Kiss Me, You Stupid Vampire!


"Raine. Raine. Raine, come on. Get up." Sterling said pushing my shoulder.

"No." I mumbled.

"Come on. You're the one that wanted to fight. We have to train so you don't die in battle. I told you we were training at 6."

"I thought you were trying to get me to change my mind." I said.

"Nope. Now come on."

"Alright alright." I said getting up.

"Go get dressed. I'll meet you down in the gym." He said. I went to my room and picked out a pair of green nike shorts, a black nike sports bra, and my favorite green and black nikes shoes. When I was done, I went downstairs, grabbed an apple and water bottle, and walked to the gym in the mansion. Yes they have their own personal gym. That's how big this place is.

"I'm here." I said walking into the gym. Sterling was using the punching bag. He turned his head to face me. When he saw me, his eyes got wide and his jaw dropped to the floor. He was so shocked he didn't see the bag, swinging back, until it already knocked into him, but he didn't fall.

"You ok?" I asked walking over to him. His eyes, which had been checking me out, looked back into my eyes.

"Uh yea." He said.

"So what do we start off with?" I asked looking around the gym and at the equipment.

"I want to see how well you can fight." He said. I followed him to a matted area.

"Alright, give me your best shot." He said getting in a fighting stance. I nodded my head. Before my dad started to abuse me, I had taken a couple fighting classes. I still practiced in my room once in a while. I did a standing spinning kick, but he caught my foot and started to twist it. I used my other foot to kick his chest, making him stumble, letting go of my foot. I did a low spinning kick, but he jumped over it. I got back up and threw a punch, but he caught it, and brought my fist behind my back along with my whole arm. My back was now pressed against his chest with my arm in between.

"Not good enough." His breath tickled the skin on my ear. I turned my head and smiled at him. He was leaning towards me, dropping his gaurd, so I quickly twisted out of the hold he had on me, and did another low spinning kick, this time knocking him down. Before I could gloat, he sprung up and held my wrist, I brought my knee up to kick him, but he switched his hands so both of my wrists were in one hand and the other was holding my leg.

"Almost." I smirked as my breathing slowed down.

"Almost doesn't count in battle. If I wanted to, I could snap your neck right now. You gotta remember, I'm not using all my strength. That means, you have to work twice as hard against me." He said seriously, letting me go.

"But you have to admit, it was pretty good for my first time actually fighting against someone." I said.

"Pretty good doesn't count either. Now come on. Let's go another round."


"Can we please take a break?" I asked panting. We've been fighting for a good hour and a half now and he would let me take a break.

"There are no breaks in battle."

"But we aren't in a battle."

"Not yet, but we will be. And you have to get stronger. You have yet to take me down once."

"But I've come close."

"How many times do I have to tell you-!"

"I know, I know! Close doesn't count in a battle!" I yelled frustrated.

"Just please, a 10 minute break." I said more calmly.

"5." He sighed giving in.

"Thank you!" I sighed. I walked over to my water bottle, and chugged about half of it.

"Raine! Raine! Come on!" Kat yelled running into the gym. She stopped in front of me.

"Ew. You're all sweaty." She said scrunching up her nose.

"What do you want Kat?" Sterling asked walking over to us.

"I'm taking Raine shopping! After she takes a shower of course."

"I don't think so. We're training."

"Oh come on! You've been training for hours!" She begged.

"No! That's final. Come on Raine." He turned his back and started walking away.

"Please Sterling? We'll train when I get back." I said using my puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. Be back in 2 hours though!" He said giving in.

"Thank you! I will!" I hugged him. I ran out of the gym with Kat. We were half way up the stairs when I remembered I left my bag in the gym. I ran back to the gym and walked in.

"I forgot my-" I stopped in my tracks looking in front of me. There, right before my eyes, was the most horrible scene ever. I quickly ran back up stairs where Kat was waiting for me. Tears were running down my eyes, faster than a waterfall.

"Raine? Raine what happened?" Kat asked stopping me. I just hugged her. The scene kept playing in my mind.

"What's wrong Raine?" Kat asked softly.

"H-he- he was kis-kiss-ing he-her." I sobbed.


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So if you haven't noticed, I took down my story 'I shouldn't like you but I do.' However, it's on quizilla so if you want to read it you can on there. But i have put another one up. It's called My sister and I switched bodies?! What is this, Freak Friday?! Read it or if you don't want to, then don't. Comment/subscribe <3VampirePrincess15<3