Status: comment if you want me to continue

Distant Heartbeats


My thin arm slid it's way out of the warm covers, the outline of my bones clear on my skin, testing the air, and kicked the blankets off using just my feet.
Summer sun invaded my tiny bedroom, i squinted my eyes, and yawned.
The tear stains were sitting on my cheeks, from the night before, I could feel like makeup tugging lightly at my flesh.
The dark circles under my eyes were only growing darker with time. I yawned once more before turning to glance at the alarm clock sitting on the nightstand. 6:32am.
Why did you do this? I thought to myself, again, as I had been doing for the past two weeks.
The click flooring was still cool from the night, as I turned sideways, letting one leg at a time, fall off the old mattress.
The sun went behind the clouds for a moment, and I was able open my eyes for the fully, first time that morning, and ran my fingers over the mascara remains on my white pillow case. With a sigh I walked across the room, dragging my feet, picked up the large mirror, that leaned against the wall, and turned the reflective side away from myself.
My blond hair sat in a messy bun on the top of my head, where it had been for three days, strands hanging out in various places.
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