Sequel: Sapphire.
Status: Whoever reported me, I want you to know that I am not mad. If you have any problem at all with my story, minor or major, instead of reporting it, send me a message and let me know. I will not get mad. Thank you!

You Know Something's Not Right When the Good Girl has been to Hell

Chapter Five:This is what is mortal teenagers call Hell.

*Right after Lizzy Slaps Ash*

I made a dash to my room.
You can make it you can make it.
I didn’t make it.
His arm snaked around my waist, pulling me against him ( tingles in stomach region but nothing of importance.)
He tilted my head up so that I forced to meet his eyes.
We stood like that for a while: his arms around my waist, my back to his front, and staring in each others eyes.
Finally he broke eye contact.
He went to his room and slammed his door.
I cringed at the bang.
I sank to the floor, drained.
Why didn’t he hurt me?
Why did he just stared at my eyes?

“I will never let you fall,
I will stand up with you…”

It was an unknown number but I answered anyway.
“Hello Elizabeth. Is Ash ready for school?” Lucifer asked.
“Ash is going to school?”
“Yes. He didn’t tell you?”
“No but I’ll make sure he gets there.”
“Thanks. You better hurry though, it’s nine o’clock.”
“Nin…?Ahhh! I am so sorry! I have to go!”
He chuckled. “Bye Elizabeth.”

I poured my now soggy Lucky Charms over the balcony.
The cat that don’t exist will eat it.
I dashed to my room and put on the outfit that I choose the night before (choose outfit at night=more sleepy time= very happy Lizzy).
It was a baby blue tee with silver writing and a vest with faded jeans and white flip-flops.
I ran a brush through my rat’s nest that I call hair and brushed my teeth.
“Ash! Get up!” I shouted as I slung my backpack and my purse over each arm.
I didn’t get an answer.
I hurried to his room and knocked.
No answer.
I opened the door and peeked in.
Ash lay asleep on his stomach, his head facing me.
His mouth was open a little bit and his messy hair fell over his face.
It was so cute!
Then I realized something else.
He was shirtless! Yum!
Yes I know that I saw him in only his boxers not long ago but I was really trying to get over the fact that my virgin eyes had just been molested and did not really have time to check him out.
I was so into checking him out that I hadn’t realized that he was awake.
And watching me checking him out.
“You done?”
I jumped and then blushed, ducking my head.
“I ummm well I ummm was well ummm…”
He started to talk and I thought he had taking pity on me.
I guess not.
“I know I am fucking fine but damn girl. A virgin shouldn’t look at a guy like that. Makes them even better.”
I blushed (redder if at all possible)
“I just came down here to get you up for school.” It was mumbled but I knew that he would here it.
“Awww. I was so hoping you came for the view!” he pouted. So cute!
Bad Lizzy! Flick!
He leapt up from the bed ( Oh my goodness. ABDOMINALS!)
I distracted myself from his body (the amazing view) by looking around his room.
Vampire porn posters hung up on the walls (male and female).
Band posters hung up on the walls.
The Used.
Three Days Grace.
Avenged Sevenfold.
Escape the Fate.
My Chemical Romance.
There was one that didn’t fit in.
“Guns ‘n Roses? I didn’t peg you for the type.” (A/N: Nothing against them. I just needed an older band that didn’t fit in with newer ones. I swear my father tortured me with Sweet Child of Mine as a child.)
“What? They are kick ass.”
“Hey. I’m ready.”
“Let’s go. We’re already late.”
I locked the door and met Ash at the car.
A question popped up in my head. I knew he wasn’t in the mood for questions so I wouldn’t ask it.
“Why are you being sent to mortal school?”
It slipped?
“Dad thought I was fucking too much so he sent me to human school because I don’t find human girls appealing.”
The rest of the car ride was silent except for Like We Used To by A Rocket to the Moon playing through the speakers.
I saw the school in the distance.
“We’re here.” I said as I pulled into my assigned parking spot (so much more convenient than the ones in the movies!).
I led Ash to the office (Lucifer rigged it were we would have the same classes. I told you he hates me).
We walked silently to our next class, Algebra II.
The room became quiet when we opened the door.
Mr. McFall glanced up when we entered.
“Hello Lizzy. What is you name?” he directed at Ash.
“Ash Diavolo. I am new.”
Gasps chorused throughout the room.
Yeah, it took me a few decades for me to get used to his voice after he hit puberty too.
I slithered to my seat.
Well, tried too.
Girls glared at me with little green monsters whispering in their ears.
I pretended not to notice.
I slipped into my seat beside my gay best friend, Xavi.
I was about to say “hey” but he was staring, well drooling, at Ash.
When he finally turned to me he asked, “Who is he?”
I got some ‘splainin to do.
♠ ♠ ♠
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