Kiss Me, You Stupid Vampire!

Griffin and Kat

The rest of the day was tense. Sterling was upset about me fighting. He wouldn't talk to me. When I came in a room, he would leave. Now it's night. Usually I would sleep in Sterling's room, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't want me in there right now. So I decided to go to my own room, which is right across from Sterling's. As I was opening the door to my room, Sterling's door opened up.

"I don't mind if you sleep in here." His cold breath hit my neck, making me shiver. I turned around and saw him standing like a foot away from me.

"I thought you were mad at me." I said ignoring the fact that once again he read my mind.

"Why would I be mad?"

"About the whole fighting thing."

"Well of course I'm mad at that. But I'm not mad at you." He shook his head.

"You had a funny way of showing it."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be like that. I was just mad at the fact that you could probably die saving me. Forgive me?" He asked using his puppy dog eyes. I laughed and nodded my head. I heard Griffin's door open. I saw Kat walk out. She stopped in her tracks when she saw us. Sterling was about to turn around, but I grabbed his face and kissed him before he could see Kat. He would kill Griffin if he knew Griffin and Kat were going out. I started making out with him, until I heard a door shut. I slowly pulled away from Sterling smiled. He was shocked to say the least.

"Uh... wow." He said. I just blushed.

"Umm. Go ahead and go in your room. I have to get something." I said. He nodded his head and walked into his room, shutting the door. Once he shut it, I ran over to Kat's room. I knocked quietly on it.

"Raine!" She yelled quietly, opening he door.

"You owe me big time." I said.

"I know. Thank you. He would have killed me if he found out." She said.

"I know." I sighed.

"Thanks." SHe hugged me.

"I advise you to stay in your room tonight." I said.

"Right." She nodded. I walked to Sterling's room and opened the door.

"What were you talking to Kat about?" Sterling asked as I laid down on the bed beside Sterling.

"Oh nothing really." I shrugged.

"Raine, do you think Kat and Griffin like each other?" He sighed.

"Wh-what? Why would you think that?" I asked worriedly. Had he heard what Kat and I said?

"I don't know. Just the way Griffin looks at her. He doesn't look at any other girl like that, or at all. I know I said I would kill Griffin if they went out, but I really want Kat to be happy."

"You do?" I asked hopefully.

"Yea. You know, I'd rather have her go out with Griffin than anyone else. I know Griffin will protect her." I was having a mental argument about whether I should tell him.

"Sterling?" I asked.


"If I tell you something, promise not to get mad?"

"Of course. What is it?"

"Kat- Kat and Griffin are going out." I looked up at him. He was looking at me shocked. Suddenly, I knew I shouldn't have told him.

"What?!" He yelled.

"Uh nothing. Nothing." I mumbled hoping he would drop it, but of course he didn't.

"How long?" He asked in a low scary voice. I closed my eyes and pretended to go to sleep.

"Raine, how long have they been dating?" I knew he wasn't going to let it go. I looked up at him again.

"About three months. She told me when you guys first came to school." He got up from his bed. I quickly got up after him, and blocked his way to the door.

"Move." He said.

"Sterling wait. What about you wanting her to be happy? What about you rather having Griffin date her than some other guy? Besides, it's not like you'll be able to make them stop dating. Just calm down. It's not that bad really." I said. He was still glaring at me. After a while, when he realized I wasn't going to move, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry. I was just surprised." He sighed.

"It's ok. Come on. Let's go to sleep." I pulled him toward the bed.
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He found ou! How is he going to react in the morning? I know it's a filler and I'm sorry. I'll try to write another tonight or tomorrow. :) Comment/subscribe <3VampirePrincess15<3