Sequel: Sapphire.
Status: Whoever reported me, I want you to know that I am not mad. If you have any problem at all with my story, minor or major, instead of reporting it, send me a message and let me know. I will not get mad. Thank you!

You Know Something's Not Right When the Good Girl has been to Hell

Chapter Twelve: This feels right

I was over my shock by now but it was replaced by a paralyzing fear.
The highlights of my life flashing from behind my now closed eyelids.
Is death painful?
That is one of the questions I have had ever since I had understood death.
Will I go to Heaven or Hell?
Those questions and pleasant memories drifted behind my eyes as I felt I breath on my neck.
“I’m sorry.” he murmured against he exposed flesh of my neck.
As quickly as the pain had appeared it dissipated into pleasure.
I gasped as heat flooded my body and I was blinded with desire.
Ash moaned against my neck, adding fuel to the fire.
“Ash…” The sound that left my throat was a mix between desperation and desire, making Ash suck harder on my life-blood.
His hands began to roam my body, one resting on my breast, the other being adventurous and going down down down…
I gasped as he touched me though my jeans, arching my back.
He growled possessively against my throat, his growl vibrating to the core of my being.
“Ash, stop.” I moaned.
Great way to convince him to stop, huh?
He stopped feeding on my neck, licking the wound to heal it.
Before it closed all the way, though, he made a pattern around it, marking me as his.
He just didn’t know that I already was.
As he was marking me, he stared into my eyes, daring me to stop him.
When I didn’t object, he gave a satisfied groan against my throat.
He gave one long, deliberate lick to my neck before he decided that the rest of my body was just as delectable.
For some awfully strange reason I had a feeling that I wasn’t getting out of here pure.
And the way things were heading I would never be pure in anyway again.
The hand on my breast was replaced by his lips.
I gasped at the pleasure and humiliation I felt.
What if I wasn’t good enough?
My mind fretted (I was even surprised that it was still working when my body wasn’t of my own accord).
Ash must have saw the look of doubt that flickered over my face and he stopped what he was doing (my hormones screamed, “NO!” when he did).
“What’s wrong? If you’re not ready we can wait.” He didn’t but he might as well have added, “No matter how much I don’t want to.”
I sat up and pulled my knees chest, my face resting in my hands.
“Lizzy, what’s wrong?” he asked, concerned.
I could really get used to this side of Ash.
I am going to feel like a retard saying this.
“Am I… ummm… desirable?” it was barely above a whisper but I know he could hear me.
“You think that your not desirable?” he asked me. He seemed shocked.
I hide my red face in my hands.
“Who in the FUCK told you that you were not desirable?” he was mad. BEYOND mad.
“Uh…” I stuttered.
“Ok, if you won’t tell me that’s fine. But whoever the fuck it was don’t know what in the hell they were talking about.”
I glanced up at him, startled.
“I have never saw anyone more beautiful than you. Every girl I slept with, I was imagining that it was you I was making love too. You that I kissed. You that I held in my arms. You aren’t desirable. You are DELECTABLE. I want to eat you up until I know I can keep you with me forever. Lizzy, you are mine and more desirable than anyone I have ever met.”
I had some dirt in the corner of my eye.
Well make that a lot of dirt, it was making my eyes water and they wouldn’t quit.
“You… do?”
“Do you want me to show it to you?” he asked hopefully.
“I’m not for sure.”
“I can help with that.”
And his warm lips fell on mine, warming them.
My heart, no my soul, screamed that this was right.
That this is where I belonged.
The kiss became more heated, setting a tingling up in my whole body.
This feels right. My brain decided to inform me.
I think you are right. I replied as we continued to kiss, oblivious to the world.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments?Subscriptions? Love?
I am not going to leave you all hanging! Once this one is finished I have a sequel in mind and let's just say that it doesn't leave the family.
Hope you enjoy!