Kiss Me, You Stupid Vampire!

Legends and evil plans

We got to the mansion and ran inside.

"Wynter!" Sterling yelled. Once second later, my mom was standing in front of me.

"What's wrong? Did you get hurt?" She asked worriedly.

"She's fine. Candy, not so much." Kat smirked.

"Candy McAdams? What does she have to do with this?" My mom asked confused.

"Wait how do you Candy?" I asked just as confused.

"Friend of the family. Unfortunately." Kat mumbled.

"Anyways, what happened?" My mom asked.

"Candy moved to our school. Her and Raine got into it, and she called you a slut and a troll. Then Raine lost it, and she got her powers." Griffin explained smirking, probably picturing the fire balls that came at Candy.

"You got your powers?! Oh this is wonderful! I was beginning to worry that you weren't going to get them!" She yelled embracing me.

"You were afraid I wouldn't get them?" I asked confused again.

"Well fairies get their powers before their 18th birthday and I was getting worried since your birthday is only a week away." Oh my god! I forgot my birthday!

"How can you forget your own birthday?" Sterling asked.

"Are you ever going to stop reading my mind?" I glared at him.

"It's not my fault you think so much." He stuck his tongue out at me.

"Where as you don't think at all." I stuck my tongue at him too.

"Enough! So what are your powers?" My mom asked excitedly.

"Well the only thing i know of is controlling fire." I shrugged.

"Fire? Let me see!"

"I really don't know how." I said.

"Just concentrate really hard on making fire. We should probably go outside just in case." We all agreed and followed her outside.

Once outside, and away from the house, I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate. but I couldn't. Each time I thought about fire, I thought that I might burn the house, then what? We have no water to put it out with. After a while, I opened my eyes thinking I didn't succeed. Right as I opened my eyes, I saw water hit Sterling.

"Hey!" He yelled.

"I can control water too?!" I yelled excitedly.

"How's that possible?" I heard my mom whisper to herself.

"How's what possible?" Kat asked, hearing her too.

"Fairies only get one power, besides the powers that every fairy has, but Raine got more. It was fire she was throwing right?" My mom asked.

"Yea. I remember because Candy was screaming like a little girl and kept dodging the fire." Sterling said smirking.

"I wonder... Raine, try to make something else." I nodded my head and closed my eyes. What was i going to make? Lightning? Suddenly I heard Kat yelling. I opened my eyes in surprise and looked at her.

"What happened?!" I asked.

"There was a flash of lightning!" She shrieked.

"Was that you?" Mom asked.

"I-I think so. I was thinking of it, then Kat yelled." I said.

"You can control elements, and the weather?" Griffin asked.

"I-I guess." I said. I looked at my mom for some explanation. She was just looking at me confused.

"Raine, let me see your wrist." She said. I held out both my wrists for her. She took hold of the one wrist that had a birthmark that looked like a lightening rod and water drop together.

"I thought so." She whispered.

"What is it?" Sterling asked. He looked at my wrist and his eyes got wide.

"Is that-?" He asked pointing to the birthmark.

"Uh huh. That's the mark."

"What?" I asked worried.

"No way." Kat said as she and Griffin came over to look.

"This is amazing." Griffin said.

"What is it?!" I yelled.

"This- this is a very important mark." My mom explained.

"Important? How?"

"There is a legend of 2 fairies who had this mark. The first one was way back in 1010. She had a rough life. She didn't know her dad and her mom was a drunk. She was considered an outcast in her town. She didn't know she was a fairy until about your age. She was very beautiful but no one ever got a good enough look at her, until she met a guy. He was the first person to treat her like a person instead of a disease.

"She grew to love the man, but soon found out a secret, he was an angel. She was surprised and hurt that the man hadn't told her before, but she got over it and stayed with him. A couple months later she found out she was a fairy. But unlike other fairies, who had only one power, she could control everything and anything.

"To make a long story short, The fairy and angel had to defeat another angel, a dark angel. They defeated him, but not without a price. The fairy died saving the angel.

"500 years later, the same thing happened to another fairy, of course she was completely opposite. She was beautiful and popular. The man she met, never looked at her. She grew mad and upset that the one man she truely wanted, didn't even acknowledge her. Weeks later she finally got him to like her. Same story, she found out she was a fairy and the man was a werewolf. They had to defeat an evil werewolf and the fairy died again, saving the the werewolf.

"It was said that 500 years later there would be another fairy. One just as great, only greater. One that would defeat all evil and break the spell. But no matter how great, she would die in battle fighting for the one she loved." At that my mom looked at Sterling.

"Me?" He asked surprised.

"You are her soulmate." My mom nodded her head.

"No. No. She's not going to die." Sterling shook his head.

"It's her destiny."

"No! Besides, there is no evil. It's just a story."

"Sterling, maybe it's not just a story." I said.

"It is! Besides, even if it's not, I'm not letting you die for me." He said firmly.


"No. There must be someway to stop this. I'm going to talk to my parents." he turned around.

"Let me go with you." I said.

"No. Stay here." He said before disappearing.

Mystery pov

I stared out the window, watching the girl and her friends. It seemed too easy. There was no way she could stand in my way, even with Sterling on her side. This time, evil will defeat her and Sterling both. She couldn't even concentrate on her powers. Everythign was falling in place for me. But no matter how much of a weak fairy she was, I had to train harder. That was the mistakes the others made. They knew the girl was weak and sat back until the fight, by then the girl was powerful too and won. But I'm not stupid. I will make sure she is still weak. She won't be able to fight me.

"Come in." I said as I heard someone knock on the door. I turned around in time to see her walk in.

"Candy. Long time no see." I smirked.

"I accept your offer." She said.

"I knew you would."

"It's not a hard choice when the love of your life chooses a pathetic fairy over you. I'll do anything to get rid of her." She said.

"She's not pathetic. She's weak, but she's anything but pathetic. We must make sure she stays weak." I looked back out the window as I saw my younger brother stomp away. I Drake Storm, will defeat him and Raine. I smirked to myself.
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Ok I am super mad! Somebody reported this story! And you wanna know what for?! Capitilazation! Can you believe it?! Something soo stupid and I get reported for it! This is the fourth story that got reported and I'm getting tired of it! I don't use alot of mispelled words or incorrect grammer, so come on people! I don't even know what I didn't capitalize correctly! Gah! :( On brighter news, I saw the new episode of Degrassi, and I loved it! But I can't help but feel Fiona is soo dumb for not telling Declan of her situation (Not going to tell incase you guys haven't seen it yet). I can just picture him punching stupid bobby, *Sigh* (and I didn't capitalize his name for a reason, he doesn't deserve it) :)Comment/subscribe <3VampirePrincess15<3