Sequel: Sapphire.
Status: Whoever reported me, I want you to know that I am not mad. If you have any problem at all with my story, minor or major, instead of reporting it, send me a message and let me know. I will not get mad. Thank you!

You Know Something's Not Right When the Good Girl has been to Hell

Chapter Three: My monthly gift has arrived, and so has my roommate.

*One Week Later*

I walked into my three bedroom apartment (one for guests, one for storage.Hehe) and threw my keys on the table by the door.
After I threw my messager bag and purse down, I went and threw myself on the Couch of Heaven (extremely comfortable couch.Worthy of its name) and rolled around in pain and self misery.
I have nothing against Mother Nature herself but her timing is horrible.
I started during PE and ran to the bathroom. The couch is a guy of course and got mad at me for running and sent me to the office.
Thank goodness that the principal is a lady and understood but the couch is going to give me hell for the next week or so. Yippee!
As I sat there, craving salt and wishing my cramps away, a knock sounded on the door.
"Go away!Spontaneously combust!Go to the devil!I can make it happen!" I mumbled as I got up.
I opened the door, still holding my stomach.
Ash stood their grinning like an idiot.
Then he sniffed the air and his eyes turned red.
Uh oh.
"Ummm. Ash, I think you need to leave.You haven't ate today, have you?" (A/N:Ash and Lucifer as the rulers of Hell have to be strong enough to defeat werewolves and vampires in a display of dominance.Having to do so, they are half of both creatures and have to drink blood and eat raw meat once a day to remain strong.Thank you!)
I backed away slowly.
Ash's eyes turned a darker tint of red. Uh oh.
I think his predator has established the "me predator want to eat, you prey get eaten" phase.
What can hurt the Spawn of Satan? Ummmm. Think think think!
Wait! Lucifer told me if I screamed he would be able to hear and come right away!
One, two ,three."Ah.." A hand had covered my mouth.
I looked up into the hungry eyes of a smirking Ash.
He leaned down and did the exact opposite of what I thought.
Instead his lips connected with mine.
This was my second kiss.
My first was giving to him. Well, stolen really.


Little girl me was sitting in the library of my family's massive estate, a copy of Aesop's Fables in my small little hands.
With each of my movements, my dress rustled annoyingly about me. It was a fluffy pink contraption conducted to torture, I am sure of it!
I was so involved with the story of The Tortiouse and the Hare that I didn't hear the opening of the massive library door.
I wasn't even aware of a presence.
Then small arms, well they were large to me back then, wrapped themselves around me and I screeched.
"Ahhhhh!" I started to struggle against the hold about me.
"Settle down!'Tis only me!" I stopped my struggles at the soothing sound of Ash's voice.
"Well why didn't you say so!You scared me half to death!" I exclaimed.
I swear if it weren't unlady like I would beat him to a bloody pulp!
He chuckled. "I wanted to suprise you!"
"You did a good job of that!" I muttered.
His arms tightened their hold on me.
I turned and looked up at him questioningly.
Then his lips came down on mine.
It was a small peck, nothing to fret over but still it was my first kiss. A girl's first kiss is very special.
It wasn't that I didn't mind the kiss. It wasn't aweful (I didn't have much to go by so don't take my word for it) but it's what he did that night that made me dislike him.
That night he slept with the cook's daughter. My best friend.

*End Flashback*

I never cried over that. As my friend told me, "Never let them see you cry." I never cried over that.
I never will.
The kiss was getting more forceful, his tongue begging my bottom lip for entrance. Like that was gonna happen.
I struggled against his hold, kneed him where the sun don't shine and he still didn't let go.
If anything it turned him on even more. His little friend had got a little friendly when my knee hit it.
Ash growled against my lips.
Suddenly I was picked up off of my feet, our lips still connected (how he did it I still don't know).
I was suddenly placed on the fluffy surface of the Couch of Heaven. With him on top of me.
His lips, when he finally realized that I wasn't opening my lips, trailed down my jaw.
My skin crawled when I felt his fangs scrap my pale skin.
His lips and fangs were now at my throat, nibbling. I shivered.
Then I felt two small pinpricks of pain.
Then pleasure thrummed throughout my body.
I was on fire.
So sensitive.
So ...needy.
I knew that this was wrong, my mind screaming "STOP. RED ALERT RED ALERT."
A part of me listened and I forced my hands to my sides to keep from touching Ash.
That didn't mean his hands weren't stopping.
They grazed my breasts, and I bit my lip to keep from moaning.
Bad girl!Bad!
His hands started lower, toward my stomach.
If he went any lower I was going to scream.
"ASH!" Lucifer.Yes!I never thought I would be so happy to see the devil.
"Get off of her right now!" Lucifer commanded.
Ash just ignored him.
An unseen force ripped Ash from me, sending him flying into the wall.
My mouth decided to work then. "I'm not cleaning it!" I shouted and ran to the safety of my room.
I heard shouting in the other room.
After a minute of that the shouting ceased.
A knock sounded on my door.
"Yes?" I said.
"It's me Lucifer."
I went and unlocked the door.
"I am so sorry! I had no clue that he would do that.I knew that he hadn't ate but I didn't think he would jump you.Unless you were bleeding." He said.
I blushed a little.
"Ummm, about that.I am on my period."
Lucifer looked confused.
Don't tell me I have to explain! Please please please please?
He was still confused. Crap.
"When a human girl turns a certain age she starts bleeding..." Comprehension flashed across his face.
"Oh.Well, ummm.I'm sorry.If I had known I would have made him feed before we left."
"It's ok."
He looked at me with a mischevious glint in his eye.
"You will not hold a grudge against him I hope?"
"No." I asked, suspicious.
"Goood.He will being moving into the room next to yours today." he said, slowly backing toward the door and bolting when he finished the sentence.
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Hehe.They are moving in together after their little steamy episode. Comments? Subscriptions?