.

“He has the power of invisibility meaning her can be the one to grab the kids before anything can happen to them. Bella can put a shield around the rest of us keeping him from knowing that were there.” He finished.

“No, we can’t take the risk.” I said,

“”Danielle, It’s going to work,” Alice said, “I’ve seen it.

It better,

It was now the next day. I haven’t slept, I haven’t eaten. I’ve barley talked. I have just been worrying. All day they’ve been preparing, but it wasn’t even needed. Paul and I haven’t spoken, just yell. We’ve just yelled at each other.

The night sky was starting to take over. I looked at myself in the mirror as a tear ran down my cheek. I wiped it away before walking downstairs, everyone was waiting for me.

I couldn’t risk my kids, my family. I wouldn’t risk the lives of the people I love for little old me. I just couldn’t, my conscience wouldn’t let me.

I reached the living room and everyone looked at me, I gave them a weak smile.

“Im sorry,” I said.

As soon as I said it Alice eyes grew wide along with Edwards.

“N-” they started but it was too late I froze them.

I looked at them, but I stared at Paul for a few seconds he wasn’t even looking at me. I ran out the door to the clearing. I had at least five minutes before it would wear off and they would automatically unfreeze.

When I got to the clearing Damon was standing there with three other vampires. One was holding Dakota, and one was holding Novalynn.

“I see you can follow instructions.” He said smirking at me.

“Just let my kids go.” I said

He chuckled, “Very well.”

Just as he said that you heard howls. Oh shit.

He looked at me; I looked up at him then at my kids.

“You stupid bitch.” He yelled before slapping me sending me flying backwards I landed a few yards away on the ground.

“Mommy!” Dakota yelled.

“Kill her,” He told the other two vampires as he took Novalynn from one of them. “I told you what would happen!”

“No don’t kill them! I told them not to come! That I was coming alone! I tried!” I yelled as the two vampires advanced on me.

My girls started screaming and crying.

I tried to fight the vampires but I couldn’t there was too much going on I couldn’t concentrate. One held me why the other beat the shit out of me. I heard howls getting closer.

“Please! I pleaded just leave them here and take me!” I yelled as I felt so much pain it was unbearable.

I knew my ribs were broken along with nose, wrist. My face was probably unrecognizable.

“Say goodbye to your kids Danielle.” he laughed evilly.

“Please no!” I sobbed.

The pack came out from the trees surrounding them baring fangs and growling.

“If anyone of you take one step not only are the kids dead but so is Danielle.”Damon said

“It would have worked" I whispered, but I knew they all could hear me.

Damon held Dakota in the air she screamed.

I don’t know where the strength came from but I used my telekinesis and lifted Dakota and Novalynn out of his grip before quickly moving them to Rosalie’s hands.

Damon snapped his head to me, "You sneaky bitch!"

“Go to hell!” I tried to yell at him.

The pack growled at snarled at him. Damon snapped his fingers.

I didn’t know what was going on but I felt something stab me in the back. I screamed as I was pushed to the ground. I saw Damon run the other three vampires didn’t have the chance. Half of the pack ran after him.

I felt cold, my heart beat was decreasing and, I couldn’t see straight. My eyes were becoming heavy. I knew what was happening, I was dying. As my eyelids fell shut I heard voices but I couldn’t make them out.

Memories flashed through my mind, my first date with Paul, The day he asked me to marry him, Novalynns birth, Dakotas beautiful face, and laugh.

I felt myself drifting away, and this time I doubt I was coming back.

Pauls P.O.V

As I looked at Danielle she was so badly beaten, and she was losing a lot of blood. The vampire whose name was Damon held Dakota in the air and she screamed.

‘Sam! Let me go!’ Collin yelled in our heads.

Sam had ordered the whole pack not to move.

‘Sam please’ I pleaded alongside Collin.

‘I can’t or they will all definitely die’ he told us.

I snapped my head over to Danielle, who had a look of determination, she must have used every ounce of strength she had left because Novalynn and Dakota were lifted into the air and quickly dropped in Rosalie’s arms, and she ran away with them, to get them to safety. Danielle let out a loud breathe.

“You sneaky bitch!” the vampire yelled at her.

“Go to hell!” she tried to yell at him. I whimpered at how weak she was.

Damon snapped his fingers and it happened so quick if you had blinked you would have missed it. One of the vampires took a dagger and stabbed Danielle in the back. She screamed as they pushed her to the floor. I don’t know how but that vampire Damon actually had a chance to run the others not to so much, half of the pack went after him. Some of the Cullen's tore the other three vampires into shreds and began burning the pieces, while myself, Edward, and Carlisle Ran to Danielle.

I changed from wolf to human and quickly threw my shorts on, I ran to her. She was barely breathing. The pain I felt, felt as if I was dying with her, and it’s because I was.

“Danielle please! Please just hold on, you can’t leave me!” I cried to her.

“We have to hurry or she will die, she has only a few minutes to live.

Carlisle picked her up and ran, but as soon as we got to their house, Danielle's breathing.

♠ ♠ ♠
Well you guys, i think this is the end of Danielle, 'tear' but the stories not over yet.

Theres still a few more chapters.

comments please? to everyone who comments from here on out with get a shout out on the last chapter.