Kiss Me, You Stupid Vampire!

Funeral/ wedding

Sterling's pov

The funeral wasn't that big. I guess, not alot of people liked her. She used to be this bubbly girl, then... something went wrong. No one could have saved her, not even me. I feel like it's my fault she died.

I went up to the vase filled with the ashes and paid my respects. Not one tears fell from my eye, not that I could cry even if I wanted to. Kat used her crutches to go up there. One of the guards she was fighting had bit her leg. But she was healing fast. Kat got up there and glared down at the vase. I know she would have spat in it, if she wasn't being watched by so many people. Griffin walked up to the vase next.

"Bitch." I heard him mumble. He walked away. My mom and dad and Wynter weren't bothered by the death at all. They didn't care for her anymore. And I couldn't blame them. She did promise me and she broke it. I thought I loved her once, but now, I know i didn't. I'm just sorry she died. I walked to the next vase. She stood there looking at him. She's been there since the beginning. She hasn't left.

"You ok Raine?" I asked wrapping my arm around her waist.

"I just can't believe he tried to kill us." She mumbled.

"Well he wasn't successful. We're both still here."

"Why did they want us killed anyways?" She was so confused.

"Drake was power hungry. He wanted to be king. But he knew he couldn't with us in the way. And Candy was just a jealous bitch."

"I'm sorry I didn't keep my promise. I just couldn't let you die." She whispered.

"It's ok. I'm not mad. As long as you're ok, everything's fine."

"What happened? After I blacked out." She asked.


"NO!" I yelled as I watched Drake strangle Raine. Her eyes were starting to close. I pulled Drake off, but Drake turned around, and slammed me into the ground by my neck. It took me awhile to recover, but after I did, I punched him in the face, grabbed his neck, and rolled over slaming his head into the ground multiple times. His eyes were closed.

I tore his neck apart, then his other limbs. I kept tearing until there was nothing left to tear. I made a fire and put all the little pieces of bones and flesh into it. I ran over to Raine and examined her. God, please don't let her be dead. I closed my eyes and kissed her. I felt her move beneath me. I pulled away and saw her looking up at me.

"What happened?" She asked looking around.

"Where's Drake?" She asked again. I was too shocked and happy to talk.

"Sterling? You ok?"

"I love you." I said kissing her again.

End of flashback

"Wow." She breathed.

"I know."

"I would have thought more people would be here. Were they not liked?" She asked.

"Not really. Candy used to be. She promised me she would never hurt anyone. She was so nice. Then I let her meet Drake and she turned evil. Nobody could stand her anymore."

"Wow." She smiled.


Raine's pov

"Do you Raine take Sterling to be your husband, to have and to hold, through sickness and death, until death do you part?" The priest asked me.

"I do." I said with no hesistation.

"And do you Sterling take-"

"I do." Sterling said quickly. I chuckled quietly at him. I didn't think Sterling could be any hotter, until I saw him in a tux. Most guys look ugly in tuxes, but not Sterling.

"But I didn't finish." The priest said.

"Just keep going." Kat whispered behind me. She looked lovely in her midnight blue maid-of-honor dress.

"Alright then, you may now kiss the bride." The priest said. Sterling lifted my vail and leaned towards me.

"Finally." He sighed against my lips before capturing them with his own. The crowd of people started clapping, and we broke apart.

"I love you." I smiled up at Sterling.

"I love you too." He said smiling just as brightly as me.
♠ ♠ ♠
The end! To anyone who commented, thanks, and I told you guys it would end happily! Lol. I may or may not write a sequel. Even though this story is done, I still have another one that I'm working on. Check it out. :) Comment/subscribe <3VampirePrincess15<3