Sequel: Sapphire.
Status: Whoever reported me, I want you to know that I am not mad. If you have any problem at all with my story, minor or major, instead of reporting it, send me a message and let me know. I will not get mad. Thank you!

You Know Something's Not Right When the Good Girl has been to Hell

Chapter One: You're still a virgin? You're still a ***?

A shiny black Mercedes pulled up and I instantly recognized the car. Dad? Why was he here?
I went to the car's shiny form and slipped in.
Dad sat stiff in the driver's seat, his fingers white about the steering wheel.
"Hey dad. How are you?"
I buckled the seatbelt and for some reason it was too tight.
"Ummm, I think something is wrong with seatbelt,dad.It is way too tight."
He glanced at the seatbelt but wouldn't meet my eyes.
Oh, crap, I didn't like this at all.
"Nothing is wrong with the seatbelt, honey.I jinxed it so that it would restain you."
I arched a freshly plucked eyebrow (my friend Feefee attacked it at PE.Don't give that girl tweezers.Ever.)
"We are going to hell for dinner tonight. You will wear a dress. You will not hurt anybody."
"Why would I hurt anybody?"
"Ash will be there."
Pardon the pun, but hell no.



I sat on the sofa in the den, pinching the bottom of the mid-thigh length dress that my father literally wrestled me into.
I was extremely uncomfortable.
The stupid thing showed off the cleavage that I have been hidding since I turned thirteen.
It was peach and tight.
I heard footsteps and the sound of my father and Satan's voices float toward my ears from the stairs.
I glanced up to find Lucifer smiling brightly at me. Have you ever seen the devil smile? It is one of the most terrifying experiences of your life.
His mouth curves up and his face lights up and you get lost in his eyes. You feel like you will never get out. It doesn't sound scary? Well it is. Especially if you know that there is actually souls in those eyes, screaming for help.
"Elizabeth, darling!My how you've grown!"
He came and hugged me. He pulled away and kissed my cheek.
When did he become English?
"Hello Lucifer. Been a long time." I replied politely.
Hey, I'm not stupid. I don't want to be the one to piss off the devil.
"I'm fine darling. Will you do me a favor? Will you go and fetch Ash down for dinner?He's room is at the very end to the right.Thank you so much!"
I knew I shouldn't have trusted his fake English kindness.
I've been trying to avoid Ash if I could and Satan just throw me to the fishes. I expected no less.
I sighed and started heading up the stairs.
"She is so beautiful!I knew she would be a beauty!I can't wait until..." The rest of their conversation faded the further up the stairs I went.
I made it to the top of the stairs and stared at the corridor before me. Good lord! It is so long! I'd die of age if I were mortal!
Halfway down the hall I no longer had to determine which room was Ash's.
From the end of the corridor moans rang out.
Male moans.
Shouting Ash's name.
I sighed in irratations.
This was going to be fun.
I made it to the end of the hall, cringing as the moans got louder.
I stood before a massive door. I raised my hand and knocked.
The moans continued. I don't think they heard me. I knocked a few more times.
I can't believe that I was going to do this.
I took a deep breath, gripped the door knob, and opened the door.
I saw one figure leaned over another.
The one who was leaning over was over the other's ummm,how do I put this delicately? Well, dick and his head bobbed up and down. I'll leave your imagination to do the rest.
The guy who layed on the bed had his back arched off of the bed.
He screamed suddenly as he climaxed.
By then I was ten shades of red.
The one who was doing all the work sat up, wiped off his mouth, licked his fingers and looked up at me.
"Yeah.I didn't ask for a girl tonight."
He thought I was a prostatute? I know that the clothes were a little revealing but...
I looked at the said clothing in disgust.
I looked back up at him and he had a smirk upon his face.
"Never change, do you Ash?Remember me?"
A confused look passed over his features.
So he don't remember me. Oh, well.
"It's me, Lizzy, Zeke's daughter?Or how about I let you make my life miserable for a day or two and see if you remember me then?"
His eyes widened for a minute, traveled over my body, looked back up at my face, then narrowed.
"What are you doing here?" he hissed.
"Your father told me to call you down for dinner."
"Or did you volunteer to come so you could come see me?" he smirked and glanced over me.
I laughed at the absurd thought.
"I came to get you for dinner, I don't plan to lose my virginity to scum like you."
"You are still a virgin?I lost mine when I turned ten, literally.And you are what? 200? And you are STILL a virgin?Shit!" He asked unbelieving.
"I'd rather be a virgin than a whore, my dear Ash."
With that I walked out of the room.
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