Sequel: Sapphire.
Status: Whoever reported me, I want you to know that I am not mad. If you have any problem at all with my story, minor or major, instead of reporting it, send me a message and let me know. I will not get mad. Thank you!

You Know Something's Not Right When the Good Girl has been to Hell

Chapter Seven:One promise that I am too scared to break.

*Ash’s POV (Yay! Go Ashy go Ashy go!)*

When I said my name the mortal girls gaped at me like fishes.
I smirked and I swear they almost fainted.
I could get used to this if they weren’t so ugly (A/N: I do not think mortal girls are ugly. I am just saying Ash thinks that because he is used to vampire and werewolf girls and all of their ethereal beauty. Thank you!)
I felt an extra set of eyes on me, and they weren’t female.
I glanced around the room until I found the culprit.
It was a skinny boy, a scrawny little thing.
He had black hair with electric blue highlights.
He was kind of adorable in the I-want-to-use-you-as-a-teddy-bear kind of way.
His milk chocolate brown eyes checked me out.
For some reason I got tingles of excitement in my stomach.
Why was I feeling horny over a mortal?
It didn’t make any sense.
I shook my head at my thoughts but as I did I noticed that Lizzy had sat beside him and turned to speak to him but he was too busy checking me out.
She turned away and stared at her notepad for a second.
The Teddy Boy (I don’t know his name so I am calling him Teddy Boy.) followed my gaze and got Lizzy’s attention.
She glanced up at him, looking panicked.
That look wasn’t a good one on Lizzy and I didn’t like it.
If he hurt her…
I hadn’t realized I had let out a growl until I saw the expressions on the mortals’ faces.
Do I give a fuck?
I stomped (I was being childish but if he was hitting on her I would kill him.) to where Lizzy sat.
What am I feeling?
I have heard of it before.
But why?
I don’t even like Lizzy, do I?
I couldn’t be.
I didn’t realize that I had stopped in the middle of the aisle until I heard Mr. ummm? McCall? McFall? Mr. Whatever had cleared his throat.
I glanced up at him and nodded.
I don’t apologize to anyone, ever.
I heard a high pitched squeal and looked to the back where Lizzy was a few seconds ago.
Where is she?!
I was about to have a panic attack when I heard her screaming “thank you” in Teddy Boy’s ear.
Out of no where Teddy Boy shouted, “Get off of me! I ain’t straight!” and the room erupted in laughter.
I chuckled a little myself.
Hey, that was funny.
By now I was standing over them and saw what Lizzy had freaked over.
A book.
A bloody damn BOOK.
Then I caught a peculiar scent.
It was…neko?
I haven’t smelled one in a while and they were supposed to be extinct but I guess I was wrong.
Huh. No wonder Teddy Boy…I mean Kitty Boy seemed so huggable.
He’s neko.
Yay! I can feel attracted to him and not be weird! Yay!
“I am so sorry Mr. McFall! He just handed me the book I have wanted forever and I was so happy about it.” Lizzy said it so fast that if it weren’t for my super sensitive ears I might not have heard her.
“This is over a BOOK? A book? I literally thought he had proposed! I didn’t know how I was going to explain that to your father. Gah!” Now I the one talking fast.
“Sorry. My dad should have warned you.” Lizzy said meekly.
“Well he didn’t. I figured out he was gay and when I thought he proposed to you I about died thinking that I had made out with a dude who I thought was a girl!”
I added, again extremely fast.
Lizzy gave me another panicked look.
I wish she would stop doing that.
“YOU WHAT?!” Seems like the kitty has claws.
Lizzy gave me a “you better run for you life” look then tried to calm him down.
“Xavi, calm down. It wasn’t anything really.”
It hurt. It really did.
It was a major blow to my ego and masculinity.
I was hurt. Deeply.
Lizzy, will you kiss it better?
I didn’t say that out loud because she would have slapped me but it was a nice thought.
“Elizabeth Faith Alexander. Explain. NOW.”
She gulped.
“Well, we uh, made out a little.”
This Xavi dude narrowed his eyes at Lizzy.
Now I was a little scared.
“Did you want to do it?”
Uh oh.
I may not have seen her in forever but if nothing has changed then she is still a terrible liar.
We’re so screwed.
So I decided to be honest (you know how hard that is for me?).
“I kissed her first without her consent.”
The look Xavier (I figured out his name is actually Xavier on my own. I am SO smart) gave me made me actually fear for my life.
If he weren’t about to murder me where I stand I might actually like him for his over protectiveness of Lizzy.
I just had to fuck it up by opening my mouth didn’t I?
He glared at me for a minute or two then he smiled.
I sighed in relief.
Wait, smiled?
I glanced up at him, suspicious.
“You were honest with me. I thank you for that. Since you were honest, I am not going to beat your ass in the ground. Just don’t touch her again.”
“I won’t.”
And that was one promise that I was too scared to break.
I think I’ll keep it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Don't worry! Lizzy will be back soon. I just wanted to see how well I did it in Ash's POV. Let me know!
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