Kiss Me, You Stupid Vampire!


Raine's pov

"Your brother is so concieted!" I huffed sitting down beside Kat. We were at lunch right now. Drake was sitting at a table away from everyone else and Griffin and Sterling were sitting by Jade and her slutty cheerleaders. I had actually thought Sterling was going to sit by her this morning, but he surprised me by sitting beside me.

"He's not normally like this. I think he likes you." Kat smirked like she knew something I didn't.

"Me?" I said in a sqeaky voice. No guy has ever even thought about liking me. There was no way Sterling liked me.

"Oh yea. See, he's looking at you now." She said nodding her head towards their table. I looked up caught Sterling staring at me. When he saw me, he gave me a small smile, so small that I was debating if it was really there. After a minute, he blinked, and shook his head before turning around and paying attention to the cheerleaders.

"Why hasn't he come over here yet?" Kat mumbled.

"Who?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh... uh no one." She said shaking her head. I shrugged and looked back at the table. A second later, I heard Kat growl lowly. I looked up at her confused and saw she was glaring towards the cheerleader's table. I looked over there, Sterling was staring at the table with a scowl on his face, like he was debating something. Griffin looked uncomfortable as one of the cheerleaders was practically sitting on his lap. He kept scooting away but she kept getting closer to him.

"Kat?" I asked. She looked at me, snapping out of her phase.

"What?" She asked, I could tell she was trying to calm down.

"Do you like Griffin?" Her expression turned into shock, but her cheeks were turning a faded pink against her pale face.

"Wh-why would you ask that?" She stuttered.

"I don't know. You just seem jealous." I shrugged. She bit her lip, looking across the room at Griffin again. This time he was looking at her too. He smiled slightly at her and she returned the smile. After a while, she sighed and looked back at me.

"Can you keep a secret?" She asked in a hushed tone. I nodded my head.

"Griffin and I are... We're going out. But don't tell Sterling. He's the typical big brother, always protective of me. He doesn't like that idea of me having boyfriend, expecially when the guy is his best friend. Sterling would kill Griffin and me both if he found out."

"I won't tell. Swear." I put my right hand up.

"Thanks, I knew I could count on you. I can tell we're going to be good friends." She hugged me. I was shocked by the gesture. I hadn't have anyone hug me in a long time.I hesitantly patted her back.

"So why aren't you eating?" She asked pulling away from me.

"Uh umm... because... I'm not hungry. I had a big breakfast." I lied. Of course I didn't have a big breakfast. I didn't have time to eat anything this morning.

"Right." She said doubtfully, right before a tray slammed on our table across from me. I looked up and saw Sterling and Griffin. Sterling looked annoyed, but Griffin looked relieved.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing." Sterling said glaring at the table.

"He's just made that he had to come over here." Griffin smirked rolling his eyes.

"Why did he have to come over here?"

"Because you guys... mhmmhm." Griffin placed a hand over Kat's mouth, muffling her. Sterling and Griffin both had 'shut up' looks on thier faces. After a while, Kat started blushing again. Griffin removed his hand from Kat's mouth.

"Because we, what?" I asked.

"Nothing." Griffin said quickly. I raised an eyebrow, letting him know I wanted the truth.

"Because they think we would make a cute couple, and Griffin wouldn't stop bothering me about coming over here." Sterling rolled his eyes. I could feel my cheeks heat up with a blush.

"See! I told you she liked you!" Kat bragged, really loudly. The cheerleaders were all glaring at us now.

"I do not!" I yelled defensively. I thought I saw hurt in Sterling's eyes but it was gone so fast I thought I imagined it. Now everyone was looking at us. Embarrassed, I got up and ran out of the lunch room. I ran to my locker and got my stuff. I knew I had to wait for the others because I had to show them around. I was still facing my locker when I felt a hand on my shoulder, turning me around. I looked up at Jade who was glaring at me.

"Listen here you little whore, stay away from Sterling. He's mine." She sneered. I don't know why, but something inside me flared up. She didn't own him.

"You don't own him. Besides I thought you were going out with Brad." I glared back at her. Brad was the star quaterback at our school, and also the biggest meat head I ever met.

"Sterling is so much hotter than Brad. I'd leave Brad any day for Sterling."

"Even if you did leave Brad, how do you know Sterling would even go out with you?"

"Please. Look at me. I'm hot. Unlike you." She said smuggly. That's it. I hate snobby people with big egos who think they're all that. Before I knew what I was doing, I punched her straight in the nose. Of course I didn't break it. It's wasn't a hard enough punch, but I knew there would be a bruise

"My nose! You punched my nose and it's going to be bruised! I just got it for christmas!" She yelled.

"I-I-I-" I kept stuttering.

"You are dead." She said slowly in a deathly voice. Ok I admit, I was scared. She brought her fist up, and out of reflex, I cowered away, closing my eyes, waking for impact. After a minute, I didn't feel anything. I opened one eye and saw Sterling holding Jade's fist back. Jade looked up confused at Sterling.

"Sterling? What are you doing?" She asked.

"I can't let you hit her." Sterling said. His eyes were a light seafoam green. Green? But I thought they were blue. Contacts? Probably.

"Why not? She hit my nose!" She pouted.

"Because, if he let's you punch her, I'll kill you." Kat growled, stepping infront of me. Her eyes were the same seafoam green.

"Oh whatever freak. You couldn't kill me if your life depended on it." Jade sneered.

"I... told you... don't... call me... a... Freak!" Kat yelled before lunging for her.

"Kat! Griffin help me get her off!" Sterling yelled trying to pull Kat away. I could hear Jade screaming as Kat made attempts to punch Jade, but with Sterling pulling her, she kept missing. Just as Griffin and Sterling got her off, Kat finally punched Jade in her nose, making a big 'CRACK' sound.

"You broke my nose!" Jade cried. She got up and ran away.

"Are you ok?" Sterling asked turning towards me.

"Me? You should be worried about your sister! She was the one fighting with Jade!" I yelled.

"Please, she didn't even attempt to punch me." Kat rolled her eyes.

"But she's going to make your life hell. She has that power."

"Power? I have more power than her." Kat scoffed.

"You don't know what you just did." I shook my head.
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