Sequel: Sapphire.
Status: Whoever reported me, I want you to know that I am not mad. If you have any problem at all with my story, minor or major, instead of reporting it, send me a message and let me know. I will not get mad. Thank you!

You Know Something's Not Right When the Good Girl has been to Hell

Chapter Thirteen: I finally know why amusement parks are so romantic.

The next morning I woke with Ash’s arm around my waist.
At first I panicked and thought that we had done “it”. I began to panic then remembered that in the middle of out little make out session, I became dizzy from blood loss.
I was semi-conscious but vaguely remember Ash wrapping me in the blanket in a cocoon, then surrounding me in the safety of his strong arms.
I smiled and turned in his arms and stared at his sleeping face, feeling that for once in my life that I was home.
I spent years all over earth, going from place to place, trying to find a place that was home.
And for 217 years I was too blind to see that home was right before me, in the place I least expected it.
I laid like that for a while, staring at Ash’s beautiful face.
How could someone so beautiful want me?
I know I was made for him (literally) but it just didn’t seem fair to him.
I sighed.
And I thought that Lucifer was cruel, the Fates are evil.
While thinking this and staring at my Ash, he had woke up and was in turn staring at me.
When he realized that I was too lost in my thoughts, he started to nibble on my neck, causing me to jump.
He chuckled and his breath fanned against my throat and I shivered.
“Morning, beautiful. Sleep well?” he asked me, gently kissing my lips.
“I would answer you except I can’t with you kissing me.” I mumbled but it came out wrong.
Like he cared anyway, he was too busy kissing me.
He pulled away after a minute.
NOW he pulls away, right when I get into it.
Like heck!
I pulled his face back down to mine and began to kiss him. He chuckled against my lips.
He pulled away again and I pouted.
“If I go any further I won’t be able to stop.” he said, shaking his head at my pout.
“Fine.” I huffed and got up, not realizing that the loose-fitting legs of my jeans had ridden up while I sleep.
So I stood there with my thighs exposed and Ash groaned.
I blushed like a mad-woman and hurriedly bent over to un-tuck my jean legs.
Again Ash groaned.
I gave him a confused look.
“What was that one for?”
“Damn it lady, don’t bend over in front of me. Shit, if you didn’t know that you really are innocent.”
I didn’t get it.
Wha…? My brain was saying.
Then I got it.
“I’m so sorry!” I gushed and ran to the small bathroom that Lucifer was kind enough to supply in our prison.
When I was in the bathroom, I heard voices in the main room/ bedroom.
I came out to find Lucifer and Ash talking, Lucifer beaming widely.
When he saw my neck his grin rivaled the Grinch’s in creepy-ness.
“Thank you!” he shouted to no one in particular.
I looked at him like, oh-no-help-us-all-the-devil-has-gone-madder-than-usual.
He just smiled at me and said, “I was about ready to put you in lingerie and tie you up alone in a room and starve Ash and throw him in the same room with you until you two mated like bunnies.”
I blushed at the thought of him putting me in lingerie and Ash seeing me in it.
“If you give me the lingerie, I would appreciate it.” Ash said.
I was going to die of humiliation. I think my face will just remain permanently red for all eternity.
Ash shot a wicked grin in my direction.
“NO!” I said firmly and Lucifer’s face fell.
“I mean, not now. I’m not quite ready for that.” I said hurriedly.
He looked at ME like I had two heads.
Yeah, uh huh. He’s the devil and thinks that I’m crazy. Psh.
“Why wouldn’t you be ready?”
“Well… ummm…about that…”
Ash took mercy on my stuttering.
“She’s a virgin.”
Lucifer looked at me like I was an unknown species and he was a doctor in a lab coat.
“Virgin? But your over two hundred!” he seemed amazed.
“Unlike some people I can keep my pants on.” I muttered and he laughed.
“Why this I wonderful! It just makes it more binding when you two make love!” he was a giddy as a school girl.
“Ok, dad. Calm down.”
“Yeah, don’t cream your jeans.” I couldn’t help but add. ( A/N: My mom told that to my sis’s friend and we still say it to this day. Lol. It’s just like spanked and noodled-she was trying to say spade and neutered. My mom is a psycho with a dirty speech impediment.)
This time I understood why I was being looked at like I had two heads.
“Don’t cream your jeans? What?” Ash was laughing his head off and Lucifer was trying hard not to.
“My friend said that one day and we have said it ever since.” I answered simply in a “duh” tone.
They shook their heads at me.
“Well dad, we have to go.” Ash said, shaking his father’s hand.
“Where are we going?” I asked.
“Lake Winnie (A/N: Lake Winnie, or Lake Winnepesaukah is a small amusement park in Georgia, about at the line between Georgia and Tennessee.)
“Really? I haven’t been there since like ten years ago!” I said excitedly.
“I know.” he replied, grabbing my hand and with a poof of smoke, we were back on earth, at the front gate of Lake Winnie.
“Boat Shoot! Boat Shoot!” I begged like a child.
He grinned and paid the ticket person, leading me to the Boat Shoot (A/N: The Boat Shoot is a ride in which you get on a little boat with a number on it, go through a dark tunnel and then go uphill on a rollercoaster type thing. Then you plummet down into water and get soaked. It is my favorite ride at Lake Winnie!)
After waiting in line for a bit (I learned something new about Ash, he is really impatient) and finally got in the boat number thirteen.
“My friend’s family would try to scare the little kids and say that number thirteen was haunted.” I said, remembering.
Ash laughed. “Really? That is so lame.”
“Hey it worked, the girls screamed and the boys tried not to.”
“Wimps.” I socked him.
“Hey!” he cried, rubbing his arm.
“Who’s the wimp now?” I taunted.
“You.” he said, kissing my neck.
I gasped and tried to pull away but the little tiny boat didn’t help me much.
Plus, I really didn’t want to.
He pulled away and grinned at me, staring in my eyes. I smiled sheepishly back.
We had reached the end of the tunnel and Ash looked around.
We were halfway up the rollercoaster type thing when Ash pulled me closer to him.
I gave him a confused look and he smiled down at me devilishly.
When we reached the top, he pulled me into a sweet kiss.
We were still kissing as water splashed over our heads, oblivious to everything and everyone but each other.
♠ ♠ ♠
Phew. That was kinda long and I had several author's notes. Very INTERESTING author's notes but still. Lol. Hope you enjoy though!
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