Kiss Me, You Stupid Vampire!

Vampires, and fairies, and wolves, oh my.

I watched as the pallbearers dropped the casket of my dead dad into the ground. It was the day of the funeral, and not once have I cried. I feel like something's wrong with me. How could I not cry at my own dad's funeral? I felt horrible, but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't cry. Kat had said it was because I used up all my tears. Whatever the reason, though, I didn't like it.

"Let's bow our heads in prayer." The pastor said as they started to shovel the dirt back into the ground, covering up the casket. There weren't many people there. There was only one other person, he said he knew my dad when they went to highschool, besides me, Kat, Sterling, and Griffin. Everyone bowed their heads. My eyes remained open, though, as I watched the hole fill more and more. After the pastor said the prayer and the service was done, The guy came up and said his condolenses, patting my shoulder hesistantly.

After he left, I stayed where I was. I couldn't move. It felt like this was all a dream and I wake up to my dad's abuse once again. I know I hated my dad, but he was everything I had. I don't even know where I'm going to stay now. I got a letter saying that if the rent, which hadn't been paid in 2 months, wasn't paid by the end of the week, then my house would be foreclosered. How was I going to get $3,895 in 3 days? I hated my dad more for doing this to me. Leaving me to worry about everything while he can 'rest in peace'. He didn't deserve to rest in peace.

As I was thinking, I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I swiped it away. It wasn't a sad tear. It was an angry tear. I was angry at my dad. I'm sort of glad he's gone, but then i wish he was back here worrying about this shit and not leaving it for me. I felt someone watching me across the field. I looked up and saw a familiar pair of purple eyes. She stood there watching me for a while, but when I took a step towards her, she turned around and started running away.

"Mom!" I yelled running after her. She looked back over her shoulder once, as she entered the forest. I ran as fast as I could. I ran into the forest and saw her, just as she changed into a... fairy? What? I rubbed my eyes hoping I was seeing things, but I wasn't. She was still there.

"Mom?" I asked hesitantly. She looked back at me with wide eyes.

"Oh dear." Her voice was so soft and bell like. I slowly walked over to her, and this time she didn't run, she stayed where she was.

"Mom? Is that you?" I asked. She nodded her tiny head.

"B-but you-you're a fai- a f-f-fairy." I stuttered shaking my head.

"I believe I have some explaining to do." She said.

"That would help." I nodded my head.

"Let's go back to the Storms' place." She said. I nodded my head. She closed her eyes, and a white mist started to form around us. I stared in amazment as it started to cover us completely. Before I knew it, we were in Sterling's room once again. A moment later, Sterling, Kat, and Griffin came into the room. They each smiled at my mom.

"Hey Wynter." They said.

"Wait... how do you know my mom?" I asked. They all looked at each other, before looking at Wynter.

"She needs to know." My mom said nodding her head.

"Sterling? Why don't you tell her?" Kat asked. Sterling nodded and sat down on the bed. HE patted the seat beside him and I sat down.

"Where should i begin?" He asked more to himself than me.

"How about at the begining." I said.

"Right. That'd probably be the best. Ok, your mom is a fairy." He said slowly.

"Yea. I can see that."

"Hold on." he put his hand up. I stopped talking and listened to him.

"Your mom isn't the only magical creature in this room." He continued.

"What are you going to tell me that you guys are elves and unicorns?" I rolled my eyes.

"Not exactly." Griffin mumbled. I looked at him confused.

"Look, Raine. Griffin is... well he's a werewolf." I stared at Griffin wide eyed.

"A werewolf?" She whispered frightfully.

"Don't worry, I'm not the one that bites." Griffin smirked.

"What's he mean by that?" I asked looking back at Sterling. He stared at me, like he was thinking. He's cute when he thinks. He let out a small chuckle.

"Thank you." He said.

"Did I just say that outloud?" I asked biting my lip.

"No. I can hear your thoughts." Sterling said.

"What?! Who are you.. Edward Cullen?" I asked.

"Not exactly him." He said, but I understood what he meant.

"You mean... that.... you are a va-vampire?"

"Yup." Kat smiled at me, showing her fangs.

"Oh my gosh." I whispered staring wide at everyone in the room.

"Raine dear... don't be afraid." My mom said. But I wasn't afraid. I was just surprised. I know I should be afraid but I just wasn't.

"I'm not. I just need some time to process this." I said slowly. I closed my eyes and let all this information run through my brain.

"You ok?" Kat asked hesitantly.

"Yea. But, if you're alive, then why'd you leave?" I asked my mom.

"It's complicated dear."

"More complicated then telling me that you guys are mythical creatures?" I asked. She bit her lip.

"Ok. When you were born, your father and I loved each other very much. He knew nothing about me being a fairy. Well, one day, he saw me turn into a fairy. As a baby, you loved watching me fly around you. Well, he was... freaked out to say the least. I tried to explain to him, but he wouldn't listen. He didn't want me to 'hurt you' so I left. But you started asking questions about me, and your father finally told you that I died. Of course, I always wanted you to have a normal life, so I stayed out of your life hoping you would be fine. But as the years went on and your father started abusing you, I knew I had to do something." She said.

"Wait! You killed my father?" I asked. I don't know if I should be happy or mad.

"Heavens no! No! threatened your father. I could never hurt him. I told him that if he didn't stop abusing you that I would call the police on him. But of course, he knew that nobody would believe a, supposedly dead woman. I tried to help, but there was no way. I felt helpless as I watched you get hit every time something wasn't done right, or he was drunk. I am so sorry." She whispered. She was in her human form, and she hugged me.

"it's ok mom. You tried." I whispered hugging her back. We stayed like this for awhile. It felt good to hug my mom, after all this time, she was still alive. I smiled to myself. Maybe everything wouldn't be so bad after all.

"So mom... if you're a fairy... does that mean that I'm..." I left the question unfinished as I pulled away from her.

"Yes. You are a fairy. Your powers haven't come to you yet, but they will. And soon you'll be able to fly in your fairy form." She smiled. I smiled back at her.

"There's just one more thing." She said biting her lip. Sterling, who was standing behind her, started looking uncomfortable. Griffin and Kat both had amused faces.

"You have a soulmate." She continued.

"Well yea. Doesn't everybody?" I asked.

"But yours is special. He's a vampire."

"A vampire?" I asked. My eyes wandered to Sterling again who was looking at the ground, very uncomfortable.

"Oh no." I whispered.
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Here's a picture of Wynter in her fairy form and Ranie's fairy form. Raine won't turn into a fairy until later on. :) Comment/subscribe <3VampirePrincess15<3 BTW I have a new story out. Please read it and comment on it too please. :)