Kiss Me, You Stupid Vampire!


Sterling's pov

"Man, what is wrong with you?" Griffin whispered, so only I could hear, as he elbowed me in my side. We were walking with Raine to our first class. Kat, was being her usual happy-go-lucky self. She was talking a mile a minute, I wasn't even sure if Raine knew what she was saying. Drake was way behind us, walking so slowly.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You are never rude to girls. You're the guy that can get any girl but you glare at Raine. Why?"

"Did you see her eyes?"

"What about them?"

"I've only seen one other person with eyes that purple." He looked like he was thinking about it, then his eyes got wide after a minute.

"Dude! That's Wynter's daughter!" He whispered furiously but still quiet so only I could hear.


"But Fairies are never shy. This girl is the shyest girl I ever saw."

"I don't know. But I'm positive that's her daughter."

"But if that's true then... Dude you found your soulmate."

"And you know how I feel about that stuff."

"But man! She's hot!"

"Who's hot?" Kat questioned suddenly. I realized that we had stopped at a door. Raine looked at me, I just looked down.

"Yes sterling, who's hot?" Drake asked. I could hear the smirk in his voice. I know he's been listening to our conversation.

"Just some chick that I saw in the hall." I mumbled. I shifted my eyes to Raine and saw her biting her lip.

"Alright, well this is our first class. Come on." She said quietly before opening the door. She walked in with her head still down.

"Ahh. Miss Silver. Late again?" The old guy teacher asked.

"I have a pass." She mumbled handing him a slip of paper.

"Right. Well take your- Who are these people?" He asked suddenly looking at us.

"These are new students. Uh, this is Drake, Griffin, Sterling, and Kat." Raine said shyly. Damn! Why does she have to be so shy?! It's really cute when she does it.

"Hi!" Kat exclaimed cheerfully waving her hand. I heard a few chuckles and a few mumbled 'freak.' Oh good. I looked at Kat and her smile was gone replaced with a glare. Yup she heard. Kat was the happiest person ever, unless you called her a freak. She hated being called a freak, and when you get on her back side, there's no turning back. She knew exactly who mumbled it as she glared right at a slutty cheerleader. But the cheerleader was ignoring Kat's glare, and instead smiling flirtingly at me.

"I'm not a freak." Kat said in a low menacing voice. Griffin put his hand on her shoulder and she seemed to calm down a little. Wow. She never calms down that fast. I wonder... No. Griffin would tell me if they were dating. In fact he wouldn't date her at all. He knows I would kill him.

"Well go ahead and find an empty seat." The teacher said. The girl that was smiling at me, quickly pushed the girl in the seat beside her, off her seat, and patted the seat smiling at me. I smirked back and started walking over there, but something stopped me. Oh great. It's the soulmate pull. When a vampire finds their soulmate, whenever they're around them, they feel a force pulling them towards their soulmate, in otherwords, the soulmate pull.

I sighed and gave in to it as I changed course and sat beside Raine. She looked at me surprised like she didn't expect me to sit there. I just ignored her and focused my attention on everything else but her. I saw the slutty cheerleader glaring at Raine.

Kat was sitting behind Raine. Griffin was sitting in front of Raine. Raine was over by the window. And of course Drake was sitting in the way back away from all the rest of the world. Once we were all seated, the teacher started talking again.

Sterling. I heard Kat think. Being a vampire, I'm able to read minds.

What? I sighed.

Do you know who Raine is?

Of course I do!

Then why are you being so mean to her?

Because I don't want a soulmate. You know that.

But what about the prophosy?

What about it?

You need her to fulfill it.

Don't remind me.

What is your problem?!

You! Now leave me alone! i thought angerly. She didn't think anything back. Feeling guilty, I looked back at her, and saw her staring at her desk, pouting.

I'm sorry.

Whatever, leave me alone. I sighed and put my head on the desk.

"Mr. Storms, I hope you are not sleeping back there." The teacher asked.

"What if I am?" I asked not lifting my head. I heard Riane giggle slightly. Wow. She had a cute laugh. Stop that! You can't like her! Remember?! No soulmate! I'm my own person!

"Then I'll be forced to give you a detention."

"Nobody can force you to do anything. If you give me a detention, it's because you're an asshole of a teacher."

"Excuse me!" He yelled. Once again Raine giggled, this time I lifted my head up a little bit and looked at her. She was staring at her desk, only this time, she was trying not to smile. I smiled just looking at her. Suddenly a hand slammed down on my desk, so loudly that Raine shot her head up in surprise, and saw me looking at her. She blushed and looked outside the window.

"Yes?" i asked slowly loking up at the teacher.

"Detention." He hissed. I sighed and looked in his eyes. I really didn't want to do this but my parents will kill me if I get a detention on the first day at a new school.

"Do you really want to do that?" I asked not blinking. He stared back at me and slowly shook his head no.

"Good. I didn't think so." I said finally blinking. He stood up looking confused before going back to his desk. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Raine looking at me. I turned to face her.

"What?" I asked.

"How'd you do that?" She asked in awe.

"Do what?"

"Get out of a detention like that. Once Mr. Bell gives someone a detention, they can't talk their way out of it, but you didn't even say 10 words and decided to not give you a detention."

"I'm just awesome like that." I smirked. It came out sounding more smug than I intended. Her smile turned into a frown and she rolled her eyes and turned away from me. Wait what? What'd I do?


What'd I do?

She hates guys with big egos.


Don't get any ideas.

I already did. I thought as the bell rang. We got up and got all our stuff before going to out next class.

"So Raine... You think I'm awesome right? I mean, they way you rolled your eyes when I said it, made me think that you didn't think it too." I said wrapping an arm around her.

"No. I don't think you're awesome. I think, you're a big egotistical jerk. And egotistical jerks are not awesome. You're just like every guy here." She glared at me yanking away from me. When she yanked away from me, her sleeve flew up and I saw a cut on her arm. I quickly stopped walking and grabbed her arm. She had an annoyed/angry look on her face but it quickly changed to panic as I lifted up her sleeve.

"W-what are yopu doing?" She asked sounding a little scared. I looked at the cut. I could still smell some of the blood, it was definatly a new cut.

"God emo, cut yourself again? Why don't you just jump off a bridge? That'll surely kill you." The slutty cheerleader from our class said as she walked by us, running her hand across my back. When she was behind Raine, she looked over her shoulder and winked at me.

"Did you do this?" I asked confused. Why would she purposly hurt herself?

"No." She said trying to yank it away from me, but I held it.

"What happened?" She got that panicky look on her face again.

"N-nothing. I-I-I slipped in the kitchen and fell against a vase. It broke and cut me. What does it matter to you anyways?" She glared pulling her arm away, this time I let her.

"It doesn't." I mumbled. I saw a flash of hurt in her eyes before she replaced it with a glare.
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