Kiss Me, You Stupid Vampire!

The evil vampire

Kat's pov

I listened to my brother and Raine's conversation. I knew when she told me that he didn't kiss her, but it would have been useless to try to explain that to Raine when she's upset. I'm just glad they are together again. Now all I have to do is punch the fucking bitch who hurt Raine and kissed Sterling. I knew she was staying here while her parents were on some trip.

I got up from my bed and walked down the hallway towards the darker part of the hallway. Drake's room is down here. I can understand that, he doesn't like to be bothered by anyone. Candy is down here because there was no other rooms for her. I was just passing Drake's room but I stopped when I heard voices in his room.

"Did it work?" Drake was asking.

"Of course. I could hear her running footsteps and smell the salty tears. Humans." That was Candy's voice. What was she doing in Drake's room?

"Good. Now we just need to keep making her think that he still has feelings for you." Drake said. What?! Were they working together or something?! But why would Drake work with Candy?! Something's not right. Does he like Raine? He's trying to keep them apart so he can have her!

"That won't be hard. Pathetic humans are easy to convience of such things." Candy said.

"She isn't pathetic. And she isn't a human. She's a fairy. A great fairy. The greatest fairy in history. Even greater than the other two."

"Yea yea yea. Just let me do what I do and you do whatever you do."

"And it won't be long, until they have to fight me. And as long as they keep fighting with each other, they'll have no chance of winning." My jaw dropped in surprise. He's the evil vampire?! I have to tell Sterling and Raine!

I quickly ran back down the hallway towards Raine's room where her and Sterling were still at. I knocked on the door frantically, I don't even want to think about what they could be doing in there! The door opened a second later revealing Sterling.

"Kat? What's wrong?" Sterling asked.

Raine's pov

Sterling and I were making out when there was a knock on my door. Sterling pulled away and went to the door.

"Kat? What's wrong?" I heard Sterling ask. I got up and went to the door. Kat was standing there, looking paler than usual.

"Kat, are you ok?" I asked.

"I need to talk to you guys." She said. We stepped aside and let her in, closing the door behind her.

"What's wrong?" Sterling asked again.

"Ok, I heard you guys talking in here about the kiss. I heard you explaining everything to Raine. So I went to Candy's room to teach her a lesson. Well before i got there, I passed Drake's room and heard him talking to someone, and you know I can't give up a good evesdrop, so I listened in. Turns out he was talking to Candy. They had planned this. Everything. At first I thought Drake liked Raine and wanted to break you guys up so he could have her, but that's not it at all! He's the evil vampire!" Kat explained quickly in one breath.

"What?!" Sterling yelled standing up.

"It's true! He's the vampire you have to defeat! He wants to keep you guys fighting with each other so you won't have time to practice fighting against him, and you'll be weaker and easier to kill!"

"Why would Candy be working with him? I mean I knew she hated me, but I didn't know she wanted me dead!" I yelled.

"It's because you have her 'man'. She'll do anything to get him. Even killing you."

"This changes everything. We have to work harder. We don't know what else Drake is planning." Sterling shook his head.

"We need to get them out of the house! They have more oppertunities to set out their plan if they live here!" I said.

"We need to talk to mom and dad." Kat said. We followed her to Kyle's office. Sterling knocked on the door. A moment later we heard Kyle telling us to come in.

"Dad, we need to talk." Sterling said.

"What are all you guys doing here? Is it something important?" Kyle asked. We told him what Kat had told us.

"Are you sure Kat?" Kyle asked looking at Kat.

"Absolutely." She nodded her head.

"Then you're right. They need to be gone." Kyle stormed up to Drake and Candy's room. We could hear him yelling all the way in his office. We walked out, just in time to see Candy and Drake leaving.

"This isn't over." Drake said glaring at us.

"I know. But it will be soon." I said as Sterling wrapped an arm around my waist.
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