Sequel: Sapphire.
Status: Whoever reported me, I want you to know that I am not mad. If you have any problem at all with my story, minor or major, instead of reporting it, send me a message and let me know. I will not get mad. Thank you!

You Know Something's Not Right When the Good Girl has been to Hell

Chapter Six: He will be the death of himself.

I blinked a couple of times.
How was I going to do this?
Work brain!
“He’s a… family friend.”
Keep going keep going.
“His father is busy with work and he has to stay with me for a while.”
His eyes narrowed suspiciously.
Then they returned to normal.
“Okey dokey. I got you something.”
I gave him a look like “Me? Present? Really?”
He grinned at my look.
I smiled happily.
“Well? What is it?”
I was basically jumping up and down in my desk.
He took out a small red bag from his backpack and my excitement grew.
What could it be?
He handed it to me, “Open it.”
I tore into it like a rabid rabbit (yes I know that I said rabbit.)
Oh my goodness.
The Freedom Writers Diary.
I have been wanting this book forever.
I lunged at Xavi.
“Ahhhhh!” Xavi shrieked.
I had him in a choke hold hug and yelling “thank you” in his ears.
“Get off of me! I ain’t straight!” he shouted.
The entire class busted out in laughter, even Mr. McFall was stifling a giggle (he’s kind of prissy).
“Ok. That’s quite enough Ms. Alexander and Mr. Écouter.” (he’s French.)
I looked up, finally realizing that we were in class and not alone.
“I am so sorry Mr. McFall! He just handed me the book I have wanted forever and I was so happy about it.” I gushed guiltily.
A new voice chimed in. “This is over a BOOK? A book? I literally thought he had proposed! I didn’t know how I was going to explain that to your father. Gah!”
Ash sounded freaked.
“Sorry. My dad should have warned you.” I apologized.
“Well he didn’t. I figured out he was gay and when I thought he proposed to you I about died thinking that I had made out with a dude who I thought was a girl!”
“YOU WHAT?!” Xavier (he’s only my Xavi when is being his cheerful gay self. Right now he is in Xavier mode. This is when he is actually serious.)
Ash actually backed up and he’s half lycan and vampire, THAT is just how scary Xavier is.
“Xavi, calm down. It wasn’t anything really.” I was trying to calm him down and Ash looked offended.
He could be offended all he wanted but I was trying to save his life so he could shut it.
Xavier turned cool eyes on me.
“Elizabeth Faith Alexander. Explain. NOW.”
Xavier came out full force.
“Well, we uh, made out a little.”
He narrowed his eyes.
“Did you want to do it?”
Uh. I can’t really tell him that Ash was hungry and attacked me.
It was…enjoyable.
In a creepy I’m about to be eaten kind of way.
Another fact about me that you need to know.
I am a terrible liar.
Always have been, always will be.
Whenever I lie a creepy smile (think of the creepy smile the Grinch from the cartoon version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas looks when he smiles. Like that.) and you automatically know that I am lying.
It’s either tell Xavier that I was unwilling and let Ash get killed.
Or lie and say that I was willing and hope he doesn’t see past my lie and kill Ash.
Decisions decisions.
Right before I was going to open my mouth and lie, Ash decided to open his mouth.
“I kissed her first without her consent.”
What in the HECK does he think he is doing?
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