Kiss Me, You Stupid Vampire!

You got your powers.

I sat in the bathroom in one of the stalls with my knees up, trying to stop crying. How did Jade know my dad abused me? Maybe it was a wild guess? Whatever it was, there was no need for her to bring that up. I felt like going back out there and punching her again, but my ego wouldn't let me. I didn't want people to see me broken and hurt. I closed my eyes and allowed the tears to take over once again.

After a minute, I heard the bathroom door open. I heard footsteps past me, then back up and stop in front of the stall I was in. The person knocked on the door timidly.

"Go away Kat." My voice was muffled as I put my head in my arms.

"It's Sterling." They said.

"Sterling? What are you doing in a girl's bathroom?" I asked lifting my head up surprised.

"I'm looking for you."

"Well you found me, now go away." I sniffled.

"Do you really think I'm going to leave my girlfriend when she's hurt?"

"No." I whispered.

"I didn't think so. Come out here please?" He asked. If it was anybody else, I would have said no, but this was Sterling. He wouldn't judge me. I opened the door, and walked right into his chest. I didn't look up at him, I just wrapped my arms around his torso, pulling him into a hug. His arms wound their way around my waist, hugging me back.

"Shh. it's ok." He said as I started to cry again. We stayed like that for awhile.

"I'm sorry. I got your shirt wet." I pulled away from him after a while.

"It's ok." He shrugged.

"What happen after I left?" I asked.

"Kat beat teh shit out of Jade for making you cry. I don't think Jade will be bothering us again." He smiled at me. I let out a small laugh at the thought of Jade, beaten up.

"Come on, let's go to class." he said. I nodded my head and followed him to the bathroom door.

"Uh... you might want to wait until it's clear." I told him.

"Good idea." He agreed. I walked out of the bathroom and saw no one in the halls.

"It's clear." I said opening the bathroom door. He stepped out and walked me to class.

"We don't have passes." I said stopping outside the classroom.

"It's ok. We don't need them." He smirked. I looked at him confused, but followed him inside.

"Mr. Storm and miss Silvers, nice of you to join us. I assume you have passes?" The teacher asked.

"We don't need passes." Sterling said looking the teacher in the eye. He nodded slowly, as if in a trance.

"Good. We'll take our seats not." Sterling blinked and the teacher shook his head confused. Sterling and I made our way to our seats.

"You hypnotize people?" I whispered.

"One of my many powers." He whispered back smirking.

"Yea, that he's not supposed to use." Kat said glaring at Sterling.

"Would you rather Raine get a detention and not be able to go shopping with you today?" Sterling asked.

"No." She mumbled.

"Shopping? Uh sorry. That's not me." I shook my head.

"Too bad. I'll kidnap you if I have to." Kat stuck her tongue out at me. I rolled my eyes and faced front as the door opened again, this time to reveal a very pretty girl. She was so pretty and flawless, there was no way she wasn't a vampire.

"Oh shit." Griffin, Kat, and Sterling all mumbled.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"Everybody this is Candy McAdams. She's a new student so treat her well." The teacher said. All the boys were go gaga over her. She smirked flirtatiously, her eyes sweeping over the classroom, before landing on Sterling. Her smirk got bigger as she made her way over towards Sterling, but passing him and sitting in the back beside Drake. After class, when Sterling, Kat, Griffin, and I were walking to our lockers, Candy walked up to us.

"Sterling, long time no see." She said.

"Candy." Sterling mumbled.

"Who's this?" Candy asked turning to me. He cold blue eyes burning a hole in my face.

"I'm Raine, Sterling's girlfriend." I smiled politely. She stared at me before giggling.

"That's funny." She said.

"What's funny?" I asked.

"That thing about you being Sterling's girlfriend? Hilarious." She started giggling again. I looked at Sterling confused. He was glaring at Candy.

"I am his girlfriend." She stopped laughing and gave me a sickly sweet smile.

"That's not possible. See, I'm Sterling's girlfriend. I have been since last christmas." She said.

"Last Christmas?" I asked turning towards Sterling.

"I think, I broke up with you before school even started." Sterling said.

"You must be mistaken. I never heard you say anything about breaking up." Candy said.

"Well I did. I was there when he broke up with you." Kat said.

"Me too. I believe his exact words were 'I don't like you, you cheated on me, leave me alone you slutty bitch.'" Griffin smirked.

"I know that he didn't." Candy glared at them.

"Well fine, I'm breaking up with you now." Sterling said.

"You can't break up with me. I'm Candy McAdams." She glared at him.

"What's that got to do with anything?" Sterling shrugged.

"You mean to tell me, that you are dumping me, for this... slutty human?"

"No. He's breaking up with you, the slutty vampire, for me." I spoke up, feeling brave. Normally I wouldn't stand up to someone who was so evil, but today is different. I feel different.

"You have some nerve talking to a vampire like that." Candy got in my face.

"You have some nerve talking to a fairy like that." I glared back.

"Fairy? Ha. Like you could be a fairy. Fairies are beautiful, you aren't. You aren't even pretty enough to be an elf. What, was your dad a demon and your mom a troll?" She mocked. Something inside me snapped. I can take people talking shit about my dad, but she went overboard.

"Don't talk about my mom." I glared at her. My nose flared and I felt my breathing get faster.

"Your mom is a slut. What are you going to do about- AH!" She yelled as a ball of fire flew at her. I was too mad to realize that the fire came from me.

"Shit! Help me get her out of here!" Sterling yelled. Griffin, Sterling, and Kat all pulled me away. There were still balls of fire chasing Candy.

"Sterling, stop her!" Kat yelled.

"How?!" He yelled.

"Get her in a daze!" Griffin yelled.

"And how do I do that?!"

"Kiss her!" Kat yelled.

"Raine! Snap out of it!" Sterling said. But I couldn't. I was too mad. Suddenly, Sterilng came into my view. before I knew what was happening, his lips found mine. I was so shocked at first, but once I realized what was going on, I kissed back. Suddenly, it was like everything melted away. All my anger disappeared. Sterling pulled away.

"You ok?" He asked. I nodded my head in a daze once again.

"Good. We have to go." He grabbed my hand and we followed Kat and Griffin out of the school.

"Wait, what happened?" I asked confused. All I remember was feeling the anger in me boil.

"You got your powers." Kat smiled at me.

"And you almost burnt Candy to a crisp." Griffin hi-fived me. Sterling smiled at me as we got in his car and drove to the mansion.
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I finally got to put Candy in here! Candy and Drake are the ones who will stir up most of the trouble. Don't want to give too much away so I'm going to stop right there. :) Comment/subscribe <3VampirePrincess15<3