Status: Pretty much dead. my co-author abandoned me so...

Feel Just Like Home

Kill the Conversation

"Mommy! Wake up!" my one and a half-year old daughter cried.
It was 7:35 am on the dot. Ann-Marie woke up at the same time every morning.
And they say punctuality is out.
"Give me a minute and mommy will make some pancakes! Chocolate chip sound good?" she nodded eagerly.
To say Noah was a sucker for chocolate chip pancakes, was an understatement.
Me and Ann had been on our own since before she was born.
My parents kicked me out when they found out about the baby, and Ann's father was...not around.
Nor will he ever be. And not for the reasons you think.
We lived in a shabby studio. it wasn't much, but it was all we needed.

After Ann finished her pancakes, we made our way to the car to drop her off at day care.
I was only able to afford it with the financial aid I was getting from my few classes I was taking online at San Diego State University.
I might have been pregnant, but my grades were good enough to get a full ride scholarship.
I wanted to do something with music, it didn't matter where I went, as long as it meant things would be better for me and Ann
That was all I wanted. For her to have the same privileges as I did growing up in a well off family.

After dropping An off, I drove to work at one of the most popular San Diego cafe's. That was all SD was anyway, tattoo shops and cafes.
Oh, and don't forget strip clubs and things.
Lestat's Coffee House was a cute little place that had a steady stream of customers daily.
With the amount of people I saw, getting hit on by guys and lesbians was not out of the norm.
but today I noticed a guy in a shirt cut into a tank top that said "Free Weezy" and skinny jeans cut off at the knee.
the pièce de résistance, was our matching red TOMS. I was anticipating the moment he stepped up to the counter.
"How can I help you today?" I greeted him just like I had the last hundred customers.
The only difference was when he ordered his coffee, my heart skipped a beat... or two.
When he went to tip me I noticed he slipped me something else, his number.

The name haunted me the rest of the night.
I could hear his raspy voice in my head;
"he's just a boy Merie, just a boy."

Little did I know, this boy, would be popping up more than I thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
Since Bianca has abandoned me, and it seems you guys like it. I WILL continue alone.
And I made a few changes to this chapter.
So enjoy!

Ohai I'm Deme;
My chapter is shorter than Bianca's.... BUT it's getting there.
And I know a couple people are worried about it being like When You Believe and it's not.
I'm reading that, and the only similarity is the magazine thing pretty much.
oh! and her name is Amerie, but Merie for short. Like Aye-Mah-Rie

Soo comment, rate, subscribe.
all that makes us happy
And sorry it took me so long, as i was away.
