Status: Complete.

Everything To Me (Complete)

Mr. and Mrs. Parker

I stared at myself in the mirror. This was it, I was finally getting married to the man I loved, the man of my dreams. We had been through so much together from before I moved to when I got back. From falling in love to all the battles, fights, stress. We still made it, having two kids.

There was a knock on my door,

“Come in”

In the mirror I could see Christina walk in. She was my maid of honor.

“Dani, its time.” She sad smiling at me holding my bouquet of flowers.

“Already?” I asked surprised.

She giggled and nodded.

“Well, I’ve been waiting for this for over a year and a half.” I said standing up and walking over to her. She handed me my flowers.

We walked out of the room. Alice had decided to do our wedding at their house like Bella and Edwards just a different theme, I walked out into the hallway everyone was lined up. Dakota and Claire were once again the flower girls. Liz, Kim, Emily, Evangeline, Rosalie, Alice, Bella, and Esme were all a part of my bridesmaid party. If yall thought Miranda was going to be you need to quit smoking.

The music started and Dakota and Claire started their Job, I particularly concentrated on breathing. in and out, In and out, I kept telling myself mentally.

What if I trip! Or better yet fall on my face, what if I forget to say I do at the right time, or forget my vowels.

“You’re going to do fine,” I my dad whispered in my ear.

I smiled up at him not knowing he had taken his position. I looked ahead and noticed Christina was the last to go,

Oh my goodness. It’s almost my turn.

I took a deep breath as I came to the spot where I would be taking the steps to be Mrs. Danielle Parker.

“Ready baby girl,” My dad smile down at me.

“As I’ll ever be,”

I heard everyone stand as we walked around the corner in view of everyone. I decided it would be best if I just kept my eyes on one person only. I looked at him, standing there in all white. He looked pretty darn sexy, I wanted to just run into his arms and skip everything and get straight to the I do’s, If it wasn’t for my father’s hold on me, I might have. He had such a big smile on his face it looked as if it hurt. I smiled back just as big.

Pictures were being snapped everywhere and before I knew it I was being handed over to him. I grabbed a hold of his hand as I stood across from him; everyone took their seats as the ceremony began,

“Dearly beloved we are gathered here today...” The minister started.

After what seemed like forever,

“The two will now say their own personal vowels that they have prepared for each other,” He announced.

I was truly hoping he would go first, and he did.

“From this day on, I choose you, my beloved Danielle, to be my Wife. To live with you and laugh with you; to stand by your side, and to hold you as you sleep in my arms, to be joy to your heart, and food for your soul; to bring out the best in you always, and, for you, to be the most that I can. I promise to laugh with you in good times, to struggle with you in bad; to solace you when you are downhearted; to wipe your tears with my hands; to comfort you with my body; to mirror you with my soul; to share with you all my riches and honors; to play with you as much as I can until we grow old; and, still loving each other sweetly and gladly, our lives shall come to an end, I’ve had a crush on you since we were young, I have loved you since that day on the beach when you finally moved back, I’ve been loving you ever since and it will never stop, Your everything I ever hoped for in life, your Everything To Me” He finished.

I didn’t notice I was crying until he reached up with his hand and wiped the tears away, I lightly laughed. Then I began mine.

“Paul, you have filled my world with meaning. You have made me so happy and more fulfilled as a person. Thank you for taking me as I am; loving me, and welcoming me into your heart. I promise to always love you, respect you as an individual, and to be faithful to you forever. Today I choose you to be my partner, and commit myself to you for the rest of my life. Im standing here today, in front of our family and friends, to give myself to you. Before you, life has no meaning. I was a drifter in search of a home. Now I've found it and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my days with you. On this day I pledge to you my love and happiness. Ever since I looked to those deep brown eyes I was hooked, and I never wanted to let go. You made me feel different, I actually and truly felt loved from you, I wasn’t scared with you, you never disappointed me, or gave me a reason to doubt, you took the words right out of my mouth, because your also Everything To Me

I heard sniffling from behind me and I knew they were probably all crying.

“With that there is nothing more to say, I now present to you Mr. and Mrs. Parker. Please kiss your bride.” The priest said

I laughed as Paul pulled me to him and gave me a big passionate kiss, a pretty nice one for pictures too.
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yayayayaay! I'm still expecting comments. pleaseee. if we can get to atleast 120 comments i will be so happy.

This sequels is going to be fun for me to write, so be expecting chapters frequently. ! go subscribe ! i have 62 subscribers for this story! i hope you guys decided to subscribe for the sequel too.

Comment goal: 120.
