Sequel: Sapphire.
Status: Whoever reported me, I want you to know that I am not mad. If you have any problem at all with my story, minor or major, instead of reporting it, send me a message and let me know. I will not get mad. Thank you!

You Know Something's Not Right When the Good Girl has been to Hell

Chapter Sixteen: She will be Loved (Title credit to Maroon 5)

*Ash’s POV on the Wedding.*

I was nervous.
Me, the one who can go into battle and not care a bit, is nervous because of a wedding.
My wedding.
To Lizzy.
Her beautiful green eyes and her golden brown hair.
Her bright smile.
Her shining presence.
After today she would officially be mine.
The black mark on her neck from where I marked her will have an intricate red swirl about it once the marriage “becomes” official (A/N: consummates. You know, what happens the wedding night?).
The peaceful tones of the wedding march sounded out through the chords the piano to the right of the stage, signaling that Lizzy was to come through the large double doors to the front of me.
It had been a good minute and I was becoming nervous (more so).
What if she didn’t come?
What if I was left at the alter by my soul mate?
What if…
The doors began to open.
I held my breath.
Before me is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.
Her hair cascading down her shoulders in a golden waterfall, her green eyes lightly veiled from my view.
I had to admit that it pissed me off.
If I could help it, nothing would ever obscure her from my view again.
Her flowing white gown reminded me of Belle from Beauty and the Beast (Lizzy made me watch it with her one night and told me everything about it.).
It hugged her figure and I wanted to lunge and cover her up.
No man should see her figure but me but I couldn’t ruin her wedding by being a possessive jerk.
I just couldn’t do that to her.
I could however rip off the head of the vampire up front who was muttering under his breath, “What a nice piece of ass.”
Before I had the chance to lunge and rip the head off of the bastard, Lizzy was just about to the alter.
I took two steps to the bottom of the stairs, stretching my hand out for her, even though I wanted to lunge and wrap her in my arms forever.
I saw that tears streamed down her face but she was smiling.
She told me about this…she called them.
Tears of joy?
Yes, that was it. Tears of joy.
About our wedding.
Us getting married.
And no matter how much I hated to see Lizzy cry, my predator was satisfied by her tears.
These tears meant that she wants me.
She turned to her father who bent and kissed her lightly on her veiled cheek, his pride keeping his tears at bay.
Lizzy looked up and to my right and busted out laughing.
I followed her gaze and couldn’t help but chuckle.
There stood my father, Lucifer, the ruler of Hell, crying at his son’s wedding.
It was funny really.
Lizzy’s father, Zeke, slide her tiny hand in mine and walked to his seat.
“You’re beautiful.” I murmured in her ear.
“So are you.” she replied, the sly little fox.
She gave an innocent smile and I was about to retort when she spoke up.
“Be careful what you say to me now, hubby, you just might find yourself on the couch.” she said sweetly to me.
She wouldn’t!
Father McCarthy cleared his throat and we both turned our attention back to him.
Lizzy blushed cutely beside me.
“Sorry.” she murmured.
“It’s fine child. I’ve known since he was a tyke and you are just what he needs to keep him in line.” Demon priests and giving my almost-wife ideas.
“Your are the most evil priest I have ever met.” I murmured darkly.
He retorted hotly, “ We’re in Hell, boy, what do you expect?”
I heard laughter and then looked up and saw that damn cat laughing so hard that his tail was shaking.
I pouted and turned when I felt Lizzy press her lips to my cheek.
It was the most innocent thing ever but Lizzy blushed anyway.
I have never saw anything more adorable.
“I didn’t tell you that you could do that yet!” Father McCarthy scolded and the audience chuckled.
With a slight shrug of her shoulders, Lizzy said, “Oops, I just couldn’t resist.”
Outside I just laughed.
Inside I wanted to make love to her.
Father McCarthy just rolled his eyes.
“Let’s get to the ceremony, shall we?”
“We shall.”
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…”
I waited until the part in which I actually had to speak.
“Do you, Ash Diavolo, take Elizabeth Alexander to be your lawful wedded wife to have and behold from this day on, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.”
I secretly added, And so much more.
The lines were repeated and Lizzy said a meek “I do.”
Now for my favorite part.
“I now pronounce you man and wife, you may now kiss the bride.”
I turned and smiled down at her, then frowned at that damn veil.
“Never hide your face from me again.” I murmured, lifting the veil.
And then I captured her lips with my own.
♠ ♠ ♠
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