Sequel: Sapphire.
Status: Whoever reported me, I want you to know that I am not mad. If you have any problem at all with my story, minor or major, instead of reporting it, send me a message and let me know. I will not get mad. Thank you!

You Know Something's Not Right When the Good Girl has been to Hell

Chapter Ten: Over the hill and through the woods to the devil's house we go.

What’s happening? I asked my brain.
I think he’s kissing you. It replied.
Ya think? I said sarcastically.
That’s kind of my job… It replied stupidly.
I mentally stuck my tongue out at my brain.
My brain rolled its eyes.
My argument with one of the main parts of my anatomy was interrupted when Ash broke away from my lips and his mouth made its way down my throat.
He groaned.
My eyes widened.
Oh, no! Not again!
I whispered in his ear, “Ash, do you need to feed?”
He nodded his head against my throat.
“If you let me go I can go and call your dad so you can go and eat.”
He shook his head “no”.
“Is that a “No I don’t want to go home and eat” or a “No I won’t let you go”?
“I won’t let you go.” he mumbled.
“Come on, Ash. Please let me go?”
“Fine.” he grumbled unhappily and SLOWLY took his arms from around me.
I glanced up and met Xavi’s ice blue eyes.
“What was that?” Suspicion laced his words.
“Ummm, a kiss?” I put on an innocent I-had-no-part-of-this look.
He narrowed his eyes at me.
“I’ll except it this time since it wasn’t just him this time.”
I blushed and he laughed.
I stuck my tongue out at him.
“Will you stop that?! You’re torturing me!” Ash yelled from the purple bean-bag sitting on the floor.
“I’m whaaa…? Oh.”
On a scale of one to ten on how red my face was at that moment I would have to say it’s an eleven.
Xavi was looking amused at the both us.
“If I stick out my tongue what will happen?”
Xavi asked Ash hopefully.
Uh oh.
I started to slyly back up slowly.
“I’m bi anyway and right now I’m so horny I would so fuck you.”
Red-face scale: 12-13.
“Guys, if you are going to do that please go to a hotel. I will pay for it. I really don’t need my ears to become unpurified.”
They both glanced at me like they just realized I was still there.
“We are not leaving you alone.”
Again with the talking at the same time. Grrr.
“Call my dad, Lizzy.” Ash finally gave in.
I picked up my phone and dialed his speed dial (666. Ironic, huh?).
It rang twice and then Lucifer’s deep voice flowed through the speaker.
“Hello. Lucifer speaking.”
“Hey, Lucifer. This is Lizzy. Can you send a ummm car over so that we can go to your house. Ash is hungry and I’m basically a vegetarian and I’m tired of him whining about my food.”
I made sure to put an emphasis on the word car.
Lucifer made it where the only way for Ash to get back into hell is if Lucifer sends one of his men-at-arms. No doubt he would send my father.
“The car will be there in three hours.”
“Thank you, Lucifer.”
“No problem. Goodbye.”
I turned back to an expectant Ash.
“The car will be here in three hours.”
“I can stay ‘til then right?” Xavi asked hopefully.
“Yes Xavi, you can.”
He jumped up and down excitedly for a few minutes.
I laughed at his childlike hyper-ness.
All of a sudden his eyes lit up.
I followed his gaze.
Oh, shoot! I forgot to hide that before he came over!
“How long have you had it?” he asked me suspicious.
“Uh, a couple of months.” I shuffled my feet.
“You little rat! Just for that we are watching it for the next three hours.” he declared.
I sighed in defeat and picked up the DVD case of Titanic.
Hey, Leonardo Dicaprio’s crooked boyish grin is just too much too resist. (Yes I know that Lucifer is Leonardo. I just couldn’t resist.)
After putting the DVD in the player I went and sat by Xavi on the Couch of Heaven.
A forth of the way through the movie, Xavi placed his head in my lap like a dog and kept saying, “Leonardo Dicaprio, will you marry me?” at the most random times.
Ash sat in the bean-bag chair glaring at Xavi, jealous again.
I started petting Xavi’s hair (it’s so soft! I have to ask what kind of conditioner he uses!) to make Ash’s little green monster appear on his shoulder.
He growled.
I gave him a warning look because his growl wasn’t a normal human laugh.
He flipped me off.
I mouthed, “Not on your life.”
He pouted.
Awww. *Slap!* Bad!
I must have looked like a stat-struck cow because when I snapped out of it Ash was smirking at me.
I Hmmphed and turned away from him.
I distracted myself by looking down at Xavi.
My jeans had little dark splotches from his tears.
I looked at the TV and I knew immediately.
It was the part when the band continued playing even as the ship went down.
He always starts crying then and won’t stop until about fifteen minutes after the movie ended.
“It’s ok, Xavi.” I soothed, petting his hair (I REALLY needed to find out what kind of conditioner he uses.).
About that time a knock sounded on the door.
I gently placed Xavi’s head on the couch as I got up, leaving him sobbing into the couch cushion.
I answered the door to find my father on the other side.
He grabbed me and swooped me up in a hug, nearly crushing my tiny little bones.
“” I gasped against his chest.
“Oops. You’re so tiny and I don’t know my own strength.” he apologized, letting me go.
I lifted my shirt to inspect the damage.
Yep, bruises will appear tomorrow.
I let my shirt fall down when Ash made a strangled sound.
“What?” I asked.
Xavi and my dad both chuckled and shook their heads at us (Not them two too!).
“You kiddos ready to go?” my dad asked.
“One second dad.”
I turned off the movie (Xavi gasped in shock) and turned to Xavi.
“I’m sorry, Xavi but you have to go.”
“Fine.” he huffed and ran and squeezed me.
“You be careful and if he pulls anything let me know and I’ll bet his hot little ass.” he promised in my ear.
“How do you know I’m not going to just say he did something so you will beat him up?” I asked, kidding.
“I’ll beat his ass anyway.” he said laughing and I laughed too.
God, I love my Xavi.
“See ya later chickadees and Mr. Alexander!” he said, skipping out the door.
My dad shook his head at Xavi.
He turned back to us.
“You ready kids?”
We all got in a triangle and held hands (I think I felt sparks when me and Ash connected hands. I blame it on…well…you know what? I ain’t got nothing.)
A find formed around us and we landed at the front gate.
A sign above the gate said, “Welcome to Hell.”
Like hell needed a welcome sign.
Then the gate began to open.
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