Kiss Me, You Stupid Vampire!

Let me train.

Sterling's pov

I ran to my father's study. I didn't bother knocking, but when I opened the door, I suddenly wished I did. My mom and dad were making outright in front of me!

"Ok gross!" I yelled covering my eyes.

"Sterling!" My mom gasped.

"I-I had to ask you guys something, but I can come back later." I turned to leave.

"No, no. It's fine. What's on your mind?" My dad asked. I turned around cautiously.

"Well you know the legend of the fairies right?" I asked.

"The one about a fairy and another magical creature, defeating an evil creature? Yes, I know it."

"Well, I just want to know.... is it true? You know about everything, the fairies in the past and there being another one?"

"Yes, it is. I believe they were both ancestors of Wynter and Raine."

"But, not everything is true right? Like the part about the fairy dying?" I said nervously.

"Son, where are you going with this?" My mom asked me.

"W-Wynter thinks that Raine might be the fairy in the legend. But that can't be. I mean, she-she couldn't be, right?" My parents looked at each other.

"Well, it's very possible. They were her ancestors. But there's no way to tell until she gets her powers."

"She got them today. So far she can control elements and weather. But that doesn't mean anything right?" Once again they exchanged a look.

"That would explain my vision." My mom said to my dad.

"Vision? What vision?"

"Your mom had a vision of Raine." My dad said.

"She was walking down a hallway and came to a room. She went in and that was it. I didn't see nothing else." My mom said.

"But Raine isn't going to die, right? At least, not saving me."

"You are her soulmate."

"What's that have to do with anything?"

"The legend says..."

"I know what it says. But there has to be a way around it."

"I'm afraid, there isn't. It's her destany, Sterling, there's nothing you can do about it."

"No. I-I'm not letting her. I'll-I'll train harder. I'll make her fall out of love with me. I'll do anything, but she's not dying."

"Son, you need each other to fight the evil."

"I'll fight it myself. I'm not letting her though, she's not even prepared." I shook my head.

"I'll train with you." I heard behind me. I turned around and saw Raine standing in the doorway.

Raine's pov

After Kat, Griffin, mom, and I were done talking, we came back inside. I went off to find Sterling. He seemed so mad when he took off.

"No. I-I'm not letting her. I'll-I'll train harder. I'll make her fall out of love with me. I'll do anything, but she's not dying." I heard. I followed the voice down the hallway to an open door. I stayed out of sight and listened to the conversation.

"Son, you need each other to fight the evil." I heard Kyle say. Were they talking about me? I stood in the doorway as I heard Sterlign talk again.

"I'll fight it myself. I'm not letting her though, she's not even prepared." Sterling shook his head.

"I'll train with you." I said. He turned around and looked at me.

"No. There is absolutely no way, I'm letting you do this." he said.

"Well I'm not just going to let you die."

"Neither am I. I'd rather die than have you die saving me."

"If you die, I'll kill myself."

"Don't say that."

"It's true. If you let me fight, maybe we'll be able to defeat it and break the legend. But we'll never know if I don't train."

"It's too risky."

"If you don't train me, then I'll have Kat train me."

"If you train with Kat, you will definatly lose in battle."

"That's a risk I'm willing to take. You can't stop me from fighting. You can only help me train and hopefully beat this curse."

"Fine. We'll train." He gave in. I smiled at him.

"Tomorrow, at 6:30 a.m. in the gym." He said.

"Thank you!" I yelled hugging him. He wrapped his arms around me tightly.
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Alright, well it's short. Sorry. Next chapter will be longer. :) Comment/subscribe <3VampirePrincess15<3