Kiss Me, You Stupid Vampire!

Tell her.

"So Raine, how about you come over to our house?" Kat asked as we walked out of school. School was finally over, but now I had to go home and make dinner for my dad and do my homework.

"Uh... can't. I got homework." I said.

"Well we can do homework at my house."

"I'm supposed to come home right after school."

"Not even for an hour? I'm sure your parents would understand." She pouted.

"My dad. My mom died, 11 years ago today." I bit my lip looking down.

"Oh. I'm sorry." She said.

"It's ok. Look, maybe I can come over for an hour. I'll call my dad and tell him where I'm at." I smiled. I couldn't pass up on the oppertunity to go over to a friend's house.

"Great!" She yelled happily. I got my phone out and called my house, hoping my dad would understand. The phone kept ringing and soon I heard our answering machine.

"Hi, this is the Silver's house. We aren't home right now, please leave your name and number, and we'll get back to you." I heard my voice say before the beep.

"Hey, dad, I'm going over to a friend's house for an hour. I'll be back by 5. Love ya, bye." I said before hanging up.

"Ready?" Kat asked. I nodded my head and we walked over to her 2010 green beetle.

"Wow. Nice car." I smiled running my hand over it.

"Thanks. I got it for my birthday. Green's my favorite color. Come on." SHe smiled getting in her car. The interior was all black.

Kat drove like a manic, it was lucky that we didn't die. She drove through 3 stop signs and 1 stoplight.

"Ok! You can slow down now!" I yelled clutching my seatbelt.

"We're here." She said pulling into a drive way infront of a HUGE mansion.

"You live here?" I breathed stepping out of the car.

"Uh huh." She smiled to herself. I walked with her up to the door. Once we got in, I saw Sterling and Griffin sitting on the couch talking. They imeadiatly stopped once we came in.

"Hey guys." Kat smiled.

"Hey." The mumbled before walking up the stairs. Kat watched them leave confused. Her face suddenly changed from confused to shocked.

"What's wrong?" I asked Kat.

"N-nothing. Nothing at all." She said biting her lip, I realized she does that alot when she's hiding something.

"You sure?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Positive. But uh I just remembered something. I need to go upstairs real quick then I'll be right back down." She said before disappearing upstairs. I shrugged and sat on the couch.

Sterling's pov

"She is going to be devestated." Griffin said. We were sitting on the couch when the door opened. We both shut up as soon as we saw Kat and Raine.

"Hey guys." Kat said.

"Hey." We mumbled, walking up the stairs. I could feel Kat watching us, but I didn't want her to know. If she knew, then she'd tell Raine. I don't want her to find out yet.

"You have to tell her." Griffin whispered once again when we were in my room.

"I can't."

"You have to."

"Why don't you!"

"Because you're her soulmate." I heard a beautiful, familiar, voice say. I rolled my eyes and looked at the window where Wynter was, in fairy form.

"Hi Wynter." Griffin smiled at her.

"Hey Griff." She hugged him. Wynter was like a second mom to us.

"Hi Wynter." I mumbled. She came over and gave me a hug too.

"I see you found my daughter." She said.


"Isn't she pretty?"

"She's beautiful." I sighed.

"She has your eyes." Griffin said.

"I know." She smiled longingly.

"Wynter, I can't tell her." I shook my head.

"But you have to. If you don't, then she'll find out when she gets home. No one will be there to comfort her."

"Can't you tell her?"

"Not with out having to tell her everything. And she won't be able to handle everything. Raine has a great memory, she just doesn't know it yet. But when she sees me, she'll know and start asking questions."

"I hate seeing girls cry." I said just before the door open. Kat came in looking heartbroken.

"Is it true?" She asked.

"You heard my thoughts?" I asked. She nodded her head.

"I don't know how I'm going to tell her." I sighed.

"You have to. It'll be better if she hears it from you." Kat said.

"Alright. I'll tell her." I sighed. I got up and walked down the stairs to the front room where Raine was sitting on the couch.

"Hey." I said softly. She still jumped though.

"Oh. It's you. What do you want?" She asked rolling her eyes. I can't really blame her for being rude. I knew she hated egotisical jerks but i still made her believe I was one.

"We need to talk." I said.

"Talk? About what?" She looked at me suspicously.

"About... something that happened earlier today."

"About the fight?"

"No. Something more serious."


"I don't know how to say this."

"Just spit it out!" I looked at her shock. I didn't expect her to yell.

"Ok. Raine, your dad... he died."
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