Status: Complete!

Just a Little Taste of Fame

Chapter 11: What A Rush

“Carlos slow down, you are acting like you haven’t eaten in days,” Stephanie said watching her boyfriend stuff his third plate of Asian food down his throat.

“I’m sorry, it’s just so good!”

“Jumping around on stage and a full stomach, I don’t think it’s a good combination,” Kendall warned, but Carlos kept eating.

Heather was laughing at the faces Carlos was making while he ate, she knew that it was wrong but she couldn’t help it. Kendall’s cell phone rang and she could hear Mrs. Knight on the other end of the line. He sighed, “Alright I hope she feels better before Friday night,” and he hung up.

“What’s wrong,” she asked.

“Katie has a stomach virus and it’s pretty bad.”

“Poor thing,” Camille said propping her hand under her chin.

Logan cleared his throat, “Let’s hope we don’t get it, that would be bad,” he looked around, “where are James and JC?”

“No telling, knowing them,” Kendall said rolling his eyes.

Heather kicked him from under the table, “They are having a DDR competition in the arcade.”

“Come on let’s go check it out,” Camille told them grabbing Logan’s arm.

Stephanie pulled Carlos from his plate and followed the others around to the arcade. Two steps in and they saw a bunch of people gathered around watching James and JC, “Wow, they’ve brought on a crowd!”

Three girls screamed and ran up to Kendall, Carlos and Logan, “Can we have your autographs?”

Camille, Stephanie and Heather bit down on their lips as the guys gave the girls their signatures, “I love this world,” Logan shouted.

Camille crossed her arms, “Don’t let your head swell.”

They made their way through the crowd, “How long has this been going on,” Carlos shouted over the music.

“I’ve won two games and he’s won two games, now we are on the tie breaker,” JC shouted not taking her eyes off the screen.

“TIRED YET,” James asked JC.


The music stopped and both JC and James fell onto the floor of the game looking at their scores calculate, “COME ON,” James said grabbing JC’s shoulders.

She closed her eyes, “YES, I beat you,” she herd James holler.

He helped her up on the floor mat “HAPPY NOW,” she laughed.

He smiled, “Yes!”

“Now come on we have a concert to practice for,” Kendall said grabbing the both of them.


JC, Heather, Camille, and Stephanie stood stage left front, and watched the boys dance and sing to their songs. They were going good until Carlos dropped the microphone and ran off stage. The music was cut and everyone was left confused. They ran to the back and found Gustavo, “Where is Carlos, we were in the middle of a song and he just ran off?”

Gustavo held his hand up, “Don’t worry, he’s on the can!”

Stephanie stomped her foot, “I told him not to eat all that Asian food!”

As soon as he came out of the bathroom he was pulled back out onto the stage and five minutes later, this time in between songs, the same thing happened again.

Griffin was getting upset and Gustavo was laughing, “This is funnier than satellite TV!”

“I can’t help my digestive system,” Carlos hollered pointing at his stomach, he bent down, “Ow, not again,” and ran off.

Finally after the fourth time to the bathroom, Carlos got himself settled and the next few ours of rehearsals went smoothly. JC started to get a headache so she went and laid out on the couch in the boys dressing room, it wasn‘t long until the other three girls followed.

Kendall, James, Logan and Carlos jumped off stage and went back stage to meet with everyone to see the finial plans, “So is everything great,” Kendall asked.

“Yes, now that everything is going smoothly, tomorrow be at the studio at seven, so we can get wardrobe finalized and please don’t be late,” Kelly said looking sternly at the boys.

“Got it,” they said in unison.

“BOYS,” Gustavo hollered, “Don’t ruin this,” he told them calming his voice down.

They nodded and walked off to their dressing rooms, were they found their ladies, “How you all didn’t get too bored,” Logan said to them.

“No we didn’t get bored, just tired,” they agreed.

James saw JC sleeping; he lifted her head and sat down hoping that he didn’t wake her up. She opened her eyes, “About time you are done.”

“You okay,” he asked stroking her hair out of her face.

She shook her head, “It started off as a headache, but now I’m not feeling so well, I think I am getting that stomach bug Katie has.”

James sighed, “I hope not.”


When they got back home JC was starting to feel worse, she went in to her sister’s room and checked on her, “Are you okay?”

