Sequel: Sapphire.
Status: Whoever reported me, I want you to know that I am not mad. If you have any problem at all with my story, minor or major, instead of reporting it, send me a message and let me know. I will not get mad. Thank you!

You Know Something's Not Right When the Good Girl has been to Hell

Chapter Eleven: Rapunzel, Rapunzel, I'd help but I'm locked in here, too

Hell is really nothing you have never seen before in your life.
Well, for you maybe.
Fire coats the walls like a bad paint-job, souls stretching out from their depths.
And the ground beneath your feet is corpses, but you do not actually step on the broken fragments, they are embedded into the ground.
All about Hell screams can be heard, and from earth, you can hear the pleads of the innocents being tortured as the tormentor, who is being monitored at all times, relishes their pain.
I have been coming here for over my one hundred years of existence and even now I am not prepared against the horrors that await once you pass Hell’s gate.
I shiver involuntarily.
Ash took my arm as we went further into the depths of Hell, making it out as if though I am his so nobody would touch me.
As we walked, I got stared at by more than like pedophiles and rapists.
I kept my heard down but my face was flushed from embarrassment as they cat-called and whistled.
One even dared, while Ash’s arm was around my waist, to touch my butt and when I turned to see who it was, a pile of ash lay in their place.
I gave Ash a quizzing look.
“If you had been my wife or something I would have killed them, I thought if I showed them now that if I bring a woman home that they better keep their hands to themselves.”
I nodded my head in understanding but I was still thinking that that was a bit cruel.
Of course, if I said that out loud, I would be the laughingstock of Hell.
I couldn’t handle that on top of everything else.
We had just made it to the main part of hell, or in other words, Ash’s castle.
It is a very large place, stone walls reaching up to the sky (more like a large puff of smoke), black flags waving from the gargantuan towers.
If it weren’t all cold and dark and hellfire and brimstone it would be a beautiful place.
I think some flowers surrounding the edge of the castle might brighten it a bit, but even then I can’t guarantee that they won’t be eaten.
I sighed in defeat.
Even if I tried I couldn’t make hell relatively pretty, why am I even mentally trying?
Without even realizing, I had been lead by Ash into the main foyer of the castle, and seated upon the couch.
Ash had his arm around my shoulders and acted as though I belonged there.
I don’t think so buddy. At least not while you are hungry.
I picked up his finger and managed to move his arm from around my shoulders.
He glared at me. “Why did you do that?”
“I don’t want you to get comfortable around me until you have been fed.”
“Oh, fucking well.” he growled and put his arm around my shoulders again.
It was my turn to glare.
I removed his arm from around my shoulders and scooted to the other end of the couch.
He growled again (I wish he would stop doing that. I am not a good growler and his is all intimidating and scary. It’s not fair!).
I gave him a look like don’t-you-even-try but does he listen to my looks? No.
He scooted until I was cornered and put his arm around me.
I have a plan.
I looked up at him and smiled. That always got him.
As I expected, he got a goofy look on his face and I took that as my cue.
Oh, the power of a smile.
I turned my head until my mouth was inches away from his arm and inched my head down.
An inch away from his arm I let my breath fan lightly over his flesh making goose bumps appear.
I grinned in triumph.
I pressed my lips to his arm and opened my mouth, causing Ash to make a strangled sound.
Haha, sucker.
I slyly sank my pitiful excuse for teeth into his arm.
He screamed a curse and I busted out laughing.
He growled AND glared at me.
I think I’m in trouble.
Before I could comprehend what had happened I was pinned beneath him, my hands above my head.
Again with the staring into each other’s eyes.
I felt like I was being soul-raped or something. I hate being vulnerable but Ash has been known to bring the worst out of me.
He seemed to be contemplating something and then he suddenly let me go.
He rolled off of the couch and bolted upstairs like he was on fire.
What crawled up his butt and died?
I just laid on the couch for a while, staring at the now-interesting ceiling.

“So don't you take this drink from me.
I will knock you down on your knees.
And make you lick my penis up and down,
up and down...

Up and down, back and forth,
I'm making you my whore.
Up and down, back and forth,
girl you will be my whore…” the lyrics to BrokeNCYDE’s 2 Drunk 2 Drive pounded in the roof above me, shaking the house with each note.
I sighed and rolled over. Might was well get some sleep since I woke up early this morning.
I had just dozed off when I was jerked up by my hair.
“Shut the fuck up.” Uh oh. Lucifer is mad.
Should I be scared? I asked my brain.
My brain is too busy hiding in the corner to answer me at the moment.
I’ll take that as a yes.
My head was beginning to hurt by the force of the pulling going on and my head was so numb that I hadn’t noticed one of two very important things.
There was no longer music playing.
The second important thing (the one I noticed) is that we had arrived at a door and I was thrown roughly in.
I turned to ask Lucifer what in the world was going on to come face to face with a door.
Through three metal bars on the door Lucifer’s now crimson eyes glowed like embers at me.
“I had you created, Lizzy, to be my son’s mate. I made your father fertile for a night so that you could be born because I had looked into the future and saw you and my son with children running around you and I have never seen Ash so happy in my life. I just want to see my son that happy before I die, even if it means hurting you and him in the process.”
A metal shutter was slammed over the bars, shutting me out to the world around me.
I sat on the could metallic floor, in shock.
For what seemed like hours I sat there staring at the floor like it was a puzzle I couldn’t solve.
A few minutes later the door was opened and I thought I was going to be released.
Instead a red-eyed Ash was thrown in and landed on the floor beside me.
The door was slammed loudly in the guard’s wake.
When I looked back at Ash, he was staring at me with hunger-glazed eyes.
And I was the piece of meat.
“…even if it means hurting you and him in the process.”
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