Status: Complete.

Everything To Me (Complete)


Everyone looked in between Leah, Seth, Liz, and peter. I heard many sighs from the pack.

“So who are you guys?” Sam asked completely ignoring the fact that two of his pack members just imprinted.

Clarissa and Sam started talking. I skipped over to Leah and nudged her. She broke her
gaze and looked at me.

“See I told you” I said to her.

She smiled at me and gave me a big hug.

“Thank you Dani,” She said

“Welcome Leah,”

We let go of each other.

“So I heard your gonna get powers,” Jacob said

“Yea,” I said.

“Well you guys, there’s no harm here and it looks like some good came out of Clarissa and her family coming here so im gonna head back over to Emily’s,” Sam said walking out.

“Oh yea Embry and Quil you have patrol,” He yelled back to them

“C’ya guys” Embry and Quil said and ran out of the house.

That left Leah, Collin, Seth, Jacob, and Brady.

“Well Im gonna take Dakota to the beach if you don’t mind?” Collin said.

“No I don’t.” I said.

“Im coming with you,” Brady said and they left with Dakota.

Leaving just Seth and Leah,

“Well, im going to go to the store to get some food,” Clarissa said,

“From what im seeing ill just be a fifth wheel so im gonna go too,” Peter said and they left.

So standing in the house now was me, Paul, Leah, Lucas, Seth, and Liz.

“Ya know this is funny to me,” I said gesturing between the four.

“So what are you two’s powers?” Seth asked. But I could tell he was really just talking to Liz.

“Uh-” Liz said.

I couldn’t help but giggle at her answer.

“Well I can duplicate myself, and levitate.” She said.

“What about you?” Leah asked Lucas.

“I can make myself invisible and just by blinking I can move myself to another area,”

I leaned into Paul who was standing behind me. Seth and Liz went into another claiming to talk and Leah and Lucas sat on the couch.

“Why don’t we go get some ice cream because im in the mood for ice cream and let these love birds get to know each other,” I whispered to Paul.

“Good idea” He said.

We walked out of the house and got in my car and I drove off toward forks to the ice cream shop.

“Now there are only two people in the pack that haven’t imprinted and this was supposed to
be rare,” Paul said.

I laughed, “Well it isn’t.”

“So whats going on with the vamps?” I asked.

“Only thing going on right is that Bella is away on her honey moon with that leech,” Paul spat.

I still couldn’t believe that she married a vampire and is now on a honeymoon with him and to top it all of was going to be turned into one.

“I still don’t understand that,” I said shaking my head.

“Yea neither do I” Paul said.

We drove to the ice cream shop and got some ice cream. Then headed back to la push,

We talked about our wedding, and my other sister who was supposed to be coming very soon something I wasn’t looking forward too.

“I’ve only known Liz for like three hours and I already love her way more than Grace!” I said

Paul laughed, “Well I don’t remember that much of your sister but by what you’re telling me, Im glad,”

I laughed.

We pulled into our house and went inside, Collin had called and told me that He took Dakota to the park and would be back with her soon.

I plopped down on the couch once we entered the house.

“I’ve had one heck of a morning,” I said.

“Yes you have,” Paul said.

He walked over to me and leaned down lowering his body on top of mine, I smiled at him.
He leaned his lips into mine and kissed me. We started to make out. I heard the front door open. I broke the kiss and looked at the door. Liz walked in with Dakota in her arms.

“Oh my virgin eyes!” Liz yelled I laughed at her.

I heard someone else walk in behind her, it was Seth.

Paul got off of me and sat down on the couch I got up and fixed my shirt and stood up.

“I thought I left you wonderful people to mingle,” I said wiggling my eye brows.

Liz looked down at her feet but not before I could see her blush. I looked at Seth who was also blushing.

I felt something go through my body, I could feel something really weird, I felt love. I gripped at my stomach where the warm feeling was coming from.

“Whoa,” I said.

Paul jumped up and was holding me up.

“What is it?” he asked.

“I-I don’t know,” I said,

Now I didn’t only feel love but concern and worry too.

“It’s your powers!” Liz said happily.

“Well what is this?”I asked looking up at her.

“What do you feel?” she asked walking over to me.

“Uh I feel love, and concern.”

She nodded her head, “You have the power of empathy, the ability to feel other people’s emotions”

I smiled, “Well right now Seth im feeling a lot of love coming from your direction,” I winked at

Causing him to blush, making me feel his embarrassment.

“Im gonna like this power.” I said jumping up and down.

Paul laughed at me with Liz joining in.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another update thanks for the comment on the last chapter :) you know who you are.
ill update again tomorrow...