Sequel: Sapphire.
Status: Whoever reported me, I want you to know that I am not mad. If you have any problem at all with my story, minor or major, instead of reporting it, send me a message and let me know. I will not get mad. Thank you!

You Know Something's Not Right When the Good Girl has been to Hell

Chapter Two:Is this thing on?

I went and took my place amongst the dozen or so guest seated at the massive table.
I looked to my right. Empty. Crap! They put me beside Ash.
I really think that Lucifer hates me. I really do.
Turns out we couldn't start eating until Ash got down here. Great...
I looked down at my stomach as it grumbled in agreement.
If it could it would throw stomach acid at Ash (stomach acid is the most acidic acid out there. Interesting huh?Gross but interesting.)
We all sat there for a good ten or fifteen minutes (I was beginning to get scared because the vampires were looking at me like I was a MEAL!They kept looking at my neck and licking their lips.That's not to mention the ummm suggestive gestures that they made.)
By the time Ash got in there it was a good ten minutes after that and the werewolves had even started looking at me like fresh meat.*Gulps*
"Hey everybody." he greeted and "Hey, Ash" echoed around the table.
I sat, sighing in relief. Hey, I didn't want to be vampire and werewolf food.
He looked at the seat beside me, grinned, and came and sat down.
I didn't like that grin. Not at all.
"Hey there sweetheart." He whispered in my ear.
I had to admit that it made me a little tingly inside but I blamed it on the lack of food. I would never admit that he had any effect on me. It would boost his ego too much.
He sat beside me, running his hand over my shoulders as he sat down.
It tickled and I laughed out loud.
Oops. Everyone at the table was looking at me weird.
I decided the truth would be good. "He ran his hand over my shoulder TRYING to be seductive and hit my ticklish spot. I couldn't help it."
A few people at the table grinned and winked at Ash, who was now red with embarrassment and anger. I think that I better run.
He smiled along with all the others but the anger eminating off of him hit me in waves. I think I hit a nerve.
"Misters and madames, I am here to take you drink orders for the evening.I will come around the table and will get to each of you. Please have patience." A waiter announced.
He wasn't bad looking.
He started at the head of the table, with Lucifer. Then he went to Ash. Next was me.
"Blood please." Lucifer ordered.
"Same here." Ash said.
"Ummm.Do you have any tea?" I inquired.
"Yes. Do you want it warm or cold?"
"Very good, madame." he said and looked up from his notepad. And...and...WINKED.
At me!
I glanced at him startled and looked back down at the empty spot on the table.
Is the table clothe off white or cream?
My face was more than likely red and I heard a few snickers about the table.
This was going to be interesting.


After dinner we all went into the performance room to wait for the "special" performance.
Everyone sat there making small talk and teasing me.
"The waiter had an eye for you sweetheart." an older witch chattered.
"Yeah, I think I noticed." I replied drily.
When he brought out my tea, he "accidently" dropped the saucer at my feet. When he bent to pick up the pieces, he put his hand on my bare knee for "balance".
I stood up and backed up from him.
In the mean time, he got a glimpse up my skirt and told me as he walked away, "Nice Hello Kitty undies. Now I got something to fantasize about."
I shivered unconsciously.
What a freak!
My thoughts on the freaky waiter who needed to get laid were interrupted when Lucifer appeared on the stage.
He started talking into the stand up microphone,"I am sorry ladies and gentlemen but it appears that our entertainment has abruptly cancelled on us."
A chorus of "awwws" in the performance room (being part studio it sounded like like a house being torn apart.)
My father went up on the stage. What is he doing?
"No Lucifer. My daughter writes poetry and I am sure she wouldn't mind reciting one for us now.Will you honey?" he asked looking out at crowd at me.
Dang him.He knew I coudn't refuse when he had the crowd against me.Grrr.
"No father.I don't mind." I replied oh-so-sweetly.
He knew he was going to get it later.
I walked up on the stage, glowering at my father and a grinning Lucifer. They are both so dead.

Lucifer adjusted the mic to my height. Hey, I am freakishly short and Lucifer is freakishly tall.

"Ummm.I will read you Death is not Forever, It is Only Goodbye. (A/N:Poem is my original work)

His face is pinched with knowledge and age,
Taking in the world to write another page.
And I miss him, even though he sits before me,
Look closely, now, and maybe you’ll see.
That is not a man, but a diseased little shell,
His mind now is his own personal hell.
And though he stares back he doesn’t understand,
And though he is there he is no longer a man.
And those blue eyes, they are the worst,
Because they tell me of a man so kind who is now cursed.
His health is handicapped by what makes it ill,
It is a thing of pure evil and a very cruel will.
But the thing to remember is that it’s not really him,
You may have the stone but never the gem.
It’s hard to come to terms with, but he’s already dead,
Killed by the monsters that hide in his head.
And though it hurts, try not to cry,
For you can scream all you want but you’ll never know why.
Good things happen to those who are unkind,
And bad things happen to those who shined.
And though he shined he’s no longer a star,
He has made it this long but it was just too far.
And I am not sorry for wishing him peace,
That’s what he needs, to say the least.
And I wish he finds it with all of my heart,
No matter how deep inside it tears me apart.
For it’s hard to give up somebody you hold dear,
And though you care you can’t help but fear.
I know that I’m crying but it’s good for the soul,
I think it’s time that I finally let go.
Still holding his hand, I whisper, 'I love you.'
I still hold his hand though there’s nothing I can do.
He finally found peace in that place in the sky,
'Death isn’t forever, it is only goodbye.' "

Applaud rang out and I took a small, modest bow.
Oomph! I looked up to see what I ran into.
It was Ash.
"Nice poem, Liz." he said.
And then he walked away.
The only thing is before he left, I could have swore he was about to kiss me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you all for messages and subscriptions and I just posted the first chapter last night and this one this morning.Yay! I'm on a role!