Katie sat up, “I’m feeling better, you look pale, and how did rehearsals go?"

JC gave a little laugh, “I’m catching what you have but, I will be fine, and you missed it, Carlos got the runs while on stage!”

Katie laughed, “Why do I miss all the good things?”

“Get some rest, I need to do the same thing before mom finds out,” JC said.

Katie put her fingers up to her lips, “Shh, don’t let her find out, she’s been babying me all day!”

JC winked back at Katie, walked back into the living room and laid down on the couch. She had the feeling of throwing up, but she knew it wasn’t coming; it was going to put her through misery before doing that. James came downstairs and knelt down beside JC, “Come on let’s go to bed.”

She shook her head, “I think its best that I sleep down here until I am better, and we don’t need you getting sick just before the concert.”

“Come on, I don’t want to sleep alone.”

“I’m sorry James, I’m not letting you get sick,” she said twirling his hair around her fingers.

He frowned, “Okay, see you in the morning,” he kissed her on the cheek, “love you.”

“I love you too, oh and kissing can get you sick also, sooo…”

James stopped her, “I’m not going to stop kissing you, I don’t care if I get sick or not, I will tough it out.”

“Aw, is that how much you love me?”

He kissed her again, “Yes, now are you sure that you don’t want to come to bed?”

“You know I want to but, I’m scared I am going to puke at any moment,” she told him.

“Alright then since we don’t have to be at the studio until eleven, I am going to sleep down here,” he said running upstairs.

JC smacked her hand to her forehead, “He loves me what can I say,” she whispered with a small laugh.

She got comfortable and closed her eyes; she winced at the pain in her stomach. She herd James come back downstairs and cut the light out, “Night JC.”

She smiled through the pain, “Night babe.”

That night was a rough night for JC, she couldn’t sleep and she knew that she couldn’t go to the studio with the boys tomorrow, no matter how bad she wanted to go, she was stuck at home. She got off the couch and felt dizzy, almost falling in the floor; she caught herself on the counter, she didn’t know that getting water was going to be so hard. She got back to the couch and laid down finally getting to sleep.

The next morning Heather had a rude awakening, she ran off to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, she was coming down with the same virus that JC and Katie had.

“You are getting sick also, aren’t you,” Kendall asked coming into the bathroom.

“Yeah, I’m going back to lie down.”

“You need anything,” he asked her.

“No, I will be okay.”

Kendall went downstairs and found James in the recliner sleep, “Hey, come on lets get ready to go, we’re late,” he said shaking him awake.

James jumped out of the chair, “How are we late, it’s only ten!”

“I know that it takes you forever to get ready, now come on.”

Kendall went to get Carlos and Logan up out of bed then he got dressed himself. After he was decently dressed he went downstairs and to his mom’s room.

“Morning Kendall,” she said happily.

He smiled and sat down on the bed, “JC and Heather are sick and they are staying here while we go to the studio.”

“Oh not them too, I hope they are well before the show.”

“Me too, I know they aren’t going to miss it for anything,” he told his mom.

She laughed and hugged her son, “I’m so proud of you guys.”


After the boys left, Katie, JC and Heather sat in the living room floor watching television, “This sucks, my head hurts, my stomach is bothering me, urgh,” JC complained.

Mrs. Knight came into the room with a plate of hot soup, “Here you go girls, just relax and eat this, you will feel better.”

“Thanks,” they all said.

It wasn’t long before Camille and Stephanie busted through the door laughing and excited, “GUESS WHAT,” Camille screamed.


“I got a part in a new show on Nickelodeon!!!”

“Congratulations, what are you playing,” Heather asked.

“It hasn’t been titled yet, but I’m playing a failed scientist named Quinn,” She told them while jumping up and down.

“Cool, I’m glad you got the part,” JC said hugging her.

“Are you feeling better,” Stephanie asked.

“Yes I am, but now Heather is sick,” JC answered.

“UH, don’t remind me,” Heather said holding her stomach.

Camille pulled her script out, “Logan needs to hurry up and get back so I can practice my lines with him.”

JC and Heather took the script from her and looked through it, “Wow this Zoey chick sounds like a prep,” Heather said.

JC started to giggle, “I would be this Lola character, she seems funny!”

