Status: finished.

Count 'Em One, Two, Three.

Let's make it happen all night.

John’s POV

It was 11 at night.

A gorgeous, warm, summer night.

Perfect for partying.

I walked down the empty street as quiet as I could.

When I arrived at Casey’s house, I ran around back and glanced up at her window.

Great. The lights were out. She was sleeping.

This was the third time this week that I wanted to go out, only to find her sleeping.

The third time this week that it didn’t matter, and I’d be waking her up anyway.

I grabbed some pebbles from the ground and began to throw them at her window.

Cliché, I know. But hey, it always seems to work.

And it did. Within a minute Casey opened her window.

She threw down her blanket to let me inside.

Once inside she glared at me.

“John. What the hell are you doing here at this hour, again!?”

She always looked so cute when she got mad.

I smiled, “Relax Case. I just want to go out, and I thought it’d bring you along.”

She sighed.

“John this is the third time this week! Count ‘Em One, Two, Three! Thursday night, Friday
night, and now!”

I pouted.

“Please Case? It’s so beautiful outside. Perfect for a summer bonfire…”

Hook, line, and sinker.

She gave me one last look before walking to her closet.

“Fine. But this is the last time. Next time you throw pebbles at my window this late, I’m
throwing boulders back down.”

“Mhm, whatever you say Casey Parker.”

She turned around.

“Don’t think I won’t, John O’Callaghan.”

She smirked and went to the bathroom to change.

I sat on her bed to wait.

Casey and I have been friends for as long as I can remember.

But I’ve always wanted more.

I never made any moves because honestly, I was scared.

I didn’t want to ruin everything that I had with her.

I’d rather suffer and not have her love me, than suffer and not even be able to look at her.

I just wanted her to let me in to show her what I could be. What we could be.

Before I knew it, Casey was out of the bathroom and dressed in a tank and shorts.

She’s the only girl I knew who could make such a simple look so glamorous.

Hell, she could wear a paper bag, and it’d look like it came straight out of a designer
fashion magazine.

Her voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

“Well John, are you ready or what?”

I smiled and got up, giving her my arm.

“After you, m’lady.”

She smiled and we slid down the blanket out the window.

When we started walking she spoke up.

“So where’s the bonfire?”

“My house.”

She gave me a confused look.

“Wait. The bonfire is at YOUR house. And you came all the way here to get me, just to have
to go all the way back?”

I nodded. Why not? I love you. I didn’t say that out loud right?

“Sure. You’re my best friend.”

Close one. I said THAT out loud.

The thing about Casey is that she drives me crazy. It’s hard not to just let everything go
around her. She’s amazing.

Within minutes, we arrived at my house.

Music was blaring and there were crowds of people all over the back yard.

People were dancing, drinking, talking, and making out.

Casey stopped and looked at me.

“Hey O’Callaghan, get me a drink?”

I smiled.

“Of course.”

I returned with two drinks, one for her, the other for me.

We just leaned against my house talking and laughing.

“Hey, John?”

She whispered as she studied her feet.

“Yeah Case?”

“You want to…dance?”

I smiled. This was it. Maybe I’d finally let Casey know how I truly felt about her.

I grabbed her hand and walked to where everyone else was dancing.

The song playing was some hip hop dance song, that I would only dance to, but never really
listen to.

Over time, she moved in closer and closer, making my pulse race like never before.

The things this girl did to me…

We were getting so close, I could almost taste her.

After fifteen minutes, I was tired as hell.

“God Case, for someone who was sleeping an hour ago, you sure are holding strong.
You’re draining the life out of me.”

But I’d never admit that I loved the feeling.

She laughed.

“Well John, you wanted me to stay up, so now I’m getting down.” She smirked, before she
spoke again.

“You always told that sleep’s just--“

“Time spent wasting time. Yeah, I know.” I smiled.

We kept dancing in these outrageous ways, but with Casey it all felt so right.

I’ve never done anything like this before.

Suddenly it all slowed down.

A slow song came on.

A few couples left to go get drinks, while some remained to dance.

I didn’t want to make Casey dance if she didn’t want to.

Just as I was about to walk away, she grabbed my hand.

“Let’s dance. You don’t mind, do you?”

As I gazed into her crystal blue eyes, I couldn’t resist.

“Not at all. Whatever you want.”

As she placed her arms around my neck, I placed my hands on her hips, finally placing
them where they have desired to be for so long.

They felt like they were supposed to be there.

I laughed, and Casey threw me one of her contagious looks.

“What? Did I do something funny?”

“Nope. You look beautiful tonight, by the way.”

She blushed.

“Thank you. You look handsome too.”

I couldn’t take it anymore, the moment was too perfect.

“Hey Case, there’s something I want to try.”

“Go for it, John.”

I took a deep breath and leaned in.

She stared into my eyes, and then placed her attention on my lips.

I took that as an okay.

When our lips connected, the sparks were incredible.

If anyone ever tells you sparks don’t exist, they’re lying.

The best part was she kissed back.

When we broke apart, I just smiled.

I didn’t even care how stupid I looked.

Nothing else mattered now, because I just kissed the girl of my dreams.

She smiled. And what she said next shocked me.

“I love you, John.”

“I love you too, Casey. I have for awhile.”

We just stared at each other, enjoying the moment.

“Now, listen. I really care about you Casey. I don’t want to rush this. I want to slow it down so

I can remember every single moment I share with you.”

This time, she leaned in and kissed me.

“John, you’re perfect. And you’re right. Let’s make this last forever. I love you.”

The song ended and everyone who seemed to be watching us, started cheering.

Even with all the chatter, it was like Casey and I were the only people in the world.

We laughed and I grabbed her hand.

“Come on Case, I’ll walk you home.”

So we walked back to her house, hands swaying the whole time.

When we got back to her window, I hugged her tightly and placed my head on top of hers.

“You’re amazing. Sweet dreams, I’ll see you tomorrow. Love you.” I turned to walk away, and
she yanked my arm back.

“John, I think you forgot something.”

I didn’t understand.

“What do you mean?”

She laughed. “You only kissed me twice, silly.”

“Count ‘Em One, Two--“

I silenced her with my lips, and smiled into the kiss before placing my forehead on hers
and whispering, “Three.”

And it feels oh, so good.