Camille laughed, “Okay you two give the script back.”


It was about five when James, Carlos, Logan and Kendall stepped through the apartment door, “I thought you two were sick,” Kendall said kissing Heather on the head.

“We are, but it’s getting better,” JC said before kissing James.

Camille stood up and slapped Logan, “WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME, LEAVE ME WITHOUT TELLING ME AND THEN RUN OFF WITH HER,” she hollered and pointed at Stephanie.

She started crying and then ran out the door leaving Logan with a confused look on his face. Logan ran off after her, “I didn’t do anything, Camille come out of there!”

The boys looked confused and the girls started laughing, “Did we miss something,” Kendall asked.

“Camille landed an acting roll and she is practicing, just like old times,” Heather told him.

“Oh wow!”

Logan ran into Camille’s room and saw her crying on the bed, he walked over and sat on the edge, “Camille what are you talking about, stop crying I don’t like to see you like this?”

She whipped her eyes of her running make-up and started to laugh, “Got cha!”

Logan let out a breath of relief, “Don’t scare me like that,” he said taking her into his arms.

“Sorry, I was just practicing for the show that I got a roll in.”

He hugged her again, “What are you playing in? What character? I am so happy for you, this is so great!”

Camille calmed him down and answered all of his questions. They spent time talking and then Camille had an idea put into her head, “Wait, if JC, Katie, and Heather are here, then why can’t I get them to be in the show with me? What do you think they will say to that?”

Logan shook his head, “I don’t know all I can say is ask them.”

They ran back next door and Camille stopped in the middle of the room catching her breath, “What’s wrong,” JC asked.

She looked at Katie, JC and Heather, “Will you three come with me tomorrow, if you want to you can audition for the other characters that need placing?”

Mrs. Knight walked into the room, “You know girls, and it’s worth a shot!”

Katie, JC, and Heather looked at each other and to the guys, “She’s right,” James said.
“Okay I’m in, what about you two,” JC asked.

Heather and Katie smiled, “You know it!”

“This is happening all too fast,” Kendall said hugging Heather.


The next day while Carlos was with Stephanie, Logan, Camille, Heather, Kendall, Mrs. Knight, James and JC were sitting in a white room where people filled in, hoping to get a part. Katie came out of the casting room with a smile on her face, “That was super easy!”

A lady with a white business suit on walked out from the same door that Katie came from, “Mrs. Weber, you ready? Camille we will need you also.”

JC’s heart gave a huge thump and she looked at James, “You will do just fine!”
“Thanks,” she said and joined Camille in the room with the lady in white.

The man behind the desk gave her a script, “Can you read for Lola and Camille you know what to do, scene one with you three.”

JC’s eyes got wide, “Sure.”

In the room was a blonde haired girl, she must have been going for the part of Zoey, and she looked oddly familiar to JC, which seemed strange.

JC looked at the script laughing at the name James, she started off first:

Scene 1- Room 101, Morning

(Zoey, Lola and Quinn are getting ready for school)

LOLA-“So, Zoe, do you have plans with James tonight?”

ZOEY-“No, why do you ask?”

LOLA-“No reason.” (thinks for a moment) “Hey, I just realized you haven't had a proper date with James yet!”

ZOEY-“Hey, you're right!”

QUINN-“Well, why haven't you?”

ZOEY-“I don't know. I guess we've always been too busy to have a date.”

LOLA-“Well, why don't you guys go to Sushi Roxs tonight?”

ZOEY-“Sure, I'll talk to James in Media.”

QUINN-“Great! (checks watch) Shoot! We have to go!”
(The three run out the door)

To JC; doing what the script says was the funniest part, all three girls trying to fit through the door at the same time. She came out of character and laid the script back on the desk of the man, “Thank you, you will get a call about seven with the news of the part.”

“Thank you,” she said and she and Camille walked out of the door.

“How did it go,” Heather, Kendall and James said at the same time.

“Great, I liked it, now Heather it’s your turn!"

Heather walked in when her name was called, “Will you mind reading the part of Abby Wilde.”

“No problem!”

Heather read her script along with the same blonde haired girl that JC and Camille did. In the end she felt that she did great and she hoped that she had gotten the part. She walked into the waiting room, “So,” JC and Camille asked.

“Katie’s right that was easy!”

~7 pm~

Everyone was in the living room awaiting their calls, cell phones were in the floor and the nerves were crawling. Carlos and Stephanie walked through the door, “Did you get your parts yet?”

“Still waiting for the call, I wish they would hurry up,” JC said grabbing her hair.

“Stay calm, there is a chance that you got the part or not,” Camille told the girls.

James held JC, he could feel her shaking, “You are shaking a lot.”

JC turned back to him, “You would be too if you were in this situation.”

Kendall cleared his throat, “We sort of was in this situation when we first met Gustavo and look how things turned out.”

Heathers cell phone rang and there was a pause, no one could hear what they were saying on the other end, “Thank you,” she said and hung up the phone.


She hung her head down and Mrs. Knight said, “Maybe next time dear.”


The girls started screaming and JC’s cell phone started ringing, she crossed her fingers and answered it, “Mrs. Weber, you have the part!”

“AH, THANK YOU,” she said and when she hung up she started screaming, “OH MY GOD!”

The boys looked at each other, “she got it!"

James grabbed her and kissed her, “Told you!”

Next was Katie, her mom crossed her fingers as she answered the phone. There was a long silence and Katie slammed her phone down and got up, “I got the part,” she said over and over while dancing around the room.

Everyone was happy and joined in the celebrations, “So I guess we aren’t the only ones that are on their way to fame,” Kendall said.

They all looked from one another, “Nope!”

“Weren’t you three sick,” Carlos asked.

“Key word, were,” Katie laughed.


Friday night came around and that meant the concert was coming up in a matter of hours. The four girls, along with Katie, got out of the limo first, sunglasses on and pocketbooks in hand. Fans were gathered everywhere screaming for ‘Big Time Rush’. Halfway up the walk the girls turned and saw the guys signing autographs. Everywhere in the crowd of screaming fan girls; signs were held up saying different things, “Wow it looks like a Jonas Brother concert,” JC said loudly so the other girls could hear her.

They pulled out their back stage passes and showed them to the guard Freight Train, “I know you girls, you don’t have to show me them,” he said letting the through the door.

“Thanks Freight Train!”

The boys walked in behind the girls and one of the stage producers came running up to them, “Have you seen or talked to Gustavo, Kelly and Griffin?”

“No, why?”

“They were supposed to be here an hour ago and they aren’t showing up.”

Mrs. Knight showed up through the other back stage entrance, “Mom, can you get us to the studio as fast as possible, we will explain on the way,” Kendall asked.

“Sure, come on.”

“Girls you stay here and mind things, we are going to see what is going on,” Kendall told them.

They agreed and went into the boys dressing rooms until they got back.


In less than fifteen minutes Mrs. Knight had gotten the boys back to the studio where they hoped to find Kelly, Gustavo and Griffin, “James you and Logan take the first floor while Carlos and I take the second floor,” Kendall planned.

They split up and went the opposite ways, James and Logan ran around like chickens with their heads cut off but didn’t find anything until Logan got a call from Carlos on his cell phone, “You have go to see this hurry up to the second floor NOW!”

James and Logan took off and saw Kendall and Carlos standing in front of a locked closet, “How did they get in there?”

Kendall opened the door and all three of them fell out for the fresh air, “We were pushed in there, but we don’t know by whom?”

“You boys are going to be, we need to hurry up and get out of here,” Gustavo said rolling up off the floor.

“Why didn’t you just call us and tell us where you where,” James asked.

“Our phones were stolen, but we still don’t know by whom,” Kelly said straightening her blouse.


Everyone turned around and saw a beach blonde haired girl in a white dress, “Mercedes, but why,” Griffin asked.

The boys had only met her once, she was a little older than them and a stuck up brat, other wise known as Griffin’s daughter.

She stomped her foot, “Because you were so worried about your precious boy band all this week you forgot my Eighteenth birthday, so I got revenge, thinking you would miss your first big concert!”

Gustavo and Kelly moved to the other side of the boys just in case Mercedes tried to do anything else, “I know that daddy has been busy this week, it’s a very important week for the company, I guess I got wrapped up in a lot of things, I’m sorry, please forgive me,” Griffin said with his hands on his daughters shoulders.

She rolled her eyes, “Okay, so what did you get me for my birthday?”

“There is a red Porsche waiting for you at home, now go.”

She reached up and kissed Griffin’s cheek, “Aw thank you daddy, and sorry about almost ruining the show!”

Mercedes ran out of the building and the boys turned to Griffin with their mouths almost hitting the floor, “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?”

“COME ON NO TIME, WE HAVE A CONCERT TO DO,” Gustavo hollered and ran down the hallway towards Mrs. Knight’s car.

“About time now COME ON,” she said rolling down the window.


The girls jumped at the boys bursting through the door, “what happened,” they asked.
“Long story short, Griffin’s daughter got mad and jealous and she locked them in a closet,” Carlos explained stripping off his shirt and grabbing his clothes off the rack.

“Wow, let us get out of here before you start stripping everything off,” Heather said and they got out of the room.

The boys came out of their dressing rooms looking very stylish, “So what do you think,” James asked JC.

“I love it, I want you to go out their tonight and give it your all, do great for me because we are going to be sitting front side with Gustavo, Kelly, Griffin, and the others.”

The girls exchanged hugs with the guys and they left out with Gustavo, Katie, Mrs. Knight, Kelly, and Griffin. Once at their seats Gustavo walked up on stage and introduced the boys. The lights brightened and they jumped out on stage. The crowd went wild as the music started, every time James or Carlos did a flip across the stage JC would freak until she saw them land on their feet. Song after song the girls would scream for them and every now and again they would catch the boys glancing over at them, it made them happy to see them performing and do what they do best.


Two hours later, all songs were sung and the boys returned backstage, “BOYS,” Gustavo hollered, “THE CONCERT WAS… A SUCCESS, I am very proud of you.”

The boys looked at each other and they jumped on Gustavo all at one time, hugging him, “Okay, that’s enough,” he said.

When the girls pried them off Gustavo, Kelly whispered into his ear.

“Alright I will tell them.”

“Tell us what,” Carlos asked.

Gustavo stood up taller and took a deep breath, “There is a three month tour for you guys starting in January.”

Everyone screamed, “Are you freaking serious,” JC hollered and she was hugged in between James and Kendall.

Carlos grabbed Stephanie and spun her around, “Man this is great!”

The limo ride was quiet, after the best night ever everyone was tired, they had been through so much to get where they were and finally it had happened. JC was half sleep on James’s shoulder when her cell phone rang, “Hello?”

“Hi, this is Jamie, I play Zoey and I was wondering if you, Heather, Katie and Camille would want to get together tomorrow if you aren’t busy?”

“Hold on and I will ask,” JC told Jamie.

“Girls do you want to hang with ‘Zoey' tomorrow?”

They looked at each other, “Sure.”

JC got back on her cell phone, “We will see you tomorrow then.”

When she hung up Camille’s stopped talking to Logan and starred at JC wide eyed, “WE ARE HANGING WITH JAMIE LYNN SPEARS TOMORROW!”


The guys all turned heads, “HOLY CRAP!”

“I know right,” Heather said.

JC lay back in James arms and he kissed her, “I can get used to this being famous deal!”

Kendall slapped her in the forehead, “Don’t let it swell your head now little sis, we didn’t let it swell our heads!”

She slapped him back, “I’m not little!”

James held her arms back, “Yes you are, in the short way at least.”

“Hey, that’s not funny!”

They arrived at the Palm Woods and got out of the Limousine, one by one the guys put their arms around the girls, “Well home finally.”

Camille nodded at Stephanie, Heather and JC, it wasn’t planned but they knew what it meant, “Guys, there’s only one thing left to do,” JC said.

“And what is that,” Logan asked.

Each of the girls pushed the guys into the Palm Woods pool, “Try and catch us now!”

Kendall, turned to James, who looked at Carlos and he turned to Logan, “And it all starts again,” Logan said.

They all got out of the pool and ran after the girls, no matter where their singing took them; they would let it get between them and their girlfriends.

♠ ♠ ♠
~*~*~*~*~I had a lot of fun writing this story and i hope my readers enjoy it. I am putting thought into making a sequel, but i am not sure just yet. I thought it would be ironic to let Camille audition for the character of Quinn in Zoey 101 since the actress really did play Quinn. Thanks for the comments!!!~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~